Boehner is flaccid!

I'm going to guess that Bohener is WC and TMN's city council person.
The president used the Military in ways that are contradictory to everything the left believes in and who do they attack? The overweight wife of the House Speaker. Hatred and hysteria does strange things to people.
Too funny. The thread was a parody of so many threads posted by some of the new members (LostAmerican, Whitehall, The Seeker, JRK, Slukasiewski, Yotd5).
Oh, and btw, Cavil is spelled with one 'C' and describes those who ignore the point (or the point is way over their head) and choose to point out trivial things.
Damn him and his fat wife.

What makes you the guide to who is fat? Are you so fucking shallow that you judge a person simply on their appearance?

This and two other threads are parodys of one started by a right wing extremist wherein the President's wife was attacked and called a fat bitch. I have no idea if Boehner is married to a slim or fat women; your ire would be better served in calling out Mini14 who I believe is the fucking shallow person in question.
Debbie Boehner


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