Bipartisanship will not be tolerated by voters...PERIOD!


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
Make no mistake about, thats where we’re at folks...neither side will elect politicians committed to making deals across the aisle. The ‘other side’ is the enemy and you don’t make deals with the enemy.
Make no mistake about, thats where we’re at folks...neither side will elect politicians committed to making deals across the aisle. The ‘other side’ is the enemy and you don’t make deals with the enemy.
The worst thing for the United States is bipartisanship. As we all know, when a Republican reaches across the aisle, usually ends up with higher taxes or less freedoms.

George Bush reached across the aisle with Ted(the swimmer) Kennedy and created "No child left behind, as long as it is theirs" and FREE(that tax payers pay) prescription drugs to the wealthy old rich people because (the Dems with Clinton) social security was taxed even higher, thus those old foggies(which I am one now) gets less SS.

John McCain reached across the aisle with Feingold(thus the McCain Feingold Act) to limit speech during an election.

The best thing for the US is when the government is shut down. Thus they cant fuck US then.
Make no mistake about, thats where we’re at folks...neither side will elect politicians committed to making deals across the aisle. The ‘other side’ is the enemy and you don’t make deals with the enemy.

Which is why it's time for Proportional Representation. Time for more parties, more choice, proper representation, and an end to this mindless partisan bullshit.
Make no mistake about, thats where we’re at folks...neither side will elect politicians committed to making deals across the aisle. The ‘other side’ is the enemy and you don’t make deals with the enemy.

I know in your little world, people are either Repugs or Dems.
However, Independents make up more of the voting sector than either party.
As of September, 2018 Republicans make up 26% of the voting public, Democrats 27% and Independents 44%. And as the Republican and Democrat affiliation shrink, the Independent sector continues to grow.
Party Affiliation
Also, as of a one year ago, most Americans wanted partisanship. In other words, people want things done, Gridlock gets nothing done., Period.
Americans Favor Compromise to Get Things Done in Washington
Only small-minded people do not favor bipartisanship. They are locked into their immature world, where it is my way or hit the highway.
In that type of world, the rest of the world passes us by, as confirmed of all the new alliances in the world since Trump's nationalism.
Make no mistake about, thats where we’re at folks...neither side will elect politicians committed to making deals across the aisle. The ‘other side’ is the enemy and you don’t make deals with the enemy.
The worst thing for the United States is bipartisanship.


There would be no United States without what we call bipartisanship today. Our entire system of governing was built around the idea of the sides coming to common ground and agreements.

But a divided people are much easier to control, and that is why we are where we are today, and you sheep are happily helping it to happen
Make no mistake about, thats where we’re at folks...neither side will elect politicians committed to making deals across the aisle. The ‘other side’ is the enemy and you don’t make deals with the enemy.

I know in your little world, people are either Repugs or Dems.
However, Independents make up more of the voting sector than either party.
As of September, 2018 Republicans make up 26% of the voting public, Democrats 27% and Independents 44%. And as the Republican and Democrat affiliation shrink, the Independent sector continues to grow.
Party Affiliation
Also, as of a one year ago, most Americans wanted partisanship. In other words, people want things done, Gridlock gets nothing done., Period.
Americans Favor Compromise to Get Things Done in Washington
Only small-minded people do not favor bipartisanship. They are locked into their immature world, where it is my way or hit the highway.
In that type of world, the rest of the world passes us by, as confirmed of all the new alliances in the world since Trump's nationalism.

Hmmm, if that’s true, one has to wonder why there is no relevant Independent Party.
Any ideas?
Make no mistake about, thats where we’re at folks...neither side will elect politicians committed to making deals across the aisle. The ‘other side’ is the enemy and you don’t make deals with the enemy.

I know in your little world, people are either Repugs or Dems.
However, Independents make up more of the voting sector than either party.
As of September, 2018 Republicans make up 26% of the voting public, Democrats 27% and Independents 44%. And as the Republican and Democrat affiliation shrink, the Independent sector continues to grow.
Party Affiliation
Also, as of a one year ago, most Americans wanted partisanship. In other words, people want things done, Gridlock gets nothing done., Period.
Americans Favor Compromise to Get Things Done in Washington
Only small-minded people do not favor bipartisanship. They are locked into their immature world, where it is my way or hit the highway.
In that type of world, the rest of the world passes us by, as confirmed of all the new alliances in the world since Trump's nationalism.

Hmmm, if that’s true, one has to wonder why there is no relevant Independent Party.
Any ideas?

Been there, done that, have the T-shirt, its a waste of time and money. Is Bernie Sanders really an independent or is he a super-democrat? Is Angus King an independent or a sneaky democrat? Maybe Bloomberg will run as an independent and throw a few billion at a run for president? IMHO it would be easier for Mike to buy his way into the dems' nomination by simply buying super-delegates. There is no independent party infrastructure in all 50 states, there is no MSM loyalty, there are no reasons for people to waste their vote on a false hope of winning. Even then, what would the independent run on? Gridlock? Because no dems or GOP would agree to anything the independent would want.
Make no mistake about, thats where we’re at folks...neither side will elect politicians committed to making deals across the aisle. The ‘other side’ is the enemy and you don’t make deals with the enemy.
The worst thing for the United States is bipartisanship. As we all know, when a Republican reaches across the aisle, usually ends up with higher taxes or less freedoms.

George Bush reached across the aisle with Ted(the swimmer) Kennedy and created "No child left behind, as long as it is theirs" and FREE(that tax payers pay) prescription drugs to the wealthy old rich people because (the Dems with Clinton) social security was taxed even higher, thus those old foggies(which I am one now) gets less SS.

John McCain reached across the aisle with Feingold(thus the McCain Feingold Act) to limit speech during an election.

The best thing for the US is when the government is shut down. Thus they cant fuck US then.
Well you have correctly stated the gop's vision of govt. Good luck bargaining with the Kochs for HC and retirement.
The politicians can't help us anyway. We are too far gone. The ruling class has made it clear they are not willing to compromise.
Make no mistake about, thats where we’re at folks...neither side will elect politicians committed to making deals across the aisle. The ‘other side’ is the enemy and you don’t make deals with the enemy.

Which is why it's time for Proportional Representation. Time for more parties, more choice, proper representation, and an end to this mindless partisan bullshit.
I know why don't you start the moron party of 1?
Make no mistake about, thats where we’re at folks...neither side will elect politicians committed to making deals across the aisle. The ‘other side’ is the enemy and you don’t make deals with the enemy.
The worst thing for the United States is bipartisanship. As we all know, when a Republican reaches across the aisle, usually ends up with higher taxes or less freedoms.

George Bush reached across the aisle with Ted(the swimmer) Kennedy and created "No child left behind, as long as it is theirs" and FREE(that tax payers pay) prescription drugs to the wealthy old rich people because (the Dems with Clinton) social security was taxed even higher, thus those old foggies(which I am one now) gets less SS.

John McCain reached across the aisle with Feingold(thus the McCain Feingold Act) to limit speech during an election.

The best thing for the US is when the government is shut down. Thus they cant fuck US then.
Well you have correctly stated the gop's vision of govt. Good luck bargaining with the Kochs for HC and retirement.
I don't have to worry about retirement because when Clinton DID raise taxes on social security(the dems lost the congress for the 1st time in 40 years because of that) I decided to go all in and buy up stocks..Havent looked back and have made millions doing it.
Make no mistake about, thats where we’re at folks...neither side will elect politicians committed to making deals across the aisle. The ‘other side’ is the enemy and you don’t make deals with the enemy.

should we KILL the enemy?
It already started with the shooting of Congressman Scalia, and the shooting of kids at a country western event. Maybe it is time to give back what you lefties started?
I don't have to worry about retirement because when Clinton DID raise taxes on social security(the dems lost the congress for the 1st time in 40 years because of that) I decided to go all in and buy up stocks..Havent looked back and have made millions doing it.

It is simply amazing how many millionaires there are on this forum.
I don't have to worry about retirement because when Clinton DID raise taxes on social security(the dems lost the congress for the 1st time in 40 years because of that) I decided to go all in and buy up stocks..Havent looked back and have made millions doing it.

It is simply amazing how many millionaires there are on this forum.

dime a dozen, dime a dozen -
Make no mistake about, thats where we’re at folks...neither side will elect politicians committed to making deals across the aisle. The ‘other side’ is the enemy and you don’t make deals with the enemy.
If everyone turned off their propaganda channels (MSNBC, Fox News, etc.) and stopped reading their online propagandists (Huffpost, American Thinker, etc.), we would see a lot less polarization.

There is a reason these propagandists are seeking to divide us. It is so the special interests they serve can conquer us.
Make no mistake about, thats where we’re at folks...neither side will elect politicians committed to making deals across the aisle. The ‘other side’ is the enemy and you don’t make deals with the enemy.
Funny...the media just reported this morning that McConnell cut a deal with Schumer to get 13 or so Trump Judge nominee's confirmed.

I think the American people are tired of the intolerant uncivil 'asshole', no matter which party that may be, as Democrats are finding out the hard way right now.

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