Bloody details machete murder Vienna metro station: ‘Hands and feet chopped off’


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
Europa is on the best way to became a turd world shithole
A 'great' job of good-for-nothing corrupted sexual deviant and satanists aka MS 'politicians'

By Bert Brussen, TPO – On April 20, a gruesome murder took place in Vienna, Austria, in a subway station. The victim, a 31-year-old man of Algerian descent, was horribly mutilated. According to witnesses, the man was attacked by several men and hacked with machetes.
The police was able to arrest a 24-year-old suspect, also a man of Algerian descent. This suspect tried for the police to flee by jumping into the Danube, but could still be caught later.
Confidential details of this case have been leaked to the Austrian tabloid OE24.

Hands and feet cut off

According to the leaked documents, the police assumes that the victim was attacked by ‘a maximum of 10 men’. The victim was said to have been pressed to the ground and while he was held by several men, others hacked at him with machetes. His hands and feet were “virtually chopped off” while others “continued to beat him.”

Chechen drug gangs

The motive for the gruesome murder is still unclear, but the area where the murder took place is known to be dominated by Chechen drug gangs. North African and Afghan criminals also claim the area as their territory. It is therefore possible that the victim had something to do with drug crime.
Earlier in the same area, 13-year-old Leonie was drugged with ecstasy, raped and murdered. Several young Afghan asylum seekers, at least one of whom was a minor, were arrested as suspects in this case. One of the suspects was staying illegally in Austria and should have been deported when the crime was committed.

Asylum crisis Austria

Like most EU countries, Austria also faces an asylum crisis from time to time. In 2022, 112,272 people applied for asylum in Austria, according to the statistics agency Statista.
In Vienna, almost half of the population has an immigrant background, the majority of whom are Germans and Romanians.
In 2021, 39% of all crime and felony suspects in Austria were of foreign origin. More than 55% of all detainees are of foreign origin. In recent years, the share of immigrants in prison has decreased, while the share of immigrants who are suspected of a crime or have been convicted increased slightl


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