Border Patrol arrests 376 who dug under barrier in Arizona


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
Border Patrol arrests 376 who dug under barrier in Arizona
SAN LUIS, Ariz. (AP) — A group of 376 Central Americans was arrested in southwest Arizona, the vast majority of the families who dug short, shallow holes under a barrier to cross the border, authorities said Friday.

The group dug under a steel barrier in seven spots about 10 miles (16 kilometers) east of a border crossing in San Luis and made no effort to elude immigration agents. They included 176 children.

Border Patrol arrests 376 who dug under barrier in Arizona

This only proves that our immigration laws have to be enforced and the incentives, magnets that bring them here,...catch and release....changes they will come over a wall, under a wall or around a wall. Walls will not stop them. More patrol agents and K9 to stop them before they get in. And they are using children. They know once they are on US soil they can stay and we the taxpayers will take care of them. Trump is our only hope to stop this nightmare.
Why does Mexico let hordes of folks bull-rush a hole in the fence? They allow it to happen daily. They only stop the ones they want to keep?
Border Patrol arrests 376 who dug under barrier in Arizona
SAN LUIS, Ariz. (AP) — A group of 376 Central Americans was arrested in southwest Arizona, the vast majority of the families who dug short, shallow holes under a barrier to cross the border, authorities said Friday.

The group dug under a steel barrier in seven spots about 10 miles (16 kilometers) east of a border crossing in San Luis and made no effort to elude immigration agents. They included 176 children.

Border Patrol arrests 376 who dug under barrier in Arizona

This only proves that our immigration laws have to be enforced and the incentives, magnets that bring them here,...catch and release....changes they will come over a wall, under a wall or around a wall. Walls will not stop them. More patrol agents and K9 to stop them before they get in. And they are using children. They know once they are on US soil they can stay and we the taxpayers will take care of them. Trump is our only hope to stop this nightmare.

That's a hell of a lot of people to arrest. You can bet it was a very lucrative business for some to help people cross into America illegally. Insane.
Trump is gonna build that wall

Mexico is gonna pay for that wall

Illegals are gonna tunnel under that wall

sounds like a plan :abgg2q.jpg:
Why does Mexico let hordes of folks bull-rush a hole in the fence? They allow it to happen daily. They only stop the ones they want to keep?
----------------------------- mexico is the Enemy same as the 'bush familia' as they have allowed the invasion since 1986 and the 'reagan - bush' amnesty OYeller .
Border Patrol arrests 376 who dug under barrier in Arizona
SAN LUIS, Ariz. (AP) — A group of 376 Central Americans was arrested in southwest Arizona, the vast majority of the families who dug short, shallow holes under a barrier to cross the border, authorities said Friday.

The group dug under a steel barrier in seven spots about 10 miles (16 kilometers) east of a border crossing in San Luis and made no effort to elude immigration agents. They included 176 children.

Border Patrol arrests 376 who dug under barrier in Arizona

This only proves that our immigration laws have to be enforced and the incentives, magnets that bring them here,...catch and release....changes they will come over a wall, under a wall or around a wall. Walls will not stop them. More patrol agents and K9 to stop them before they get in. And they are using children. They know once they are on US soil they can stay and we the taxpayers will take care of them. Trump is our only hope to stop this nightmare.
How terrible Trump had them arrested. Crime against humanity!
Border Patrol arrests 376 who dug under barrier in Arizona
SAN LUIS, Ariz. (AP) — A group of 376 Central Americans was arrested in southwest Arizona, the vast majority of the families who dug short, shallow holes under a barrier to cross the border, authorities said Friday.

The group dug under a steel barrier in seven spots about 10 miles (16 kilometers) east of a border crossing in San Luis and made no effort to elude immigration agents. They included 176 children.

Border Patrol arrests 376 who dug under barrier in Arizona

This only proves that our immigration laws have to be enforced and the incentives, magnets that bring them here,...catch and release....changes they will come over a wall, under a wall or around a wall. Walls will not stop them. More patrol agents and K9 to stop them before they get in. And they are using children. They know once they are on US soil they can stay and we the taxpayers will take care of them. Trump is our only hope to stop this nightmare.
Wait wait wait....

You mean there was a wall and it didn't stop them?

Border Patrol arrests 376 who dug under barrier in Arizona
SAN LUIS, Ariz. (AP) — A group of 376 Central Americans was arrested in southwest Arizona, the vast majority of the families who dug short, shallow holes under a barrier to cross the border, authorities said Friday.

The group dug under a steel barrier in seven spots about 10 miles (16 kilometers) east of a border crossing in San Luis and made no effort to elude immigration agents. They included 176 children.

Border Patrol arrests 376 who dug under barrier in Arizona

This only proves that our immigration laws have to be enforced and the incentives, magnets that bring them here,...catch and release....changes they will come over a wall, under a wall or around a wall. Walls will not stop them. More patrol agents and K9 to stop them before they get in. And they are using children. They know once they are on US soil they can stay and we the taxpayers will take care of them. Trump is our only hope to stop this nightmare.

This is why we are winning. How long can the Democrats stand to lose 376 voters at a whack?
Border Patrol arrests 376 who dug under barrier in Arizona
SAN LUIS, Ariz. (AP) — A group of 376 Central Americans was arrested in southwest Arizona, the vast majority of the families who dug short, shallow holes under a barrier to cross the border, authorities said Friday.

The group dug under a steel barrier in seven spots about 10 miles (16 kilometers) east of a border crossing in San Luis and made no effort to elude immigration agents. They included 176 children.

Border Patrol arrests 376 who dug under barrier in Arizona

This only proves that our immigration laws have to be enforced and the incentives, magnets that bring them here,...catch and release....changes they will come over a wall, under a wall or around a wall. Walls will not stop them. More patrol agents and K9 to stop them before they get in. And they are using children. They know once they are on US soil they can stay and we the taxpayers will take care of them. Trump is our only hope to stop this nightmare.
Wait wait wait....

You mean there was a wall and it didn't stop them?

------------------------------------------ just as Israel has a wall to exclude enemies they are always working on stopping Enemy tunnels with new innovations Crep . The TRUMP Wall makes very good sense for the USA but the work will never be totally done as new ideas are incorporated into the Original WALL Work Crep .
Trump is gonna build that wall

Mexico is gonna pay for that wall

Illegals are gonna tunnel under that wall

sounds like a plan :abgg2q.jpg:
It is a plan. building the wall is not enough and that is not what Trump is saying. He is saying border security with more agents and enforcing our immigration laws will stop them from coming. Plus shit like automatic birthright citizenship, but no one is listening between the lines. Narrow closed fucking minds see and want the same.
Over the past five months, nearly 600 pregnant illegal alien women detained by the United States Border Patrol and immigration officials have been using their preborn children – dubbed as “anchor babies – as instruments to stay in the U.S. after breaching the Mexico border. If Trump cannot fix it, then GOD help us because we as America is screwed.
July 2018
Over the past five months, nearly 600 pregnant illegal alien women detained by the United States Border Patrol and immigration officials have been using their preborn children – dubbed as “anchor babies – as instruments to stay in the U.S. after breaching the Mexico border. Taking advantage of America’s lax immigration policies lingering from former President Barack Obama’s two terms in office, multitudes of pregnant illegals have swarmed across the southern border to stake their claim to stay in the U.S.
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Border Patrol arrests 376 who dug under barrier in Arizona
SAN LUIS, Ariz. (AP) — A group of 376 Central Americans was arrested in southwest Arizona, the vast majority of the families who dug short, shallow holes under a barrier to cross the border, authorities said Friday.

The group dug under a steel barrier in seven spots about 10 miles (16 kilometers) east of a border crossing in San Luis and made no effort to elude immigration agents. They included 176 children.

Border Patrol arrests 376 who dug under barrier in Arizona

This only proves that our immigration laws have to be enforced and the incentives, magnets that bring them here,...catch and release....changes they will come over a wall, under a wall or around a wall. Walls will not stop them. More patrol agents and K9 to stop them before they get in. And they are using children. They know once they are on US soil they can stay and we the taxpayers will take care of them. Trump is our only hope to stop this nightmare.
Wait wait wait....

You mean there was a wall and it didn't stop them?

------------------------------------------ just as Israel has a wall to exclude enemies they are always working on stopping Enemy tunnels with new innovations Crep . The TRUMP Wall makes very good sense for the USA but the work will never be totally done as new ideas are incorporated into the Original WALL Work Crep .
So, it doesn't work huh?
sure WALLS work but they as well as other structures and inventions require upkeep and improvement Crep .
Border Patrol arrests 376 who dug under barrier in Arizona
SAN LUIS, Ariz. (AP) — A group of 376 Central Americans was arrested in southwest Arizona, the vast majority of the families who dug short, shallow holes under a barrier to cross the border, authorities said Friday.

The group dug under a steel barrier in seven spots about 10 miles (16 kilometers) east of a border crossing in San Luis and made no effort to elude immigration agents. They included 176 children.

Border Patrol arrests 376 who dug under barrier in Arizona

This only proves that our immigration laws have to be enforced and the incentives, magnets that bring them here,...catch and release....changes they will come over a wall, under a wall or around a wall. Walls will not stop them. More patrol agents and K9 to stop them before they get in. And they are using children. They know once they are on US soil they can stay and we the taxpayers will take care of them. Trump is our only hope to stop this nightmare.
Wait wait wait....

You mean there was a wall and it didn't stop them?

That was not the wall that Trump built but the wall built by the Democrats. Built to be jumped over, dug under and go around. They will have to dug a little deeper to get under Trumps fence and when they get through there will be agents and K9s to pick them up and throw them back over the fence. Sabe? No more catch and release.
Border Patrol arrests 376 who dug under barrier in Arizona
SAN LUIS, Ariz. (AP) — A group of 376 Central Americans was arrested in southwest Arizona, the vast majority of the families who dug short, shallow holes under a barrier to cross the border, authorities said Friday.

The group dug under a steel barrier in seven spots about 10 miles (16 kilometers) east of a border crossing in San Luis and made no effort to elude immigration agents. They included 176 children.

Border Patrol arrests 376 who dug under barrier in Arizona

This only proves that our immigration laws have to be enforced and the incentives, magnets that bring them here,...catch and release....changes they will come over a wall, under a wall or around a wall. Walls will not stop them. More patrol agents and K9 to stop them before they get in. And they are using children. They know once they are on US soil they can stay and we the taxpayers will take care of them. Trump is our only hope to stop this nightmare.
The Wall is not the end all solution and never has been. It helps our border control handle the majority of illegals by funneling most of them toward the ports of entry where they are much better equipped to deal with them. Absolutely we need more agents, more K9, more drones, better maintained X-Ray and thermal imaging, etc to control the border. It isn't just moms with baby strollers coming across as our Media and the Liberal bleeding hearts would have us believe.
Border Patrol arrests 376 who dug under barrier in Arizona
SAN LUIS, Ariz. (AP) — A group of 376 Central Americans was arrested in southwest Arizona, the vast majority of the families who dug short, shallow holes under a barrier to cross the border, authorities said Friday.

The group dug under a steel barrier in seven spots about 10 miles (16 kilometers) east of a border crossing in San Luis and made no effort to elude immigration agents. They included 176 children.

Border Patrol arrests 376 who dug under barrier in Arizona

This only proves that our immigration laws have to be enforced and the incentives, magnets that bring them here,...catch and release....changes they will come over a wall, under a wall or around a wall. Walls will not stop them. More patrol agents and K9 to stop them before they get in. And they are using children. They know once they are on US soil they can stay and we the taxpayers will take care of them. Trump is our only hope to stop this nightmare.
Wait wait wait....

You mean there was a wall and it didn't stop them?

That was not the wall that Trump built but the wall built by the Democrats. Built to be jumped over, dug under and go around. They will have to dug a little deeper to get under Trumps fence and when they get through there will be agents and K9s to pick them up and throw them back over the fence. Sabe? No more catch and release.
Riiiiiight, tRump's wall will be magic or some shit.

Btw, haven't you heard? It's not a wall any more, it's a barrier.
sure WALLS work but they as well as other structures and inventions require upkeep and improvement Crep .
If you do not change the rules of the game, the goal remains the same.

Build the wall, use the military, more agents, K9s, but if the immigration laws are not enforced with no more automatic birthright citizenship, they will find a way to enter because they know once they enter we cannot deport them. They want to be caught because they are given a court date and released to be seen no more until the next democrat amnesty.
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Why does Mexico let hordes of folks bull-rush a hole in the fence? They allow it to happen daily. They only stop the ones they want to keep?
Or why does Mexico leave their Southern border gates open to let scores of Central Americans walk right through?
Because they may spend a few dollars on their trip to our border. Why do we leave our border gates open? So far we have not been able to stop the 20 million that are here by crossing the border or by overstaying their visas. IF we enforce our immigration laws with deportation and mandatory E-Verify we can tear the wall down, send our agents home and they will not come, Except for drugs cartels. Why are they still coming? Nothing has changed in 50 years. And the truth is Trump is not doing anything about enforcement but talking out of both sides of his orifices.

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