Bill Maher on the CO shootings

Bill Maher =
Check out Bill Maher's tweet page on the CO shootings. This guy is a real POS.

Pig Maher: Aurora shooting proves America sucks | Twitchy

I love how practially NONE of the CON$ understand what Maher is trying to say.

I guy walk into a theater with 2 pistols, a shotun, explosives, chemical gas, gas mask, and an ar-15 assult rife.

CON$ that next day, "Nothing to do with gun-control!!, no siree, gun-control reform would have no impact on this,nope!"

Was just watching on CNN when they interviewed the local hospital. Know what nearly all the patients had? Gun shot wounds.

They have gun control in the UK.... lots of gun control. And yet, they still get shootings. Go figure.
How many a year? 30-something? How many in America? Over 9,000?

What the shootings across the board (i.e. gabby giffords, etc.) prove to me is that the NRA has wayy too much control over what was once our govt and are no different than any other mega-corporation.


The fact is: if some of the moviegoers had been packing a concealed gun, the "Joker" could have been shot right in his lunatic skull.

The fact that we have such massive gun control that nobody could even have the option of firing back may have caused more deaths.

I'm not even a huge gun rights supporter. But it really should start to dawn on some of the Mayor McNanny types types that "gun control" is a problem, not the solution.
Right. A firefight in a dark movie theater. What if an additional 10 people were killed by 'friendy fire'? Worth it for the "freedom" to buy hundreds of rounds of ammo, secretly, on the internet? Worth it to be able to have 100-round clips?

You had something correct in your post: idiot.
"Rt wingers luv to tout American Exceptionalism - today is a reminder that so many of the things that make us exceptional these days are bad

What does that even mean? The guy was studying to be a doctor is that what he means. Or does it mean we have guns. Or does he mean that he thinks he's exceptional and bad.

If I ever met that guy I would spin his tiny brain until he cried.
What the shootings across the board (i.e. gabby giffords, etc.) prove to me is that the NRA has wayy too much control over what was once our govt and are no different than any other mega-corporation.

How can you connect the NRA to this?? that organization has NOTHING to do with this

Another irrational knee jerk reaction.

The NRA has defended the sale of high powered weopons with huge magazines to the hilt. They bear a great deal of responsibility for the crimes done with these weopons. There is no need for a citizen to own a weopon with a magazine that has 30, 40 or more rounds in it. That is not a sporting arm, or even a self defense weopon. It is a weopon for killing ones fellow citizens en masse, as we have seen so many times in the recent past.

Then there is the matter of the NRA trying to make it legal to carry concealed into a bar. Now that is the definition of insanity, mixing booze and guns. No imagination needed to predict the outcome of that.

I support the right of individuals to own cutlery. Do I need to apologize to all those stabbing victims for my complicity in their injuries? Fucking idiot lefties.
"Rt wingers luv to tout American Exceptionalism - today is a reminder that so many of the things that make us exceptional these days are bad

What does that even mean? The guy was studying to be a doctor is that what he means. Or does it mean we have guns. Or does he mean that he thinks he's exceptional and bad.

If I ever met that guy I would spin his tiny brain until he cried.
Limbaugh says ten worse things daily, but you hypocrites piss your pants over a mild criticism from Maher.
"Rt wingers luv to tout American Exceptionalism - today is a reminder that so many of the things that make us exceptional these days are bad

What does that even mean? The guy was studying to be a doctor is that what he means. Or does it mean we have guns. Or does he mean that he thinks he's exceptional and bad.

If I ever met that guy I would spin his tiny brain until he cried.
Limbaugh says ten worse things daily, but you hypocrites piss your pants over a mild criticism from Maher.

Well now Synth, Limbaugh says things wingers agree with. THAT'S the difference.

Even though Limbaugh spits out his idiocy with that screwed up lisp, they love the guy.
"Rt wingers luv to tout American Exceptionalism - today is a reminder that so many of the things that make us exceptional these days are bad

What does that even mean? The guy was studying to be a doctor is that what he means. Or does it mean we have guns. Or does he mean that he thinks he's exceptional and bad.

If I ever met that guy I would spin his tiny brain until he cried.
Limbaugh says ten worse things daily, but you hypocrites piss your pants over a mild criticism from Maher.

Well now Synth, Limbaugh says things wingers agree with. THAT'S the difference.

Even though Limbaugh spits out his idiocy with that screwed up lisp, they love the guy.
That, and I'm starting to believe they really enjoy pissing their pants. It may be the only warmth in their lives!

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