Boiling Frog Alert


Uppity Water Nymph from the Land of Funk
Feb 12, 2007
Congress is considering a bill which will cause much joy among the Barking Moonbats, but just might be the Boiling Over Point for the rest of the frogs in the saucepan:

On July 6th, just two days ago, at least a dozen busybody Congressmen sponsored the introduction of HR 2411, the “Reduce America’s Debt Now Act of 2011.” They always come up with fantastic names for these pieces of legislation… and rest assured, the better/more patriotic the name, the more ominous the bill. This one follows the pattern.

HR 2411 states that every worker in America should be able to voluntarily have a portion of his/her wages automatically withheld and sent directly to the Treasury Department for the purposes of paying down the federal debt.

“Every employer making payment of wages shall deduct and withhold upon such wages any amounts so elected, and shall pay such amounts over to the Secretary of the Treasury…”

That’s right. Uncle Sam is so broke that he wants to give all the good little Americans out there the opportunity to contribute an even greater portion of their paychecks to finance government largess.

Desperate? Hmmm…. Don’t worry, it gets better.

Obviously, if an employee feels so compelled and should elect to have a portion of his/her paycheck withheld, the onus of responsibility is now on the employer to make it happen. The employer has to do all the paperwork, withhold the money, send the payment to the Treasury, maintain the account records, and probably submit to all kinds of new filing requirements.

You can imagine that, if passed, the bill will result in a host of new IRS regulations, complete with a battery of penalties for employers who don’t fill out the paperwork properly, submit filings on time, or make some administrative mistake.

Think about it: if a small business owner has one single employee who is dumb enough to think that it’s his patriotic duty to pay down the debt and decides to contribute $1/month, that owner will have the responsibility for all kinds of new forms and filings, plus submit to new ‘debt reduction audits.’

But don’t worry, it gets even better...


HR 2411 stipulates that any contribution made to the Treasury in order to pay down the federal debt IS NOT TAX DEDUCTIBLE....

Guest Post: Boiling Frog Alert: Congress Wants Automatic Wage Deductions To Pay Down The Debt | zero hedge
Congress is considering a bill which will cause much joy among the Barking Moonbats, but just might be the Boiling Over Point for the rest of the frogs in the saucepan:

On July 6th, just two days ago, at least a dozen busybody Congressmen sponsored the introduction of HR 2411, the “Reduce America’s Debt Now Act of 2011.” They always come up with fantastic names for these pieces of legislation… and rest assured, the better/more patriotic the name, the more ominous the bill. This one follows the pattern.

HR 2411 states that every worker in America should be able to voluntarily have a portion of his/her wages automatically withheld and sent directly to the Treasury Department for the purposes of paying down the federal debt.

“Every employer making payment of wages shall deduct and withhold upon such wages any amounts so elected, and shall pay such amounts over to the Secretary of the Treasury…”

That’s right. Uncle Sam is so broke that he wants to give all the good little Americans out there the opportunity to contribute an even greater portion of their paychecks to finance government largess.

Desperate? Hmmm…. Don’t worry, it gets better.

Obviously, if an employee feels so compelled and should elect to have a portion of his/her paycheck withheld, the onus of responsibility is now on the employer to make it happen. The employer has to do all the paperwork, withhold the money, send the payment to the Treasury, maintain the account records, and probably submit to all kinds of new filing requirements.

You can imagine that, if passed, the bill will result in a host of new IRS regulations, complete with a battery of penalties for employers who don’t fill out the paperwork properly, submit filings on time, or make some administrative mistake.

Think about it: if a small business owner has one single employee who is dumb enough to think that it’s his patriotic duty to pay down the debt and decides to contribute $1/month, that owner will have the responsibility for all kinds of new forms and filings, plus submit to new ‘debt reduction audits.’

But don’t worry, it gets even better...


HR 2411 stipulates that any contribution made to the Treasury in order to pay down the federal debt IS NOT TAX DEDUCTIBLE....

Guest Post: Boiling Frog Alert: Congress Wants Automatic Wage Deductions To Pay Down The Debt | zero hedge

Fall in behind Bill Gates, et al.

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So you think this is some great burden on an employer?

Please explain the burdensome task you imagine this to be?
I did not create the debt. I will not claim any responsibility for it by voluntarily paying money to bring it down. The same people who created it should get to pay it off.
If a patriotic American wishes to donate money to help their country why would you find that a bad thing?

Its voluntary and not very burdensome for any employer

What will their personal portion of the contribution be?

Yes I noticed it was a republican bill but it really does no harm to anyone that I can see.

Its voluntary.

I think maybe they were hoping to get the little guy to help pay for the tax cutsz of the wealthy but as long as its voluntary I dont mind that.

Maybe the tea party will put some of their money where thier mouth is.
Yes I noticed it was a republican bill but it really does no harm to anyone that I can see.

Its voluntary.

I think maybe they were hoping to get the little guy to help pay for the tax cutsz of the wealthy but as long as its voluntary I dont mind that.

Maybe the tea party will put some of their money where thier mouth is.

It's moronic because it's not tax deductible.
I did not create the debt. I will not claim any responsibility for it by voluntarily paying money to bring it down. The same people who created it should get to pay it off.

Don't worry, those who are responsible have left that burden to my generation and ones after me.
I did not create the debt. I will not claim any responsibility for it by voluntarily paying money to bring it down. The same people who created it should get to pay it off.

Don't worry, those who are responsible have left that burden to my generation and ones after me.

Yeah, to my children and grandchildren.

Everyone who got some kind of 'bail out' should be held accountable for pay back. I mean, shit! People making 2K/month buying 500K houses. And getting to keep them when they couldn't pay. Financiers getting bailouts then spending hundreds of thousands of dollars for trips. I am at the end of my working life. I have lived it so that no one would have to support me. And now they want me to give my money to those fucktards! I don't thinks so. Try as they will, they cannot saddle me or mine with the national debt.

Yes I noticed it was a republican bill but it really does no harm to anyone that I can see.

Its voluntary.

I think maybe they were hoping to get the little guy to help pay for the tax cutsz of the wealthy but as long as its voluntary I dont mind that.

Maybe the tea party will put some of their money where thier mouth is.

Does your world contain anything other than tambourines and daisy chains?
and all of them should be fired tomorrow....

Considering they didn't even bother to make it tax deductible shows their stupidity in my opinion. This is what they're wasting their time with in the House. Raise the debt ceiling? Nah.
This quote from Atlas Shrugged in the article is the best quote from that book, IMO:

“[W]hen you see that in order to produce, you need to obtain permission from men who produce nothing; when you see that money is flowing to those who deal not in goods, but in favors; when you see that men get rich more easily by graft than by work, and your laws no longer protect you against them, but protect them against you. . . you may know that your society is doomed.”

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