Black People were treated better in Nazi Germany than in America

Sunni Man

Diamond Member
Aug 14, 2008
Patriotic American Muslim
The Nazis and the German people had no problem accepting blacks.

There were even blacks who served in the German army during WWII

[ame=]YouTube - ‪Black People in Nazi Germany‬‏[/ame]
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There were even blacks who served in the German army during WWII
[ame=] Hitler's Jewish Soldiers: The Untold Story of Nazi Racial Laws and Men of Jewish Descent in the German Military (Modern War Studies) (9780700613588): Bryan Mark Rigg: Books[/ame]
Shit...I bet it wouldn't take too much to show that blacks were treated better by Confederate plantationers, than they are today by the average posturing DNC political douchebag.

Blacks were probably treated better by the Nazis because they were never a threat to the State. The Jews were. The Blacks never sought to destroy Nazi Germany. The Jews did. The Blacks did not wield any kind of power in which to pose a danger to Nazi Germany. The Jews did.

Now, do you understand, or must I draw you a picture? Allow me to draw you a different picture. Think about your country's debt. To whom do you owe much of your cash? Who is at the head of the US Treasury? What was it called again? The organisation which lends your government money? Damn, it is on the tip of my tongue, but I do know it is chaired by JEWS. Just as they did in Germany, they control your country's wealth.

I second this.

I would also like to point out that here in the U.S. we have Blacks preaching that they have to drowned out the 'White' race by breading. And some wonder why so many Whites in the U.S. do not like Blacks. :eusa_think:
92% of blacks voted for Obama. That only leave 8% that show any sign of intelligence at all.

The world's smartest black guy turned out to be Irish.

O'Malley, O'Reilly, O'Brien, O'Hare, O'Patrick, O'Connor and O'Bama. Who knew?

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What are you all talking about? Blacks in Nazi Germany were treated just as bad (if not worse) than blacks in America. From 1918-1937 many blacks underwent forced sterilization without anesthesia. They went under the sterilization to prevent them from inter- breeding with Germans. In Hitler's Mein Kampf he calls these blacks a certain name with "bastard" in the ending. Blacks were shot by SS soldiers and sent to concentration camps where they were forced to do hard laborous jobs such as fill and empty crematoriums, putting bodies into mass graves, work in laboratories... Every three months these blacks were killed off so that there would be no record of what took place in the laboratories. They were also used in "experiments" later on performed for the hated Jews. These experiments were rated in how much pain it would cause. The more painful, the better... I see nothing about how being black in Germany was a good thing.
The Nazis and the German people had no problem accepting blacks.

There were even blacks who served in the German army during WWII

YouTube - ‪Black People in Nazi Germany‬‏

I wouldn't deny that but I doubt they still weren't on the same level of the blonde haired-blue eyed white man either. Nor would've a black man ever hold the office of "Furor". Only in the US could a black man hold the top office in a white dominated country and sadly, he's not doing so well.
I was mainly making a comparison between Germany and America during the 1920s 30s and 40's

During that time an American blacks could be beaten up and even lynched with no legal repercussions to the perpetrators of the crime.

The KKK had 3 million members and staged giant rallies in Washington DC

Where as, a black in Germany may have not been a social equal.

But at least he didn't have to fear for his life on a daily basis .
I was mainly making a comparison between Germany and America during the 1920s 30s and 40's

During that time an American blacks could be beaten up and even lynched with no legal repercussions to the perpetrators of the crime.

The KKK had 3 million members and staged giant rallies in Washington DC

Where as, a black in Germany may have not been a social equal.

But at least he didn't have to fear for his life on a daily basis .

True Dat! but today, I see more white people living in fear of the black & Middle-eastern man than anything else.
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I was mainly making a comparison between Germany and America during the 1920s 30s and 40's

During that time an American blacks could be beaten up and even lynched with no legal repercussions to the perpetrators of the crime.

The KKK had 3 million members and staged giant rallies in Washington DC

Where as, a black in Germany may have not been a social equal.

But at least he didn't have to fear for his life on a daily basis .

While not subject to an orgainsed, official policy of ethnic extermination like the Jews, black people did not escape the ideology of German racial purity. Apart from those that were forcibly sterilised, others mysteriously disappeared, or ended being used for medical experiments.

Mixed-race people were not allowed to go to university, prevented from joining the military and kept out of many jobs. It was a terrifying time because no person of black origin felt safe. Not knowing if one day there time may be up.
The Nazis and the German people had no problem accepting blacks.

There were even blacks who served in the German army during WWII

YouTube - ‪Black People in Nazi Germany‬‏

That's cause they were busy exterminating all of the Jews.

I think the Jews try to make this look worse than it really was. The Germans didn't only want the Jews out of their country, but they wanted a whole lot of other groups out as well.
The Nazis and the German people had no problem accepting blacks.

There were even blacks who served in the German army during WWII

YouTube - ‪Black People in Nazi Germany‬‏

That's cause they were busy exterminating all of the Jews.

I think the Jews try to make this look worse than it really was. The Germans didn't only want the Jews out of their country, but they wanted a whole lot of other groups out as well.

Well.. Hitler and the Nazi's weren't too pleased with Jesse Owen's and his 4 Gold Metals in the.. 36 Olympics...(read the link.. on the mistreatment of the Jewish Olympians.. it sucks)..mmm (FDR)

-------------Jesse Owens....:clap2:

It was the summer of 1936 and Nazism was running rampant throughout pre-World War II Eastern Europe. The Olympics were coming to Berlin and Adolf Hitler viewed it as a golden opportunity to showcase his country and prove to the rest of the world that his Aryan race was superior. Not so fast, Adolf.

Twenty-two-year-old American Jesse Owens didn't care much for Hitler's politics—or any politics for that matter. He just wanted to show off his immense skills and represent his country to the best of his abilities. Just over a year earlier, on May 25, 1935, Owens recorded one of the more mind-boggling performances in track and field history. He broke three world records and tied another at the Big Ten Track and Field Championships in Michigan—in just 45 minutes!

Hitler viewed African-Americans as inferior and chastised the United States for stooping to use these "non-humans." Despite the endless racial epithets and the constant presence of the red and black swastika, Owens made Hitler eat his words with four gold medals.

Memorable Olympic Moments: Jesse Owens, 1936 —
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Ahh...Better grab a copy of Mein Kempf (My Struggle) and read up on how nazi germany really felt about people of non aryan blood. Seeing as the main nazi agenda was an entire planet of blond hair and blue eyes don't see how blacks fit . There were about 20,000 blacks in nazi germany which were of no threat to the nazi's so there was no reason to fear them. But they were still considered Untermensch (sub-human) along with Jews, Gypsies, homosexuals, handicapped people, ethnic poles(polish), and russians, with blacks and jews at the bottom of the list. I know...... "But what about japan".... would have only been a matter of time, before nazi's would have turned on italy, and japanese empire, after all they did turn on the fatherland U.S.S.R. ( russia)..... and got their ass kicked by the best army of ww2 the red army!!!
Most of the blacks in nazi germany were from african nations, and were students so there was no real danger to the nazi agenda. There may not have been the blatant racism that blacks in the u. s .
had to deal with on a daily basis jim crow laws, lynching, voter suppression, but it was there. It seemed to me back then the best white county for a non white person was france, alot of black american entertainers, who were shut out in the u.s. and there was alot! headed to paris and were
accepted and paid well with no questions asked. The only thing bad was that the greedy u.s. promoters, theatre, and club owners would find out , and go and get(bribe) them to come back to the u.s. only to rip them off that's why you hear stories of so and so who made all this money but died broke.
If there was a good number of Blacks in Germany like there are here things would have been different.

Hard to say...maybe maybe not, probably would have been rounded up and exterminated just like the 6 million jews of eastern europe and other so called sub-humans. You have to undestand the nazi ideology.... a master race.

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