Black On White Attacks Continue In Downtown Denver Despite Arrests


Gold Member
Apr 2, 2009
We lived in Denver Metro ~

Aurora, to be exact.

We're sort of white, and no one attacked us.

AUSTIN: Capital Meto transportation authority, at least 75% African-American peeps.

We weren't "attacked" there, either.

Doesn't matter WHERE you live;

it just matters who you piss off to the extent that they feel some sort of need to attack you.

I've never known of a better scenario for this to be apropos:

Haters just have to hate.

The rest of us?

We just try to keep on keeping on.
Color me *shocked*. Street crimes persists in a major US city even though ARRESTS have been made.

Hell, tank, we execute people in this country all the time and yet depraved murders still occur. Did you truely think a few arrests were gonna solve all crime problems?
Cripes, Mad!

Come fuck with me,

on MY street,

and see if any "crime" happens! :lol:

(my 'street" consists of three houses, but the corner folks WOULD support me, all 5 of 'em!)

CAT FIGHT, brewing! :lol:

And, well, this IS Texas.

Prepare to be shot. :rofl:
Brazenly open and notorious multiple assaults and robberies on citizens who walking the streets?!

Obviously these aren't just robberies motivated by greed, these perps also enjoying the hunt and the intimidation of innocent citizens.

So we're really dealing not with crime, are we?

These are power tripping gangs of sociopathic bullies who think they have license to take over the streets.

Try them, then string 'em up.

Does that make me sound like a right wing racist?

Do you suppose I'd propose any other response to this sort of behavior if the perps were White?

We do society enormous disservice when we pretend that violent sociopathic personalities are merely criminals.

They're not.

Hellm we even do a disservice to mere criminals when we make them share prison with this sort of violent sociopath.
If Denver has some especially bad outbreak of mayhem in the streets, it should respond with whatever force it takes to put this down and restore order, period. Crime is not a racial issue -- it is a safety issue.

If Denver P.D. needs outside assistance to maintain order, I'd support a call to send in the National Guard.

Fuckwhitery on the streets is never acceptable, no matter who the perp or victim may be. IMO, you act badly enough and you surrender your right to be viewed as race becomes rather irrelevant. No one asks what race the rabid dog we need shot may be, and if you act like a rabid dog, I dun give a fuck what your race may be either.
Brazenly open and notorious multiple assaults and robberies on citizens who walking the streets?!

Obviously these aren't just robberies motivated by greed, these perps also enjoying the hunt and the intimidation of innocent citizens.

So we're really dealing not with crime, are we?

These are power tripping gangs of sociopathic bullies who think they have license to take over the streets.

Try them, then string 'em up.

Does that make me sound like a right wing racist?

Do you suppose I'd propose any other response to this sort of behavior if the perps were White?

We do society enormous disservice when we pretend that violent sociopathic personalities are merely criminals.

They're not.

Hellm we even do a disservice to mere criminals when we make them share prison with this sort of violent sociopath.


This is the Rabid Dog/Animal thang:

Live and let die?

Or live and let live?

When we see these Rabid Dogs, what ARE we to do?

This is how I learned of Righteous Anger:


it cannot continue to exist,

not in my reality.

I hate killing;

but I WILL kill, if push comes to shove.
Brazenly open and notorious multiple assaults and robberies on citizens who walking the streets?!

Obviously these aren't just robberies motivated by greed, these perps also enjoying the hunt and the intimidation of innocent citizens.

So we're really dealing not with crime, are we?

These are power tripping gangs of sociopathic bullies who think they have license to take over the streets.

Try them, then string 'em up.

Does that make me sound like a right wing racist?

Do you suppose I'd propose any other response to this sort of behavior if the perps were White?

We do society enormous disservice when we pretend that violent sociopathic personalities are merely criminals.

They're not.

Hellm we even do a disservice to mere criminals when we make them share prison with this sort of violent sociopath.


This is the Rabid Dog/Animal thang:

Live and let die?

Or live and let live?

When we see these Rabid Dogs, what ARE we to do?

This is how I learned of Righteous Anger:


it cannot continue to exist,

not in my reality.

I hate killing;

but I WILL kill, if push comes to shove.

I don't know what it is, really, Fyrenza.

If it is as described above, then by all means drop the hammer on them and drop it hard.

What I know is this: once torn, the veneer of civil society can shred pretty damned quickly.

Brazen indifference to the rule of law like we saw in that video cannot be tolerated in civil society.

Even being a liberal (or at least being the kind of liberal I am) is not a suicide pact.
Brazenly open and notorious multiple assaults and robberies on citizens who walking the streets?!

Obviously these aren't just robberies motivated by greed, these perps also enjoying the hunt and the intimidation of innocent citizens.

So we're really dealing not with crime, are we?

These are power tripping gangs of sociopathic bullies who think they have license to take over the streets.

Try them, then string 'em up.

Does that make me sound like a right wing racist?

Do you suppose I'd propose any other response to this sort of behavior if the perps were White?

We do society enormous disservice when we pretend that violent sociopathic personalities are merely criminals.

They're not.

Hellm we even do a disservice to mere criminals when we make them share prison with this sort of violent sociopath.


This is the Rabid Dog/Animal thang:

Live and let die?

Or live and let live?

When we see these Rabid Dogs, what ARE we to do?

This is how I learned of Righteous Anger:


it cannot continue to exist,

not in my reality.

I hate killing;

but I WILL kill, if push comes to shove.

I don't know what it is, really, Fyrenza.

If it is as described above, then by all means drop the hammer on them and drop it hard.

What I know is this: once torn, the veneer of civil society can shred pretty damned quickly.

Brazen indifference to the rule of law like we saw in that video cannot be tolerated in civil society.

Even being a liberal (or at least being the kind of liberal I am) is not a suicide pact.

We're ALL having to come to grips with shit we NEVER thought we'd ever have to even wEnder about...

Mores the pity.


WOW! I had to look ^that^ up! I'm not a sad person, for the most part, but a LOT of this crap, lately, that I'm reading and feeling,

is sort of making me have to be sad.

AKA: I suck! :lol:
Color me *shocked*. Street crimes persists in a major US city even though ARRESTS have been made.

Hell, tank, we execute people in this country all the time and yet depraved murders still occur. Did you truely think a few arrests were gonna solve all crime problems?
The main point of the story is that blacks are attacking just white people.

Want to talk about that?
Color me *shocked*. Street crimes persists in a major US city even though ARRESTS have been made.

Hell, tank, we execute people in this country all the time and yet depraved murders still occur. Did you truely think a few arrests were gonna solve all crime problems?
The main point of the story is that blacks are attacking just white people.

Want to talk about that?

Poor little tink tink.:(
Crime is not a racial issue -- it is a safety issue.

DEAD WRONG, Book Antiqua Blue Size Four.

Violent crime is so overwhelmingly black and Hispanic that it IS a racial issue: 11/22/10 - Crime In Black and White—WaPo’s Jonathan Capehart vs. NYT’s Al Baker

If we did not have to deal with blacks and Hispanics, we'd spend an estimated one TRILLION dollars less on police, jails, prisons, courts, etc. My statistic. A white nation would basically have a few drunk drivers, wife beaters and the kiddy-touchers. There would be an annual murder per million whites. When it comes to heavy stuff -- daily robbery, murder, rape -- it's blacks and Hispanics all the way.

Tank is right: if this were "skinheads" attacking blacks, the fucking 10th Armored Division would be in Denver right now. National news, every day. But because the perps are black and the victims white, NADA.


No attention. No protests. No action.

Open season on whites.
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When you have a black Marxist president, a black Attorney General who ignores the Black Panthers and a white liberal mayor (Denver), it sends a message to blacks:

Attack the whites.

You'll get away with it.

The media will go along. Brian Williams and Anderson Cooper will NOT be coming out to Denver, so, the little old ladies across the USA won't believe it's happening.

What can whites do? Fight back? They'll be called racist. THEY will be the ones getting charged... as "haters."

Call the paper? Ha! Sue? Ha!

White power, USA, indeed. WHAT FUCKING POWER? Nobody even believes anything happens to us! We get called "crazy" if we complain. You can keep that kind of power.
We lived in Denver Metro ~

Aurora, to be exact.

We're sort of white, and no one attacked us.

AUSTIN: Capital Meto transportation authority, at least 75% African-American peeps.

We weren't "attacked" there, either.

Doesn't matter WHERE you live;

it just matters who you piss off to the extent that they feel some sort of need to attack you.

I've never known of a better scenario for this to be apropos:

Haters just have to hate.

The rest of us?

We just try to keep on keeping on.

You're a fucking idiot!!

These black fucks are robbing people not becasue these guys pissed them off, besides being pissed off does not give a person the right to attack you.

Damn you are one stupid fuck!
Folks, we can sum this up with a simple google search of crime stats.

Look at the cities and neighborhoods with the highest crime rates, and those with the lowest.

Next compare those with demographic charts of those cities, top to bottom.

Your answer will be clear.

Now....anyone care to explain why this correlation is ALWAYS accurate?
We lived in Denver Metro ~

Aurora, to be exact.

We're sort of white, and no one attacked us.

AUSTIN: Capital Meto transportation authority, at least 75% African-American peeps.

We weren't "attacked" there, either.

Doesn't matter WHERE you live;

it just matters who you piss off to the extent that they feel some sort of need to attack you.

I've never known of a better scenario for this to be apropos:

Haters just have to hate.

The rest of us?

We just try to keep on keeping on.

You're a fucking idiot!!

These black fucks are robbing people not becasue these guys pissed them off, besides being pissed off does not give a person the right to attack you.

Damn you are one stupid fuck!

Let me propose a math question to all of you:

1 black man walks alone at night through a 100% white neighborhood.
1 white man walks alone at night through a 100% black neighborhood.

Who has the highest chance of getting robbed, shot, or stabbed?

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