'Black Gold' War in Libya

P F Tinmore

Diamond Member
Dec 6, 2009
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N0Wt5ry9Yuw]YouTube - 'Black Gold' War in Libya - USA/NATO afraid Gadaffi will devalue the dollar by repricing Oil in Gold[/ame]
I don't think the Administration is that concerned about the devaluing dollar. If they were they wouldnt be spending so much or printing so much to devalue it.
Mebbe he flew the coup an' hidin' out in Pakistan?...
NATO says Gaddafi whereabouts unknown
May 11, 2011 - As NATO airstrikes hit Tripoli, a commander says Colonel Muammer Gaddafi has not been seen for weeks
A SERIES of NATO airstrikes hit Tripoli yesterday in the heaviest attack on the capital in weeks, even as rebel fighters in Misrata said they were making gains against forces loyal to Colonel Muammar Gaddafi. Warplanes struck a command centre in Tripoli in the early hours of the morning, with one witness saying they had penetrated the heavily fortified compound of the Libyan dictator. Mystery surrounds Colonel Gaddafi's whereabouts and he has not been seen in public since April 30, when his youngest son and three of his grandchildren were reportedly killed in another NATO airstrike.

Asked whether Colonel Gaddafi was alive, Brigadier Claudio Gabellini, NATO's chief operations officer for Libya, said: "We don't have any evidence. We don't know what Gaddafi is doing right now." The Italian commander insisted that the alliance was not seeking out individuals. "All NATO targets are military targets, which means that the targets we've been hitting are command and control bunkers," he said.Regime officials claimed that yesterday's raid wounded four children.

Britain and its allies have been conducting air and sea strikes against military targets across Libya since March 19, as part of a UN-endorsed mission to protect civilians from a crackdown by Colonel Gaddafi's forces, determined to crush a popular uprising against his 42-year rule. The conflict has ebbed back and forth without any game-changing movement by either side, but opposition fighters claimed last night that they had driven Colonel Gaddafi's troops back from around Misrata, a key strategic objective, and were preparing to move on Zliten, the next major town on the road to Tripoli.

Ahmad Hassan, a rebel spokesman, said the insurgents had "liberated" areas to the south and east of the city, killing many regime troops and seizing a large amount of weapons. Eighteen rebels and civilians were wounded. Fighting is escalating, too, in the western mountains near Tunisia. Rebels said on Monday that NATO struck government arms depots southeast of Zintan, a rebel-held town that has become a new frontline in the conflict.

Almost three months of unrest has prompted tens of thousands of migrants to flee by land, sea and air, though the latter route is no longer possible because of the UN-endorsed no-fly zone. Aid agencies are increasingly concerned about the plight of people trying to escape in overloaded and flimsy boats. Hundreds have already perished at sea. The UN refugee agency yesterday urged ships in the Mediterranean to treat all boats leaving Libya as being in need of assistance.

Ahmad Hassan, a rebel spokesman, said the insurgents had "liberated" areas to the south and east of the city

Like we "liberated" Iraq?
The rebels are actually from Libya, so no it is nothing close to what we did in Iraq.

True but the rebels have been supported by the US for years. They are a proxy US army.

Yeah? than how come we are not arming the rebels and stood by for a month and did nothing when Ghaddafi hammered them? The US is not as deeply embedded with these rebels as you think.

When plan A failed we called in NATO.
True but the rebels have been supported by the US for years. They are a proxy US army.

Yeah? than how come we are not arming the rebels and stood by for a month and did nothing when Ghaddafi hammered them? The US is not as deeply embedded with these rebels as you think.

When plan A failed we called in NATO.

This whole operation is a joke anyways, if "NATO" wants Ghaddafi gone so bad they should do it on their own without us.

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