Bill Nye Blames Calif Floods on Gorebal Warming


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
The left are the most anti-science people on the planet.

So says one of our ignoramouses. Cannot say that any one particular event is attributable to AGW, but AGW makes them more likely. And we certainly have seen a bunch of precipitation events in the last year.
So says one of our ignoramouses. Cannot say that any one particular event is attributable to AGW, but AGW makes them more likely. And we certainly have seen a bunch of precipitation events in the last year.
OMG! Calif got some rain so it must be manmade global warming!

What an anti-science dufus.
Warmer air holds more water. Simple physical fact. That water vapor only stays in the atmosphere for the most, 10 days. So, warmer air picks up more water, and when it rains out, there is more rain. Is that simple enough for you?
Warmer air holds more water. Simple physical fact. That water vapor only stays in the atmosphere for the most, 10 days. So, warmer air picks up more water, and when it rains out, there is more rain. Is that simple enough for you?
Dufus doubles down on his support of Bill Nye.

Proving all of the doomsdayers are anti-science.
So says one of our ignoramouses. Cannot say that any one particular event is attributable to AGW, but AGW makes them more likely. And we certainly have seen a bunch of precipitation events in the last year.


Whatever. You have less than no credibility when you list AGW as the cause of every single top Weather Channel story, flood, droughts, earthquakes, tornadoes, meteor showers, etc
So says one of our ignoramouses. Cannot say that any one particular event is attributable to AGW, but AGW makes them more likely. And we certainly have seen a bunch of precipitation events in the last year.


Whatever. You have less than no credibility when you list AGW as the cause of every single top Weather Channel story, flood, droughts, earthquakes, tornadoes, meteor showers, etc
Let's not forget man's influence on melting the polar caps of Mars.
So says one of our ignoramouses. Cannot say that any one particular event is attributable to AGW, but AGW makes them more likely. And we certainly have seen a bunch of precipitation events in the last year.


Whatever. You have less than no credibility when you list AGW as the cause of every single top Weather Channel story, flood, droughts, earthquakes, tornadoes, meteor showers, etc
Let's not forget man's influence on melting the polar caps of Mars.
Let us not forget how truly stupid you are.

Swiss cheese is not a sign of Martian climate change

Swiss cheese is not a sign of Martian climate change

Swiss-cheese pits in the melting ice of Mars (Image: NASA/JPL/University of Arizona)

Global warming isn’t happening on Mars, so face up to it on Earth. That’s the conclusion of an analysis of the Red Planet’s melting polar ice cap, which shows that Swiss-cheese-like pits forming in the ice are part of a natural cycle, not unusual warming.

The pits were first spotted at the carbon dioxide ice cap at the Martian south pole in 1999, then pictured again in 2001, one Martian year later. Comparing the images revealed the pits had grown by a few metres. At that rate, the entire ice cap would disappear in a few thousand years.

Some climate sceptics suggested that this meant our neighbouring planet is undergoing global warming just like Earth, so the sun – not humans – must be behind warming on both planets.

Now Shane Byrne at the University of Arizona in Tucson and his colleagues say the pit size changes naturally every 100 years or so. He used images of the south pole from NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter to track changes in the pits over four Martian years and create a model of their formation. This showed that thin CO2 ice starts out smooth, but as gas freezes onto it, some places end up lumpier. The areas with the highest slopes absorb more sunlight, eventually melting to create the pits.

(Image: NASA/JPL/University of Arizona)

The walls of the pits absorb even more sunlight, which makes them grow. Left unchecked this would eat away the entire ice cap. But CO2 snow can fill in the pits, smoothing out the ice and starting the process over again. Byrne presented the model at the Lunar and Planetary Science Conference in The Woodlands, Texas, on 16 March.

“When the expansion of these pits was first noticed, people immediately said it must be climate change,” he says. “You can easily explain all of this without having to invoke any of that.”

Depending on the size of the pits, this cycle can last centuries, which explains why we haven’t seen it – we haven’t been watching long enough.

Isaac Smith of the University of Texas at Austin thinks Byrne’s model is sound, but we’ll need more observations to confirm it. “Watching these pits grow would suggest warming, but it doesn’t have to be warming,” he says. “It could be a stable system and these pits would still grow. We need to look at it for a couple hundred years to be sure.”

So says one of our ignoramouses. Cannot say that any one particular event is attributable to AGW, but AGW makes them more likely. And we certainly have seen a bunch of precipitation events in the last year.


Whatever. You have less than no credibility when you list AGW as the cause of every single top Weather Channel story, flood, droughts, earthquakes, tornadoes, meteor showers, etc
Let's not forget man's influence on melting the polar caps of Mars.
Let us not forget how truly stupid you are.

Swiss cheese is not a sign of Martian climate change

Swiss cheese is not a sign of Martian climate change

Swiss-cheese pits in the melting ice of Mars (Image: NASA/JPL/University of Arizona)

Global warming isn’t happening on Mars, so face up to it on Earth. That’s the conclusion of an analysis of the Red Planet’s melting polar ice cap, which shows that Swiss-cheese-like pits forming in the ice are part of a natural cycle, not unusual warming.

The pits were first spotted at the carbon dioxide ice cap at the Martian south pole in 1999, then pictured again in 2001, one Martian year later. Comparing the images revealed the pits had grown by a few metres. At that rate, the entire ice cap would disappear in a few thousand years.

Some climate sceptics suggested that this meant our neighbouring planet is undergoing global warming just like Earth, so the sun – not humans – must be behind warming on both planets.

Now Shane Byrne at the University of Arizona in Tucson and his colleagues say the pit size changes naturally every 100 years or so. He used images of the south pole from NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter to track changes in the pits over four Martian years and create a model of their formation. This showed that thin CO2 ice starts out smooth, but as gas freezes onto it, some places end up lumpier. The areas with the highest slopes absorb more sunlight, eventually melting to create the pits.

(Image: NASA/JPL/University of Arizona)

The walls of the pits absorb even more sunlight, which makes them grow. Left unchecked this would eat away the entire ice cap. But CO2 snow can fill in the pits, smoothing out the ice and starting the process over again. Byrne presented the model at the Lunar and Planetary Science Conference in The Woodlands, Texas, on 16 March.

“When the expansion of these pits was first noticed, people immediately said it must be climate change,” he says. “You can easily explain all of this without having to invoke any of that.”

Depending on the size of the pits, this cycle can last centuries, which explains why we haven’t seen it – we haven’t been watching long enough.

Isaac Smith of the University of Texas at Austin thinks Byrne’s model is sound, but we’ll need more observations to confirm it. “Watching these pits grow would suggest warming, but it doesn’t have to be warming,” he says. “It could be a stable system and these pits would still grow. We need to look at it for a couple hundred years to be sure.”
Hey, just like our growing ice cap! Thanks, we all knew manmade global warming was a scam.
So says one of our ignoramouses. Cannot say that any one particular event is attributable to AGW, but AGW makes them more likely. And we certainly have seen a bunch of precipitation events in the last year.
The drought in California is due to manmade global warming.
The rain in California is due to manmade global warming.

They hate science.
So says one of our ignoramouses. Cannot say that any one particular event is attributable to AGW, but AGW makes them more likely. And we certainly have seen a bunch of precipitation events in the last year.


Whatever. You have less than no credibility when you list AGW as the cause of every single top Weather Channel story, flood, droughts, earthquakes, tornadoes, meteor showers, etc
Let's not forget man's influence on melting the polar caps of Mars.
Let us not forget how truly stupid you are.

Swiss cheese is not a sign of Martian climate change

Swiss cheese is not a sign of Martian climate change

Swiss-cheese pits in the melting ice of Mars (Image: NASA/JPL/University of Arizona)

Global warming isn’t happening on Mars, so face up to it on Earth. That’s the conclusion of an analysis of the Red Planet’s melting polar ice cap, which shows that Swiss-cheese-like pits forming in the ice are part of a natural cycle, not unusual warming.

The pits were first spotted at the carbon dioxide ice cap at the Martian south pole in 1999, then pictured again in 2001, one Martian year later. Comparing the images revealed the pits had grown by a few metres. At that rate, the entire ice cap would disappear in a few thousand years.

Some climate sceptics suggested that this meant our neighbouring planet is undergoing global warming just like Earth, so the sun – not humans – must be behind warming on both planets.

Now Shane Byrne at the University of Arizona in Tucson and his colleagues say the pit size changes naturally every 100 years or so. He used images of the south pole from NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter to track changes in the pits over four Martian years and create a model of their formation. This showed that thin CO2 ice starts out smooth, but as gas freezes onto it, some places end up lumpier. The areas with the highest slopes absorb more sunlight, eventually melting to create the pits.

(Image: NASA/JPL/University of Arizona)

The walls of the pits absorb even more sunlight, which makes them grow. Left unchecked this would eat away the entire ice cap. But CO2 snow can fill in the pits, smoothing out the ice and starting the process over again. Byrne presented the model at the Lunar and Planetary Science Conference in The Woodlands, Texas, on 16 March.

“When the expansion of these pits was first noticed, people immediately said it must be climate change,” he says. “You can easily explain all of this without having to invoke any of that.”

Depending on the size of the pits, this cycle can last centuries, which explains why we haven’t seen it – we haven’t been watching long enough.

Isaac Smith of the University of Texas at Austin thinks Byrne’s model is sound, but we’ll need more observations to confirm it. “Watching these pits grow would suggest warming, but it doesn’t have to be warming,” he says. “It could be a stable system and these pits would still grow. We need to look at it for a couple hundred years to be sure.”
You better talk to your fellow Doomsdayers, your narrative has unraveled. They are sticking to their story.

Mars is Melting | Science Mission Directorate

Mars Melt Hints at Solar, Not Human, Cause for Warming, Scientist Says

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