Blago Decoded


Uppity Water Nymph from the Land of Funk
Feb 12, 2007
The Blago situation is getting curiouser and curiouser. The redacted filing from his lawyers for a subpoena for Obama has been cracked. Excerpts:

“. Obama may have lied about conversations with convicted fraudster Tony Rezko

Blagojevich’s lawyers allege that Rezko admitted breaking the law by contributing “a large sum of cash” to a public official. Blagojevich’s attorneys say that public official is Obama. Obama said that Rezko never relayed a request from a lobbyist to hold a fundraiser in favor of favorable legislative action. But the point may be moot: regardless of Obama talking/not talking to Rezko, Blagojevich’s attorneys say that Obama refused the request regardless.

Redacted portion: However, the defense has a good faith belief that Mr. Rezko, President Obama’s former friend, fund-raiser, and neighbor told the FBI and the United States Attorneys a different story about President Obama. In a recent in camera proceeding, the government tendered a three paragraph letter indicating that Rezko “has stated in interviews with the government that he engaged in election law violations by personally contributing a large sum of cash to the campaign of a public official who is not Rod Blagojevich. … Further, the public official denies being aware of cash contributions to his campaign by Rezko or others and denies having conversations with Rezko related to cash contributions. … Rezko has also stated in interviews with the government that he believed he transmitted a quid pro quo offer from a lobbyist to the public official, whereby the lobbyist would hold a fundraiser for the official in exchange for favorable official action, but that the public official rejected the offer. The public official denies any such conversation. In addition, Rezko has stated to the government that he and the public official had certain conversations about gaming legislation and administration, which the public official denies having had.
Redacted footnote: The defense has a good faith belief that this public official is Barack Obama.

2. Obama may have overtly recommended Valerie Jarret for his Senate seat

Blagojevich’s defense team basically alleges that Obama told a certain labor union official that he (Obama) would support Valerie Jarrett’s candidacy for the Senate seat. Jarrett, referred to as “Senate Candidate B”, is now a senior advisor to the president.

Redacted portion: Yet, despite President Obama stating that no representatives of his had any part of any deals, labor union president told the FBI and the United States Attorneys that he spoke to labor union official on November 3, 2008 who received a phone message from Obama that evening. After labor union official listened to the message labor union official told labor union president “I’m the one”. Labor union president took that to mean that labor union official was to be the one to deliver the message on behalf of Obama that Senate Candidate B was his pick. (Labor union president 302, February 2, 2009, p. 7).
Labor union official told the FBI and the United States Attorneys “Obama expressed his belief that [Senate Candidate B] would be a good Senator for the people of Illinois and would be a candidate who could win re-election. [Labor union official] advised Obama that [labor union official] would reach out to Governor Blagojevich and advocate for [Senate Candidate B].. . . [Labor union official] called [labor union president] and told [labor union president] that Obama was aware that [labor union official] would be reaching out to Blagojevich.” (Labor union official 302, February 3, 2009 p. 3).

3. A supporter of President Obama may have offered quid pro quo on a Jarrett senate appointment

Redacted portion: Supporter of Presidential Candidate Obama is mentioned in a phone call on November 3, 2008, having offered “fundraising” in exchange for Senate Candidate B for senator (Blagojevich Home Phone Call # 149).”

Patterico's Pontifications
"Politics as usual" for us Illinoisans. It will be interesting how this all translates on the national stage.

Indeed. Seems they may have caught Obama in a lie, if the Dec. 1 conversation is true:

Newsalert: Obama Caught Lying: Talked to Blago on December 1, 2008

Thursday, April 22, 2010
Obama Caught Lying: Talked to Blago on December 1, 2008
Right after Blago was arrested, Obama claimed he never talked to Blago about the Senate seat. After all, Obama claims he's had little contact with Blago. NBC Chicago catches Obama in a whopping lie. Some redacted portions of an Obama subpoena request have been unearthed:
Obama had a secret phone call with Blagojevich
Redacted portion: President-elect Obama also spoke to Governor Blagojevich on December 1, 2008 in Philadelphia. On Harris Cell Phone Call # 139, John Harris and Governor’s legal counsel discuss a conversation Blagojevich had with President-elect Obama. The government claims a conspiracy existed from October 22, 2008 continuing through December 9, 2008.6 That conversation is relevant to the defense of the government’s theory of an ongoing conspiracy. Only Rod Blagojevich and President Obama can testify to the contents of that conversation. The defense is allowed to present evidence that corroborates the defendant’s testimony.

As veteran Chicago reporter Steve Rhodes says:
If Obama says he loves you, check it out.
"Politics as usual" for us Illinoisans. It will be interesting how this all translates on the national stage.

Indeed. Seems they may have caught Obama in a lie, if the Dec. 1 conversation is true:

Newsalert: Obama Caught Lying: Talked to Blago on December 1, 2008

Thursday, April 22, 2010
Obama Caught Lying: Talked to Blago on December 1, 2008
Right after Blago was arrested, Obama claimed he never talked to Blago about the Senate seat. After all, Obama claims he's had little contact with Blago. NBC Chicago catches Obama in a whopping lie. Some redacted portions of an Obama subpoena request have been unearthed:
Obama had a secret phone call with Blagojevich
Redacted portion: President-elect Obama also spoke to Governor Blagojevich on December 1, 2008 in Philadelphia. On Harris Cell Phone Call # 139, John Harris and Governor’s legal counsel discuss a conversation Blagojevich had with President-elect Obama. The government claims a conspiracy existed from October 22, 2008 continuing through December 9, 2008.6 That conversation is relevant to the defense of the government’s theory of an ongoing conspiracy. Only Rod Blagojevich and President Obama can testify to the contents of that conversation. The defense is allowed to present evidence that corroborates the defendant’s testimony.

As veteran Chicago reporter Steve Rhodes says:
If Obama says he loves you, check it out.

The funny thing is that Blago was able to get Obama that seat and Obama in turn throws Blago under the bus. :eusa_whistle:
Balgo is one of those colorful characters that becomes a thorn in the side of the cozy patronage system that the elites have.

Once part of the system, and now threatened by that very same system, he's willing to bring it all down by exposing the corruption that he was so much a part of.

People like Blago often get killed by lone gunman who are never found to have been involved in conspiracies to kill, ya know.

It's like magic how these lone gunman target former insiders gone rogue like Blago, isn't it?
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This is what's going to happen. They got Blago "dead to rights". His wife is looking to be indicted as well. Blago will cut some sort of a deal for a reduced sentence and to keep his wife out of prison and to be with their kids.
I met the Blag meister when he first campaigned for Governor. Our industry hosted a fundraiser, so I showed him a printout of his voting record - a 0% industry support rating. The guy turned white as a sheet. Once in office, he pulled our sales tax exemption. Little fucker.
"Politics as usual" for us Illinoisans. It will be interesting how this all translates on the national stage.

Gotta laugh.

Blago isn't exactly the best person to look to for the truth on much. Don't think he would get any Boyscout badges for honesty.

However, I could be wrong and this time he's speaking the truth.

Seriosly though. Does anyone think the LSM wiould run with a story that paints Barry Boy, thier messiah and darling boy, as anything but the greatest??

Paallleeeezzzze. LOL.
It is a tiny little problem that just won't stay swept under the rug. It is like the third rate burglary that made some other president quit, a persistent sore that festers and festers and may bring the edifice down.
Rod the Blowjob Bitch isn't gonna be able to weasel out of this one.

You know? I hope Obama DOES go and testify, and does it on television, and exposes the fucker for the lying asshole he is.
I think this is all payback.

Obama wanted Jarrett in his Senate seat. Blago refused, they offered him a money, he agreed and now he's fucked. Bottom line, under these circumstances, we could thank Blago for not having Jarrett as a Senator today.

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It is payback - but that doesn't mean Blago is lying.

He got thrown under the bus, and now has NOTHING to lose.
It is payback - but that doesn't mean Blago is lying.

He got thrown under the bus, and now has NOTHING to lose.

Neither side is interested to let the truth out. If Blago has any proof, there will be a deal where he'll get nice gov't retirement in exchange for silence. The fact that he's not in prison already tells me that he has something up in his sleeve.
He has a smoking gun. Somebody on Obama's staff will be set up for the fall. I find it interesting that the buzz about Rahmbo is that he wants to be mayor of Chicago. This is quite a soap opera.
"Politics as usual" for us Illinoisans. It will be interesting how this all translates on the national stage.

translation one corrupt liberal democrat thug subpoenas another corrupt liberal democrat thug. should look like a Jerry Springer show with two losers duking it out looking like the low life trailor park people they are. Two bad both can't be sent to prison. Should be a state holiday when Blago does the perp walk. Put this creep in the same cell as Lying Ryan. let this retard with his hairdo be his little Gilligan. to bad he won't go to one of the prison they send the regular citizens to and let the Brothers resize his rectum!!! let him get screwed and take it up the rear like he did to the citizens of Illinois!!!

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