Bloomberg calls out liberal intollerance on college campuses

You won't bother explaining it to me? You can't explain it to me. are delusional.

Who should we ask to review our discussion and explain it to you?

Here are your words again:

See, here's the difference. When a liberal hears someone say somethng he disagrees with, he labels the guy as an enemy so everything he says is wrong, bad, lies, etc.
When a conservative hears something someone says he disagrees with, he disagrees with it. If the same person says something he agrees with, he agrees with it. He doesnt label people enemies because they happen to say things he disagrees with.
Conservatives are smart that way. Liberals are stoopid.

You said "someone". When a liberal hears "someone" say something.......... That could be anyone. Even a Republican. I proved to you that what you said is not true. It is an open and shut case. You lose.

The fact that Bloomberg is a. Republican bolsters MY case. Your argument has been blown to pieces.

Admit it like a man.

You're an ignorant fucktwat. I'll admit that much. You look like a moron trying to argue a point like that. I wonder why?
It is simply the truth that liberals demonize people they disagree with, conservatives engage them in conversation. The demonizing of the commencement speakers is simply one symptom of the problem.

Sorry. I demonstrated that liberals agree with Bloomberg on some things and disagree with him on others. That is a fact and it is exactly counter to what you said. I offered to give you more examples.....but it hardly seems necessary.

Go ahead. Retract your comments and concede the point like a man with some integrity. It isn't too late.

Wow, congratulations. You demonstrated that you can generalize about irrelevant issues in one instance.
I guess that proves you win. The Boner Award.
You're an ignorant fucktwat. I'll admit that much. You look like a moron trying to argue a point like that. I wonder why?
It is simply the truth that liberals demonize people they disagree with, conservatives engage them in conversation. The demonizing of the commencement speakers is simply one symptom of the problem.

Sorry. I demonstrated that liberals agree with Bloomberg on some things and disagree with him on others. That is a fact and it is exactly counter to what you said. I offered to give you more examples.....but it hardly seems necessary.

Go ahead. Retract your comments and concede the point like a man with some integrity. It isn't too late.

Wow, congratulations. You demonstrated that you can generalize about irrelevant issues in one instance.
I guess that proves you win. The Boner Award.

Just can't concede with any grace, huh? Too bad.

You'd avoid embarrassment like this by acting like an adult and refraining from posting emotional rants about shit. Think first, then post.
See, here's the difference. When a liberal hears someone say somethng he disagrees with, he labels the guy as an enemy so everything he says is wrong, bad, lies, etc.
When a conservative hears something someone says he disagrees with, he disagrees with it. If the same person says something he agrees with, he agrees with it. He doesnt label people enemies because they happen to say things he disagrees with.
Conservatives are smart that way. Liberals are stoopid.

And the sky is brown and the earth blue.
Right on cue. Can't refute is so deflects to snark.

You suck. Your posts are an absolute embarrassment. I personally would be ashamed to be so ill informed and so poor at debate. The fact you arent is testament to your stupidity.

Here it is.......isn't it wonderful Eddie!?
"Liberals are the most likely to have taken each of these steps to block, unfriend, or hide. In all, 28% of liberals have blocked, unfriended, or hidden someone on SNS because of one of these reasons, compared with 16% of conservatives and 14% of moderates."

Main findings | Pew Research Center's Internet & American Life Project

That's cool. Do you think someone who ignores a person on a social networking site due to their political views is necessarily demonstrating intolerance for hearing a differing point of view?
"Liberals are the most likely to have taken each of these steps to block, unfriend, or hide. In all, 28% of liberals have blocked, unfriended, or hidden someone on SNS because of one of these reasons, compared with 16% of conservatives and 14% of moderates."

Main findings | Pew Research Center's Internet & American Life Project

That's cool. Do you think someone who ignores a person on a social networking site due to their political views is necessarily demonstrating intolerance for hearing a differing point of view?
It wouldn't be much of a leap. It's not much of a leap to say that to say that the most intolerant political segment is the left and far left either. It goes with being insufferably self righteous.
You seem to be confusing adults with 1 percenter.

We need genuine diversity on campus. Diversity does not mean one black, one dyke, one Hispanic, all promoting the same views. Diversity means conservatives, liberals, marxists, and everything else under the sun. About 96% of college faculty supported Obama in both elections. How is there any diversity on campus?

The Left's definitions of "diversity" and "inclusion" are only meant for certain people.
Which is ironic in the extreme.

That is unsubstantiated babbling.

Nah ... THIS is unsubstantiated babbling:
"College students are exposed to differing viewpoints all the time. To say that they aren't is to lie or to be uninformed.
They are also exposed to differing viewpoints in high schools. These are facts not in dispute." - LoneLaugher
"Liberals are the most likely to have taken each of these steps to block, unfriend, or hide. In all, 28% of liberals have blocked, unfriended, or hidden someone on SNS because of one of these reasons, compared with 16% of conservatives and 14% of moderates."

Main findings | Pew Research Center's Internet & American Life Project

That's cool. Do you think someone who ignores a person on a social networking site due to their political views is necessarily demonstrating intolerance for hearing a differing point of view?
It wouldn't be much of a leap. It's not much of a leap to say that to say that the most intolerant political segment is the left and far left either. It goes with being insufferably self righteous.

Can you imagine a case where someone might ignore a person with whom they disagree for reasons other than the disagreement? the act of ignoring someone who disagrees with you always an indication that one has no tolerance for opposing viewpoints.
The Left's definitions of "diversity" and "inclusion" are only meant for certain people.
Which is ironic in the extreme.

That is unsubstantiated babbling.

Nah ... THIS is unsubstantiated babbling:
"College students are exposed to differing viewpoints all the time. To say that they aren't is to lie or to be uninformed.
They are also exposed to differing viewpoints in high schools. These are facts not in dispute." - LoneLaugher

Those are facts.
You provide a perfect example of my point, and your standard talking points really drive it home.

It really is sad to see adults not promoting intellectual curiosity in our young people. Your mind may be closed shut, but to allow it to happen to them is a real disservice to them.

The decay continues.

You seem to be confusing 'talking points' with facts which is why you didn't try to refute, but offered opinion.

I don't allow partisan ideologues to get away with changing the subject in a transparent attempt to avoid a discussion. If you want to play that game, find yourself a nice right-winger and deflect to your hearts' content.

As you know, my point is (to repeat) it is critical that we support exposing our young people to as many different ideas and viewpoints as possible. I want our young people to be curious, to ask questions, to challenge what they hear, to think on their feet, to demand both sides of the story.

You and people like you clearly don't, and I think that's a national disgrace. What a horrible things to do to kids who live in a "free" country.


Too much liberty for some to accept I gather. I will continue to read and listen to many views, though the National Review isn't what it used to be, and NewsMax is....grating.

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