Bill Maher......Degenerate


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
What a degenerate this Maher guy is.

[ame=]YouTube - ‪Wake up from the slumber‬‏[/ame]

I've seen his movie. He sucks as an actor. Guess the only thing he's good at is massaging liberals' fragile sensitivities.

Sorry. This is one guy that I would love to be in a locked room for about an hr.

This smarmy little shit is taking and running with this bogus "Jet Owner" argument. He's such a degenerate he likens Casey Anthony to the GOP.

The whole argument is a lie anyway. Obama isn't thinking about raising their taxes. He's thinking about raising everyone's taxes. He's using Marxism to persuade people to think he's only after the rich. If that were the case then the rich wouldn't be supporting his narrow ass in droves.

The trick to it is getting new taxes and once he has that he says after a few months "Look, the Republicans raised your taxes" or if he gets the GOP to agree with enough new taxes he can say "We didn't get the revenue we wanted so we'll unfortunately have to expand to those who don't own their own jet". Or in the famous line in Animal House when Otter was talking to Flounder after his brother's car is totalled...."You fucked trusted us".

If you want to get drunk watch Obama give a speech in the next few weeks. Take a shot everytime he says Jet, Jet owner, Corporate Jets and don't forget that this hypocrite has the biggest jet of them all.



Bill Maher: GOP 'getting away with murder', like Casey Anthony Jury // Current
I dunno what happened to this guy. I used to enjoy him, I found him funny and intelligent. Then he just fell over the edge.

I love when people talk about things that they have absolutely know idea are about. Like Communism.

Communism for conservatives now means "People I don't like".
I was waiting for someone to mention the same thing I was thinking in terms of this budget battle.
Here's my theory.
The dems could not get any political cover on Obamacare. So they finally had to go it alone. The country for the most part didn't want it. The voters made the dems pay with the loss of the US House
Now we're on the budget which the dems insist must carry a tax increase. Obama and the dem leadership have been cranking on corp. jets and using buzzwords such as Profit, Corporate and GOP Donor as weapons in their class envy campaign.
Obama seems to be getting to 'Ol Mr Compromiser John Boehner ready to give a away the farm.
At the end of the day, the dems don't give a shot about the economy, taxes or the debt ceiling.
They are simply looking for a way to get the GOP to sign on to anything that the dems can use as a campaign ad against them in the election cycle.
When democrats want political power, they can be that evil. They will burn down the mission to save the church.
When democrats seek political power, everyone and everything is a potential casualty of war.
Here's my theory.
The dems could not get any political cover on Obamacare. So they finally had to go it alone. The country for the most part didn't want it.

This is correct. The country did not want the Republican plan for health care reform. Heck, the Republicans didn't even want it. They put this plan up so they could vote against it.

What most of the country wanted was an expanded medicare.

Single payer.

THATS what the majority wanted.
And Bill Maher was absolutely correct.

The GOP has become a radical right wing protest movement.
That's funny.
Well you can believe that if it makes you feel better.

Believe what? That people voting for the GOP, that are not wealthy, are working against their own interests?

Yeah..I believe that..because it makes sense. The middle class in the country was almost non-existent until the new deal. Then it exploded. The wealthy hate the middle class. They don't like it when people are comfortable and can persue their happiness, raise families and are well educated. Because that means labor costs are higher. And they've worked overtime to reverse that. And it's, by in large, suceeded. The wealthy are obscenely wealthy again, labor is cowed, and Unions have been smashed.

The people voting for the GOP think they are the "displaced" wealthy and that wealth is just around the corner.

It's fucking ridiculous.
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And Bill Maher was absolutely correct.

The GOP has become a radical right wing protest movement.
That's funny.
Well you can believe that if it makes you feel better.

Believe what? That people voting for the GOP, that are not wealthy, are working against their own interests?

Yeah..I believe that..because it makes sense. The middle class in the country was almost non-existent until the new deal. Then it exploded. The wealthy hate the middle class. They don't like it when people are comfortable and can persue their happiness, raise families and are well educated. Because that means labor costs are higher. And they've worked overtime to reverse that. And it's, by in large, suceeded. The wealthy are obsenely wealthy again, labor is cowed, and Unions have been smashed.

The people voting for the GOP think they are the "displaced" wealthy and that wealth is just around the corner.

It's fucking ridiculous.


So you figure that the American Dream is dead and there is no hope of bettering your lot in life? of the reasons so many come to this country and appreciate it so much is because they have opportunities here they don't have in their own country. They figure as long as they continue to work hard they can build a better life.

You on the other hand are saying we all must settle for some lousy existence waiting for our checks every month or two weeks and we should be satisfied with that.

This is what you want. I suggest you move somewhere, somewhere that this is the best you can expect.

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