Bob Costas, man of the hour


Diamond Member
Mar 16, 2012
FOX Sports Video - Morgenstein: Costly for Costas?

Costas' remembrance of Israeli athletes killed by terrorists in Munich will redeem Olympics

Stu Bykofsky, Daily News Columnist
Philadelphia Daily News

NBC's Bob Costas is doing something that the International Olympic Committee is unwilling to do: He's offering a moment of slience for the Israelis killed by Palestinian terrorists at the 1972 Games in Munich. ASSOCIATED PRESS

I WILL FOREGO my moment of silence to praise NBC's Bob Costas for planning his personal moment of silence Friday night out of respect to the 11 Israeli athletes and coaches murdered by Palestinian terrorists during the 1972 Games in Munich.:clap2::clap2::eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle:

Costas was only 20 when it happened, but he clearly remembers what happened, who did it and why. Stoking those memories reveals a lot about where we (the U.S., the media, the West) is today. Here's what happened, described by renowned sports ace Red Smith in the New York Times:

"It was 4:30 a.m. when Palestinian terrorists invaded the housing complex where athletes from 121 nations live and shot their way into the Israeli quarters." Smith clearly answered both the "what" and the "who." The answer to "why" is found in the fact that those Olympians were Israeli Jews. (Almost one-quarter of Israelis are not Jews.)
Bob Costas did what was right. He reminded the entire world of the most horrific event to ever take place at an Olympics. In the name of justice, how can the Olympic committee allow Palestinians to be present with the civilized people of this worldly event?
According to shithead Tinmore, the athletes were a legitimate target, just like the women and children that Pali animals regularly target.
Bob Costas did what was right. He reminded the entire world of the most horrific event to ever take place at an Olympics. In the name of justice, how can the Olympic committee allow Palestinians to be present with the civilized people of this worldly event?

your sense of justice is bizarre to say the least, and absolutely perverse.

the bitter roots of anti-semitism were sown with the "sins of the fathers" lessons. you should know better than to say things like this.

none of the palestinian athletes were even close to being born in 1972. their parents were small children or infants at the time, one of the athletes, sabine hazboun, is only 16 years old. the oldest is thirty-two.

don't blame the IOC for not remembering the tragic and sad deaths of those young israeli athletes. look into your own cold, black heart. it is you, and others like you, who wish to turn what is a celebration of youth and joy into an opportunity to foment hatred and bigotry and further their own political agenda. your hatred provides the impetus for not memorialising these athletes. the IOC was right to not publically memorialise them on the world stage, and precisely because of people like you.

you should be ashamed.
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According to shithead Tinmore, the athletes were a legitimate target, just like the women and children that Pali animals regularly target.

Not condoning what happened in '72, but don't the Israelis regularly imprison children and shoot them if they throw rocks?
When push came to shove, Costas wimped out.

While he talked about it, there was no moment of silence
I guess its the thought that counts, If a minutes silence came up on a TV show I wonder how many people would change channels?
I guess its the thought that counts, If a minutes silence came up on a TV show I wonder how many people would change channels?

A minute of silence with NBC broadcasting images from Munich.....I doubt many would have changed channels
You did not answer my question previously. So I will ask you one more time before having to find out otherwise. How are you holding up with your supply of disposable diapers?

Bob Costas did what was right. He reminded the entire world of the most horrific event to ever take place at an Olympics. In the name of justice, how can the Olympic committee allow Palestinians to be present with the civilized people of this worldly event?

your sense of justice is bizarre to say the least, and absolutely perverse.

the bitter roots of anti-semitism were sown with the "sins of the fathers" lessons. you should know better than to say things like this.

none of the palestinian athletes were even close to being born in 1972. their parents were small children or infants at the time, one of the athletes, sabine hazboun, is only 16 years old. the oldest is thirty-two.

don't blame the IOC for not remembering the tragic and sad deaths of those young israeli athletes. look into your own cold, black heart. it is you, and others like you, who wish to turn what is a celebration of youth and joy into an opportunity to foment hatred and bigotry and further their own political agenda. your hatred provides the impetus for not memorialising these athletes. the IOC was right to not publically memorialise them on the world stage, and precisely because of people like you.

you should be ashamed.
I guess its the thought that counts, If a minutes silence came up on a TV show I wonder how many people would change channels?

A minute of silence with NBC broadcasting images from Munich.....I doubt many would have changed channels

i doubt if NBC would have broadcast graphic images from munich. do you actually think that would be a proper way to memorialise those athletes and coaches anyway?

those athletes deserve to be memorialised, of course, but the olympic spirit is about putting aside differences, not resurrecting them.

like it or not, the IOC made the right call. why would they give a platform to the bigots and haters like some of those on this board.

and they made the right call on preventing costas from doing any more harm, despite his good intentions.
Why do you avoid me? Do you still have that problem of pissing in your pants when we meet on these boards to discuss an issue?

I guess its the thought that counts, If a minutes silence came up on a TV show I wonder how many people would change channels?

A minute of silence with NBC broadcasting images from Munich.....I doubt many would have changed channels

i doubt if NBC would have broadcast graphic images from munich. do you actually think that would be a proper way to memorialise those athletes and coaches anyway?

those athletes deserve to be memorialised, of course, but the olympic spirit is about putting aside differences, not resurrecting them.

like it or not, the IOC made the right call. why would they give a platform to the bigots and haters like some of those on this board.

and they made the right call on preventing costas from doing any more harm, despite his good intentions.
Why do you avoid me? Do you still have that problem of pissing in your pants when we meet on these boards to discuss an issue?

A minute of silence with NBC broadcasting images from Munich.....I doubt many would have changed channels

i doubt if NBC would have broadcast graphic images from munich. do you actually think that would be a proper way to memorialise those athletes and coaches anyway?

those athletes deserve to be memorialised, of course, but the olympic spirit is about putting aside differences, not resurrecting them.

like it or not, the IOC made the right call. why would they give a platform to the bigots and haters like some of those on this board.

and they made the right call on preventing costas from doing any more harm, despite his good intentions.

you take things too personally. i don't avoid you at all, mike. it is just that you rarely say anything worth responding to. i am not in the least interested in your fascination with men in diapers or what seems to be a fetish about men urinating.
Bob Costas did what was right. He reminded the entire world of the most horrific event to ever take place at an Olympics. In the name of justice, how can the Olympic committee allow Palestinians to be present with the civilized people of this worldly event?

Bob Costa's has as much freedom as NBC gives him and if they allow it I see nothing wrong with Him honoring the Israeli Athletes. That being said however it would be totally inappropriate for the IOC to do what you suggest !!! In the ancient history of the Olympics, city states stopped their fighting when the games were underway, for the IOC to ban a country from participating would go against the ancient spirit of the games. It would also most likely destroy the games as we know them. I am not foolish enough to think that politics does not play a role in the Games, but I am Idealistic enough to wish that it didn't. MJB you suggestion sullies the Games and as Seal has said you should be ashamed to try to use the Games to advance your political ideas.

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