Bloody harvest of multiculturalism will not come to Poland vows interior minister


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
At least this is one Country not bending over to the Globalist . Good for them . They should be thankful they don't have as many dumb ass liberals as America does.

‘Bloody Harvest of Multiculturalism Will Not Come to Poland’ Vows Interior Minister
Polish gov't accuses globalists of fueling migrant crisis
Polish Interior Minister Mariusz Błaszczak has declared that his country will not fall prey to the same violence and savagery sweeping much of Europe due to the open borders and suicidal ‘refugee’ policies of his neighbors.

Oh the grandness of protecting your Country from a group of globalist lunatics who have empowered the lunatic left in the US. Gawd these fkrs here are so gawd damn stupid they don't even know wth they support. Ding, Ding Antifa jackasses
The Polish minister spoke like a good polish guy-----the germans will
soon be emulating the Pole (how's that for poetic justice?)

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