Blizzard warning tonight!!!!!


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
Not the middle of nowhere
National Weather Service Watch Warning Advisory Summary

LMAO...........we're two months from winter and the Dakota's are about to be nailed with an epic blizzard!!!


Clearly associated with "global warming:lol:"!!!

You can tell the people who don't really understand AGW theory, when they get all excited about snow storms. They don't seem to realize that warmer temps can actually lead to MORE snow in some places! Here's a clue. If temps go up from 20 F to 25 F, it's still going to snow and there will probably be more snow, because warmer air holds more moisture. So thanks for giving us the heads up on another piece of evidence that the globe IS warming. :thup:
You can tell the people who don't really understand AGW theory, when they get all excited about snow storms. They don't seem to realize that warmer temps can actually lead to MORE snow in some places! Here's a clue. If temps go up from 20 F to 25 F, it's still going to snow and there will probably be more snow, because warmer air holds more moisture. So thanks for giving us the heads up on another piece of evidence that the globe IS warming. :thup:

You can tell the people who don't really understand AGW theory, when they get all excited about snow storms. They don't seem to realize that warmer temps can actually lead to MORE snow in some places! Here's a clue. If temps go up from 20 F to 25 F, it's still going to snow and there will probably be more snow, because warmer air holds more moisture. So thanks for giving us the heads up on another piece of evidence that the globe IS warming. :thup:

You can allways tell the faith based believers because according to them EVERYTHING is global warming related! :lol::lol::lol: So tell me this konrad...I will most certainly agree that warm air holds more water....but how does the warmth cause the temperature to drop to create snow? Also if the residence time of water vapor really is 10 days or less, how is it that the effect of warming can possibly last so long?

The world would love to know how you work this magic.
Hmmm, Dakotas were one of the states I was thinking of looking into for teaching. Maybe I should rethink.

This morning at 6:15, it was 72F here. By 5 it was in low 50's, with those crazy winds. But, NO SNOW!
Hmmm, Dakotas were one of the states I was thinking of looking into for teaching. Maybe I should rethink.

This morning at 6:15, it was 72F here. By 5 it was in low 50's, with those crazy winds. But, NO SNOW!

You'd have no trouble finding a job in the Fargo area with how fast it is growing. We have three universities, one new high school under construction, another set for construction, a new elementary school every couple years, low cost of living, and a metro area of 200k that has at least one of everything you would find in a larger city. But if cold and snow 5 months out of the year is not your thing, forget I said anything. :D
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You can tell the people who don't really understand AGW theory, when they get all excited about snow storms. They don't seem to realize that warmer temps can actually lead to MORE snow in some places! Here's a clue. If temps go up from 20 F to 25 F, it's still going to snow and there will probably be more snow, because warmer air holds more moisture. So thanks for giving us the heads up on another piece of evidence that the globe IS warming. :thup:

You can allways tell the faith based believers because according to them EVERYTHING is global warming related! :lol::lol::lol: So tell me this konrad...I will most certainly agree that warm air holds more water....but how does the warmth cause the temperature to drop to create snow? Also if the residence time of water vapor really is 10 days or less, how is it that the effect of warming can possibly last so long?

The world would love to know how you work this magic.

Who said anything about a temperature drop? I was talking about a RISE. Don't you agree that regardless of whether it's 20 F or 25 F it's still going to snow? That sounds like HIGHER temps to me. I see no need to consider how "warmth" turns to cold, I'm talking COLD and LESS COLD. I don't see what residence time has to do with the matter, either. If a weather system picks up moisture in the Pacific, it would take less than ten days to cross the country, making the "residence time" moot.
Hmmm, Dakotas were one of the states I was thinking of looking into for teaching. Maybe I should rethink.

This morning at 6:15, it was 72F here. By 5 it was in low 50's, with those crazy winds. But, NO SNOW!

Your point being??? :confused:
You can tell the people who don't really understand AGW theory, when they get all excited about snow storms. They don't seem to realize that warmer temps can actually lead to MORE snow in some places! Here's a clue. If temps go up from 20 F to 25 F, it's still going to snow and there will probably be more snow, because warmer air holds more moisture. So thanks for giving us the heads up on another piece of evidence that the globe IS warming. :thup:

You can allways tell the faith based believers because according to them EVERYTHING is global warming related! :lol::lol::lol: So tell me this konrad...I will most certainly agree that warm air holds more water....but how does the warmth cause the temperature to drop to create snow? Also if the residence time of water vapor really is 10 days or less, how is it that the effect of warming can possibly last so long?

The world would love to know how you work this magic.

Who said anything about a temperature drop? I was talking about a RISE. Don't you agree that regardless of whether it's 20 F or 25 F it's still going to snow? That sounds like HIGHER temps to me. I see no need to consider how "warmth" turns to cold, I'm talking COLD and LESS COLD. I don't see what residence time has to do with the matter, either. If a weather system picks up moisture in the Pacific, it would take less than ten days to cross the country, making the "residence time" moot.

Now who is falling back on political bias. Hmmmm?
You can allways tell the faith based believers because according to them EVERYTHING is global warming related! :lol::lol::lol: So tell me this konrad...I will most certainly agree that warm air holds more water....but how does the warmth cause the temperature to drop to create snow? Also if the residence time of water vapor really is 10 days or less, how is it that the effect of warming can possibly last so long?

The world would love to know how you work this magic.

Who said anything about a temperature drop? I was talking about a RISE. Don't you agree that regardless of whether it's 20 F or 25 F it's still going to snow? That sounds like HIGHER temps to me. I see no need to consider how "warmth" turns to cold, I'm talking COLD and LESS COLD. I don't see what residence time has to do with the matter, either. If a weather system picks up moisture in the Pacific, it would take less than ten days to cross the country, making the "residence time" moot.

Now who is falling back on political bias. Hmmmm?

YOU. Where's the politics in my latest post? I've asked you to answer some questions, but you chose a nonsensical reponse, instead. Why is that? No answer to why a 5 degree rise in temps wouldn't lead to more snow. No answer to why you consider a 10 day residence time to be significant. Seems your trying to distract us from the apparent fact that you're unable to answer basic questions!!!
Who said anything about a temperature drop? I was talking about a RISE. Don't you agree that regardless of whether it's 20 F or 25 F it's still going to snow? That sounds like HIGHER temps to me. I see no need to consider how "warmth" turns to cold, I'm talking COLD and LESS COLD. I don't see what residence time has to do with the matter, either. If a weather system picks up moisture in the Pacific, it would take less than ten days to cross the country, making the "residence time" moot.

Now who is falling back on political bias. Hmmmm?

YOU. Where's the politics in my latest post? I've asked you to answer some questions, but you chose a nonsensical reponse, instead. Why is that? No answer to why a 5 degree rise in temps wouldn't lead to more snow. No answer to why you consider a 10 day residence time to be significant. Seems your trying to distract us from the apparent fact that you're unable to answer basic questions!!!

I asked you in my first post how water vapor with only a ten day residence time can carry alllll that extra water into winter. I also asked why all that extra heat was going to make things colder to create the snow in the first place. So far all you've offered are political responses.
Now who is falling back on political bias. Hmmmm?

YOU. Where's the politics in my latest post? I've asked you to answer some questions, but you chose a nonsensical reponse, instead. Why is that? No answer to why a 5 degree rise in temps wouldn't lead to more snow. No answer to why you consider a 10 day residence time to be significant. Seems your trying to distract us from the apparent fact that you're unable to answer basic questions!!!

I asked you in my first post how water vapor with only a ten day residence time can carry alllll that extra water into winter. I also asked why all that extra heat was going to make things colder to create the snow in the first place. So far all you've offered are political responses.

I answered your questions. You didn't answer mine. Still don't see the "politics" in mine. I think it's just a distraction to: A) try and hide your lack of a decent reponse to my questions and B) cover up the fact that politics is all YOU have, since niether science nor logic is on your side. To try and answer your question again, I never said extra heat was going to make things colder, I said it would make things moister, so that when it was cold enough to snow, there'd be more of it. Is THAT clear enough?!?!
Now who is falling back on political bias. Hmmmm?

YOU. Where's the politics in my latest post? I've asked you to answer some questions, but you chose a nonsensical reponse, instead. Why is that? No answer to why a 5 degree rise in temps wouldn't lead to more snow. No answer to why you consider a 10 day residence time to be significant. Seems your trying to distract us from the apparent fact that you're unable to answer basic questions!!!

I asked you in my first post how water vapor with only a ten day residence time can carry alllll that extra water into winter. I also asked why all that extra heat was going to make things colder to create the snow in the first place. So far all you've offered are political responses.

Because not the entire earth experiences winter at the same time. You know, that whole "Tilted on it's axis" thing.

Season - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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