Blast from the past

Thankyou for the article. I remember when it happened . The news media did not give A lot of information on it at the time.
There was a lot of talk about South Africa may have "The Bomb."
Back when the media was a friend of an administration a coverup was easy. When the CIA and the FBI become agents of the opposition political party, a coverup becomes impossible. We have to take into consideration that the entity now called the "mainstream media" supports only democrat administrations and Carter was among the favorites. For that reason it is unlikely that the crisis will never be addressed by the intelligence agencies or the media as long as the Peanut man is alive and beyond.
Thankyou for the article. I remember when it happened . The news media did not give A lot of information on it at the time.
There was a lot of talk about South Africa may have "The Bomb."

Back when the media was a friend of an administration a coverup was easy
That is and always will be the case with msm-

The point is, the US gov't lies and makes shit up- yet, if our guy, whoever he may be, R or D are in control we don't care-
That the US gov't does it with impunity speaks to its opinion of those who pay their wages and they bow to those who pay their retirement port folio scams (campaign donations) to favor or disfavor- yet, we the fully informed :rolleyes: keep doing the same thing over and over and keep complaining about the other guy because- personality or some such non sense
Thankyou for the article. I remember when it happened . The news media did not give A lot of information on it at the time.
There was a lot of talk about South Africa may have "The Bomb."

Back when the media was a friend of an administration a coverup was easy
That is and always will be the case with msm-

The point is, the US gov't lies and makes shit up- yet, if our guy, whoever he may be, R or D are in control we don't care-
That the US gov't does it with impunity speaks to its opinion of those who pay their wages and they bow to those who pay their retirement port folio scams (campaign donations) to favor or disfavor- yet, we the fully informed :rolleyes: keep doing the same thing over and over and keep complaining about the other guy because- personality or some such non sense

what was the lie?
Thankyou for the article. I remember when it happened . The news media did not give A lot of information on it at the time.
There was a lot of talk about South Africa may have "The Bomb."

Back when the media was a friend of an administration a coverup was easy
That is and always will be the case with msm-

The point is, the US gov't lies and makes shit up- yet, if our guy, whoever he may be, R or D are in control we don't care-
That the US gov't does it with impunity speaks to its opinion of those who pay their wages and they bow to those who pay their retirement port folio scams (campaign donations) to favor or disfavor- yet, we the fully informed :rolleyes: keep doing the same thing over and over and keep complaining about the other guy because- personality or some such non sense

what was the lie?
The absence of honesty.
Don't shoot me, it ain't my title-

Blast From the Past

In 1979, a U.S. satellite detected signs of a nuclear explosion. An analysis of the evidence today points to a clandestine nuclear test, a Carter administration cover-up, and only one country that was willing and able to carry it out: Israel.

Shortly before sunrise on Sept. 22, 1979, a U.S. surveillance satellite known as Vela 6911 recorded an unusual double flash as it orbited the earth above the South Atlantic. At Patrick Air Force Base in Florida, where it was still nighttime on Sept. 21, the staff in charge of monitoring the satellite’s transmissions saw the unmistakable pattern produced by a nuclear explosion—something U.S. satellites had detected on dozens of previous occasions in the wake of nuclear tests. The Air Force base issued an alert overnight, and President Jimmy Carter quickly called a meeting in the White House Situation Room the next day.

Nuclear proliferation was just one of the Carter administration’s headaches in late 1979. The president was dealing with a slew of foreign-policy dilemmas, including the build-up to what would become the Iran hostage crisis. Carter was also preparing for a reelection campaign in which he had hoped to showcase his foreign-policy successes, from brokering Israeli-Egyptian peace to successful arms control talks with Moscow. The possibility that Israel or South Africa, which had deep clandestine defense ties at the time, had tested a nuclear weapon threatened to tarnish that legacy. And the fact that South Africa’s own nuclear weapons program, which the Carter administration was seeking to stop, was not yet sufficiently advanced to test such a weapon left just one prime suspect: Israel. Leading figures within the administration were therefore keen to bury the story and put forward alternative explanations.

Foreign Policy
assembled a team of scientists, academics, former government officials, and nonproliferation experts to analyze the declassified documents and data in the public domain, explain the political and strategic objectives of the key players at the time, and argue why a mysterious flash 40 years ago still matters today.

—Sasha Polakow-Suransky, Foreign Policy’s deputy editor


The Carter administration was so afraid to enforce the PTBT against Israel’s 1979 violation that it did what it could to erase or keep hidden evidence of its detection of a test. Subsequent administrations, Republican and Democratic alike, went along with this, and the U.S. government still pretends it knows nothing about any Israeli nuclear weapons.

Imagine that
I was born in 1980. Glad you’re antisemitism has lasted 40+ yrs.
Thankyou for the article. I remember when it happened . The news media did not give A lot of information on it at the time.
There was a lot of talk about South Africa may have "The Bomb."

Back when the media was a friend of an administration a coverup was easy
That is and always will be the case with msm-

The point is, the US gov't lies and makes shit up- yet, if our guy, whoever he may be, R or D are in control we don't care-
That the US gov't does it with impunity speaks to its opinion of those who pay their wages and they bow to those who pay their retirement port folio scams (campaign donations) to favor or disfavor- yet, we the fully informed :rolleyes: keep doing the same thing over and over and keep complaining about the other guy because- personality or some such non sense

what was the lie?
The absence of honesty.

ok----what was the lack of honesty?
What is not conjecture is that the event was covered up, ignored and falsely explained away at the time. It was and is pure hypocrisy at the mega-level.
PS-----as a kid in the 1950s, because of a medical problem my mom had----I had to accompany her
to the supermarket. I past the time reading popular
magazines-----often about the LOCHNESS monster---
was a DECEIVED? -----there was what looked like a
nuclear explosion in the Atlantic Ocean SO????
Funny, coming from the guy posting this article.
Funnier you didn't read the article- did you? If so why is my opinion funny?

I read the article. Written by a guy who thinks the US should have punished Israel for supposedly violating a treaty it didn't sign. Apparently you agree that the US should tell Israel what they can have.

Before you said, in post #12,
" To think that the US has the authority to tell who what they can have is stupid-"

That's funny!!!
Funny, coming from the guy posting this article.
Funnier you didn't read the article- did you? If so why is my opinion funny?

I read the article. Written by a guy who thinks the US should have punished Israel for supposedly violating a treaty it didn't sign. Apparently you agree that the US should tell Israel what they can have.

Before you said, in post #12,
" To think that the US has the authority to tell who what they can have is stupid-"

That's funny!!!

I read the article too, It gave no actual evidence that the explosion (seen from mars) was effectuated by
Funny, coming from the guy posting this article.
Funnier you didn't read the article- did you? If so why is my opinion funny?

I read the article. Written by a guy who thinks the US should have punished Israel for supposedly violating a treaty it didn't sign. Apparently you agree that the US should tell Israel what they can have.

Before you said, in post #12,
" To think that the US has the authority to tell who what they can have is stupid-"

That's funny!!!

I read the article too, It gave no actual evidence that the explosion (seen from mars) was effectuated by


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