Born a Homo? Part II.

Why do we have tolerence for one form of homosexuality and not the other? Lesbians and bisexual women are "hot" these days. (Most) men love seeing two women together. Why the double standard for men, then? Do straight men feel that threatened by gay men?
wade said:
I personally find what homosexuals do to be repulsive. That is not important however - what is important is their rights to live their lives as they choose and not to be penalized for their choices in how to excercise their freedoms.

They aren't being penalized, they are being held to the EXACT same standards as every other male or female in the US. Funny how such a simple concept escapes you.
Intrepid said:
Why do we have tolerence for one form of homosexuality and not the other? Lesbians and bisexual women are "hot" these days. (Most) men love seeing two women together. Why the double standard for men, then? Do straight men feel that threatened by gay men?

It's because of MARRIAGE. I am not as offended by seeing 2 women together, but I am equally against them being allowed to 'marry' as I am 2 men marrying.
Said1 said:
Mental disorder, meaning that homos are born that way right?

Of course they can be born that way. Many, many people are born with birth defects. Most get them corrected, some don't. Practicing queers choose to live with their birth defect with full knowledge of it being wrong and completely against nature. That's part of what makes is so damn disgusting. They do it "willingly".
Pale Rider said:
Of course they can be born that way. Many, many people are born with birth defects. Most get them corrected, some don't. Practicing queers choose to live with their birth defect with full knowledge of it being wrong and completely against nature. That's part of what makes is so damn disgusting. They do it "willingly".

So how do "correct" being attracted to people of the same sex? Not participating in a gay llife style does not correct the "abnormality", in fact I would doubt many are successful at living that facade.
Said1 said:
So how do "correct" being attracted to people of the same sex? Not participating in a gay llife style does not correct the "abnormality", in fact I would doubt many are successful at living that facade.

I don't know. I'm not a doctor or psychiatrist. But recently, more and more attention is being given to a group of "prior" homosexuals that seeked help and have been cured.

Perhaps somewhere like this would be a good start for a homosexual...
by Ben Newman

Is change really possible? Absolutely! We testify from our own personal experience that we have experienced profound change in our sexual identity, behavior, interests and desires -- change that has brought us great peace and satisfaction. (See: About Us: Our Stories)

In sharing our experience, we are not necessarily suggesting that everyone can change. Nor are we saying that everyone should try to change. We are only sharing our own experience, about what was right for us and what worked for us. We have no desire to try to convince people who are happy living a gay life that they should be dissatisfied. If "gay" works for them, great. We are not suggesting that those who embrace and accept a gay identity and choose to live as homosexuals are sick, or wrong, or somehow "less than" others. They are as deserving of respect as we are.

Homosexuality just wasn't right for us. It conflicted with our deeply held beliefs, our life goals, and our intrinsic sense of our true, authentic selves.

And so we pursued change -- and ultimately found that by facing and addressing deep emotional wounds, fears and other root problems, our homosexual desires started to diminish and then to disappear, while heterosexual feelings began to emerge and increase. True, we found the journey was often difficult and frightening, but the destination has brought us immeasurable peace and joy. In fact, if there is one consistency in the scores of published testimonials by those who have succeeded at change, it is their universal claim that their lives are better now.
Said1 said:
And furthermore, why all debate about gay people being born that way, if they are?

I think probably because queers can either be born that way, OR make a choice to be queer. Both. Thus a lively debate ensues on the matter.
Pale Rider said:
I don't know. I'm not a doctor or psychiatrist. But recently, more and more attention is being given to a group of "prior" homosexuals that seeked help and have been cured.

Perhaps somewhere like this would be a good start for a homosexual...

I don't buy that. It would be like me joining a group that would help me be attracted to women.
Said1 said:
I don't buy that. It would be like me joining a group that would help me be attracted to women.

Then you argue that you wouldn't want someone to "make" you ill. The other is for a "cure".

So I don't understand what could be your reasoning.
Said1 said:
What don't you understand? A gay person trying not to be gay is like me trying to be gay.

I have to ask you the same thing.... WHAT?

People that are queer are SICK IN THE HEAD. So it's a sick person seeking help to be cured. The idea you are putting forth, is for a "well" person looking to become "sick".

You have to understand, there are a lot of queers that don't LIKE being queer. They WANT to be NORMAL. Clearly, if a queer makes a conscious choice to be queer, then helping them is out of the question. They want to be and act sick with full knowledge that they are ill.
Pale Rider said:
I have to ask you the same thing.... WHAT?

People that are queer are SICK IN THE HEAD. So it's a sick person seeking help to be cured. The idea you are putting forth, is for a "well" person looking to become "sick".

I was making a comparison. If a person is born gay, they will always be gay, even if they try to fool themselves into thinking this is not the case by joining a group who will help "heal" them. A gay person will not change, they will deny their true sexual orientation to themselves.
Said1 said:
I was making a comparison. If a person is born gay, they will always be gay, even if they try to fool themselves into thinking this is not the case by joining a group who will help "heal" them. A gay person will not change, they will deny their true sexual orientation to themselves.

Well... if that's what you believe then so be it. But I don't believe that. I've been hearing about this group of "healed" homosexuals that have gone as far as putting up billboards for other homosexuals to see, so that they will know there are others that have been successfully helped. But the queers community is doing everything they can to shut them up. Because they shouted the psychiatric community into submission years ago, and they've been pushing their sick agenda hard, so this new hope for queers to be cured is a major set back for them. They don't want "their own kind" to know there's hope, and I think that's REAL BAD.
Pale Rider said:
Well... if that's what you believe then so be it. But I don't believe that. I've been hearing about this group of "healed" homosexuals that have gone as far as putting up billboards for other homosexuals to see, so that they will know there are others that have been successfully helped. But the queers community is doing everything they can to shut them up. Because they shouted the psychiatric community into submission years ago, and they've been pushing their sick agenda hard, so this new hope for queers to be cured is a major set back for them. They don't want "their own kind" to know there's hope, and I think that's REAL BAD.

I've heard of these groups myself, and there are many men who went back to living a gay life style after they thought they were saved.

I guess we could go back and forth about this all night, but as long as we agree they are born that way, we can end there. :D
Pale Rider said:
I have to ask you the same thing.... WHAT?

People that are queer are SICK IN THE HEAD. So it's a sick person seeking help to be cured. The idea you are putting forth, is for a "well" person looking to become "sick".
If you just said you're not a doctor or psychaitrist, how can you make that claim?
jimnyc said:
Then they should do the same as other married couples, marry someone of the opposite sex. Case closed.

The only thing closed here Jimmy is your mind.
jimnyc said:
They aren't being penalized, they are being held to the EXACT same standards as every other male or female in the US. Funny how such a simple concept escapes you.

Your "concept" does not escape me Jimmy, it is just that it is clear to me it is rooted in your personal feelings on the subject and not on logic and a basic belief in freedom and fairness.

Either gays should be able to extend their work benefits to their partners (a partner with whome they have a formal contract) or work benefits should not extend to wives/husbands. Either is fair. What is not fair is denying such benefits to gays while making them support such benefits at expense to themselves.

Just to answer the obvious next statement from you - how do they support such benefits - the single person pays a higher relative amount for health coverage than the married person, and even private insurance reflects the costs of having to cover new spouses with pre-existing medical problems.

Pale Rider said:
I don't know. I'm not a doctor or psychiatrist. But recently, more and more attention is being given to a group of "prior" homosexuals that seeked help and have been cured.

Perhaps somewhere like this would be a good start for a homosexual...

The empircal evidence from study of mamals indicates that about 1-2% of the population is "born gay". This leaves the remaining 2-5% of population who are gay, and for these individuals, it is a "choice" (well, at least it is not congenital).

For the non-congenital gays, a "cure" is probably possible. But that does not mean that a "cure" is possible for all gays.


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