Blind Dissident Chen Guangcheng Leaves China on Plane for U.S.


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
By Dan Levin

From enemy of the state to New York University law student, China's Chen Guangcheng has left on a plane bound for Newark. Dan Levin on the blind dissident's sudden departure.

Beijing – Chen Guangcheng, the blind legal activist who ignited a diplomatic firestorm between the United States and China by escaping house arrest and obtaining refuge in the U.S. embassy, left China on a plane bound for the United States on Saturday afternoon. His departure signals the long-awaited resolution to a case that riveted the world and embarrassed the Chinese government over his daring flight to freedom, first from his Chinese captors and now to U.S. soil, where he will attend New York University on a fellowship to study law.

"We can confirm that Chen Guangcheng, his wife and two children have departed China and are en route to the United States so he can pursue studies at an American university," said Victoria Nuland, spokesperson for the U.S. State Department in a statement. "We are looking forward to his arrival in the United States later today. We also express our appreciation for the manner in which we were able to resolve this matter and to support Mr. Chen's desire to study in the U.S. and pursue his goals. "

Chen and his family left on a United Airlines flight bound for Newark, NJ. They had been waiting in a Beijing hospital for nearly three weeks while Chinese authorities processed their passport applications so they could fly out of China as part of a deal with the United States.

More: Blind Dissident Chen Guangcheng Leaves China on Plane for U.S. - The Daily Beast

To cheers!!! Prime Minister Harper for putting the diplomatic pressure in the numbnuts in the White House to release the agitator who fought the against one child policy aka aka mandatory abortion .

To cheers!!! Prime Minister Harper for putting the diplomatic pressure in the numbnuts in the White House to release the agitator who fought the against one child policy aka aka mandatory abortion .

This regime really doesn't want Chen here which is why they worked so hard to keep him out and Hillary ran out of China so fast. I don't know how much Chen knows about our pro abortion position or that we have policies that silence anti abortion activists or politicians like Nancy Pelosi that want to fine anti abortionists, with millions of dollars. Or, that the death threats he got in China will be miniscule compared to the death threats he will get here for the same kind of activism.

It is actually going to be worse for Chen than that. He was assisted in his escape by Bob Fu the leader of a Christian Rights group out of Texas and Chai Ling who is also a pro life Christian activist. It is highly probable that not only is Chen a pro life activist but a Christian as well. That alone will make his brand of activism unwelcome on any campus in the nation.

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