Black Religious Leaders Say They Will Not Endorse Donald Trump


Gold Member
Aug 20, 2015
“Mr. Trump routinely uses overtly divisive and racist language on the campaign trail. Most recently, he admitted his supporters were justified for punching and kicking a Black protester who had attended a Trump rally with the intent to remind the crowd that ‘Black Lives Matter,'” the op-ed reads. “Trump followed this action by tweeting inaccurate statistics about crime prevalence rates in Black communities — insinuating that Black people are more violent than other groups.”

Last week, white Trump supporters were filmed punching and kicking a black protester at a campaign rally in Birmingham, Alabama. Trump can be heard saying “Get him the hell out of here” over the microphone. Last month, a Latino protester was dragged by a Trump rally attendee.

Trump came under fire recently for tweeting bogus crime statistics used as propaganda by white supremacists
oh for crying out loud, you see folks how the left/democrat party believes they OWN THE BLACK people in this country. they make screeching headlines of how black leader ARENT GOING to endorse Trump. so who gives a crap?

and what kind of LANGUAGE do you all call this garbage? pure truth and love? you losers have nothing but HATE TO SPREAD

raw story is RAW garbage propaganda. get that BS FROM rawgarbage: they used statistics as propaganda by WHITE SUPREMACIST. (that right there is pure Propaganda). NOW who is it that is trying to tear this country apart with hate and lies? you're reading it if you're reading RAWgarbagestory
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Here's the truth folks. and you can take this thread as an example. They run on nothing but hate, smears and lies

Michigan Letter To The Editor: Progressives Are RUINING THE COUNTRY

November 28, 2015 by Aleister 2 Comments


People all over America are starting to realize that the progressive vision for America may not be the best way to go. The letter excerpted below is from a newspaper in Holland, MI.

Take a look:

Letter: Progressives ruining this country

Our founders added the bill of rights to the Constitution to protect the people from the possibility of an overzealous government.

Progressives believe more government is the answer to almost every problem and they really do not trust the people.
This can be seen in progressives’ criticism of the court’s ruling in “Citizens United.” It is very clear that when our founders spoke of freedom of speech they primarily had political speech in mind. Yet in 2014, 54 Democratic senators voted to allow Congress and the states to restrict political speech. Why? Because they believe the common people are ignorant and will vote for whoever spends the most money in campaigns. Thus the all-knowing government should save the people from their own poor decisions.

Fifty years ago, the chant on college campuses was “free speech.” Today our progressive-run universities are awash in speech codes — can’t say something that may challenge someone’s preconceived idea of the truth. So much for the First Amendment — and “higher” education.

Being a good progressive, Marcia Meoli now wants to repeal the Second Amendment. Just how does she propose to confiscate guns from the many criminals who already have guns illegally? Let me guess, repeal the Fourth Amendment?

Read the rest here.

all of it at:
Michigan Letter To The Editor: Progressives Are RUINING THE COUNTRY - Progressives Today
is it any wonder the left is so filled with bitter hate and is low on information and truth. when they read sites like Rawgarbagestory.

that was just nasty dribble filled with lies and crap they pulled from their ass. yet the expect you to EAT it I guess.

you couldn't pay me to read that kind of garbage every day. they are rabid dogs foaming at the mouth over there.

they put out: his supporters were caught punching and kicking an loud mouth protester. I think that was already debunked and so WHAT IF it did happen. they PAID to go see Mr. Trump, not to see someone show their ass like that Trump hater.

and then you have this garbage over some TWEET I mean seriously:
Trump came under fire recently for tweeting bogus crime statistics used as propaganda by white supremacists. that is pure made up BS

save yourself and your mind and stop reading some of the leftwing Garbage sites like RawGarbage and the list is long of site I could list for you
Meathead, we know you are not concerned about black endorsements, yes.

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