Bill Clinton's Speech at the Convention


Gold Member
Dec 31, 2011
When Bill Clinton was President he did the opposite of what Obama has done.
Clinton governed from the middle and Obama from the left.
Clinton raised taxes during an economy with virtually full employment. Obama wants to raise taxes during an economy of high unemployment.
How can Clinton praise Obama?
Maybe because the GOP wants to cut taxes even more, and increase spending. I'm hoping that the fiscal cliff happens and the economy grows anyway, just like in 1993. I remember how the GOP was whining in 1993 that the economy would crash, what we got was a balanced budget and prosperity.
Oh ,how I wish he would go up and speak and say Obama sucks should have voted my wife instead lol

I for one would have rather had Hilary rather than Obama as President.
When Bill Clinton was President he did the opposite of what Obama has done.
Clinton governed from the middle and Obama from the left.
Clinton raised taxes during an economy with virtually full employment. Obama wants to raise taxes during an economy of high unemployment.
How can Clinton praise Obama?

You have your head square up your ass. Clinton pushed for a tax increase, and Democrats were trounced because of it. The fact remains that Clinton oversaw record low unemployment, a budget surplus, and high of the US dollar. Why do right wing morons want to go back to the policies of Bush?
Oh ,how I wish he would go up and speak and say Obama sucks should have voted my wife instead lol

I for one would have rather had Hilary rather than Obama as President.

Too bad for you, he'll say why his economy grew better than any recent Republican, and explain why Obama is being stifled by right wing scumbags.
When Bill Clinton was President he did the opposite of what Obama has done.

In some respects, sure. He failed to get universal health care done. Obama succeeded.

That said, when Clinton's budget (establishing the Clinton tax rates) was passed with no Republican votes in the summer of 1993, the unemployment rate was around 7%. One point better than today but not quite full employment. Somehow the economic Armageddon Republicans promised at the time never quite materialized.
Maybe because the GOP wants to cut taxes even more, and increase spending. I'm hoping that the fiscal cliff happens and the economy grows anyway, just like in 1993. I remember how the GOP was whining in 1993 that the economy would crash, what we got was a balanced budget and prosperity.

Except you know it's not going to grow enough. The Republican philosophy of giving huge tax breaks to the most wealthy is a loser. Speaking for myself, I can't see sucking their assholes. It's a strategy that just doesn't work.
Bill Clinton can brag about ignoring the rise of UBL and Al Qai'da then how he is directly responsible for 9-11 happening.

He can then move on to getting lucky with the economic boom behind the bubble later resulted in the slow recession at the end of his last term and went into Bush's first term.

Clinton can also brag about getting the benefit of a GOP dominated Congress that helped him with a balanced budget and lower spending compared to Obamination's era under a Democrap Congress that spent worse than drunken sailors.

To end his speech, he can brag that he was able to have sex with other women in the White House right under the nose of his wife telling Obamination that he bets he could cheat on her elephant fatass toosh.
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When Bill Clinton was President he did the opposite of what Obama has done.
Clinton governed from the middle and Obama from the left.
Clinton raised taxes during an economy with virtually full employment. Obama wants to raise taxes during an economy of high unemployment.
How can Clinton praise Obama?

dude your a partisan fool.

Obama has not government from the left.

the whole healthcare idea that he used came from the right.

romoney and the right in congress during the clinton attempt to reform healthcare.

and Bush lowerd taxes while starting two wars.

do you have any idea just how fucking stupid that is?
Bill Clinton can brag about ignoring the rise of UBL and Al Qai'da then how he is directly responsible for 9-11 happening.

He can then move on to getting lucky with the economic boom behind the bubble later resulted in the slow recession at the end of his last term and went into Bush's first term.

Clinton can also brag about getting the benefit of a GOP dominated Congress that helped him with a balanced budget and lower spending compared to Obamination's era under a Democrap Congress that spent worse than drunken sailors.

To end his speech, he can brag that he was able to have sex with other women in the White House right under the nose of his wife telling Obamination that he bets he could cheat on her elephant fatass toosh.

911 happened 9 months into the Bush term.

BUSH was the president who was in charge of stopping that one you fucking liar
Dumbfuck, you run around calling people idiots and fools, when you have no clue about the word "you're" pretty much sums up that you're a joke...and a fucking idiot.

When Bill Clinton was President he did the opposite of what Obama has done.
Clinton governed from the middle and Obama from the left.
Clinton raised taxes during an economy with virtually full employment. Obama wants to raise taxes during an economy of high unemployment.
How can Clinton praise Obama?

dude your a partisan fool.

Obama has not government from the left.

the whole healthcare idea that he used came from the right.

romoney and the right in congress during the clinton attempt to reform healthcare.

and Bush lowerd taxes while starting two wars.

do you have any idea just how fucking stupid that is?
You fucking piece of shit....

Most of the 9-11 planning and build-up took place under Bill Clinton.

Clinton and his people prevented the CIA from killing UBL and they prevented the FBI and CIA from working together on similiar intel that would have caught the 9-11 hijackers inside the US "before" George W Bush took the White House.

UBL didn't just start attacking the US when Bush took over the White House, you dumbfuck piece of shit.

Bill Clinton can brag about ignoring the rise of UBL and Al Qai'da then how he is directly responsible for 9-11 happening.

He can then move on to getting lucky with the economic boom behind the bubble later resulted in the slow recession at the end of his last term and went into Bush's first term.

Clinton can also brag about getting the benefit of a GOP dominated Congress that helped him with a balanced budget and lower spending compared to Obamination's era under a Democrap Congress that spent worse than drunken sailors.

To end his speech, he can brag that he was able to have sex with other women in the White House right under the nose of his wife telling Obamination that he bets he could cheat on her elephant fatass toosh.

911 happened 9 months into the Bush term.

BUSH was the president who was in charge of stopping that one you fucking liar
You fucking piece of shit....

Most of the 9-11 planning and build-up took place under Bill Clinton.

Clinton and his people prevented the CIA from killing UBL and they prevented the FBI and CIA from working together on similiar intel that would have caught the 9-11 hijackers inside the US "before" George W Bush took the White House.

UBL didn't just start attacking the US when Bush took over the White House, you dumbfuck piece of shit.

Bill Clinton can brag about ignoring the rise of UBL and Al Qai'da then how he is directly responsible for 9-11 happening.

He can then move on to getting lucky with the economic boom behind the bubble later resulted in the slow recession at the end of his last term and went into Bush's first term.

Clinton can also brag about getting the benefit of a GOP dominated Congress that helped him with a balanced budget and lower spending compared to Obamination's era under a Democrap Congress that spent worse than drunken sailors.

To end his speech, he can brag that he was able to have sex with other women in the White House right under the nose of his wife telling Obamination that he bets he could cheat on her elephant fatass toosh.

911 happened 9 months into the Bush term.

BUSH was the president who was in charge of stopping that one you fucking liar

Just remember 911 is Bush's fault, the economy is Bush's fault, climate change is Bush's fault, Obama's out of control spending is Bush's fault...........Bush gets credit for Clinton's failings and he also gets credit for Obama's.

It's never, ever, never the Dems fault...........:lol:
The Truthmatters idiot is the stereotypical white/black liberal trash woman.

Around the ages 25-55, single with no life. She thinks she is educated because she watches msnbc and surfs left-wing kook websites.

9-11 happened 9 months into Bush's term, so in her world there is no connection to Bill Clinton. Al Qai'da didn't exist until the evil Republicans pissed them off by stealing the election from Save the Planet algore.

In her fucked up mind, 9-11 was a backlash at choosing George W Bush over the planet.:eusa_whistle:

You fucking piece of shit....

Most of the 9-11 planning and build-up took place under Bill Clinton.

Clinton and his people prevented the CIA from killing UBL and they prevented the FBI and CIA from working together on similiar intel that would have caught the 9-11 hijackers inside the US "before" George W Bush took the White House.

UBL didn't just start attacking the US when Bush took over the White House, you dumbfuck piece of shit.

911 happened 9 months into the Bush term.

BUSH was the president who was in charge of stopping that one you fucking liar

Just remember 911 is Bush's fault, the economy is Bush's fault, climate change is Bush's fault, Obama's out of control spending is Bush's fault...........Bush gets credit for Clinton's failings and he also gets credit for Obama's.

It's never, ever, never the Dems fault...........:lol:
Maybe because the GOP wants to cut taxes even more, and increase spending. I'm hoping that the fiscal cliff happens and the economy grows anyway, just like in 1993. I remember how the GOP was whining in 1993 that the economy would crash, what we got was a balanced budget and prosperity.

Your allegation that the GOP wants to increase spending is pretty stupid. Were you dropped on your head?

It appears that David Axelrod is warning that a Romney Win would result in cutting the deficit too fast. Below he explains what the consequences would be.

What's necessary is to stabilize the debt and then work from there," he said. "You can't balance the budget in the short term, because to do that would be to ratchet down the economy."

Axelrod was referring to warnings that to act too quickly to close the deficit would deprive the economy of needed federal dollars at a time when it is barely growing and is creating jobs at a still-modest pace.

*Dems defend Obama on debt, say balancing budget now a bad idea | Fox News
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Will he be speaking on his
(1) Failed marriage
(2) Impeachment
(3) Disbarrment
(4) Lying Under Oath
Maybe because the GOP wants to cut taxes even more, and increase spending. I'm hoping that the fiscal cliff happens and the economy grows anyway, just like in 1993. I remember how the GOP was whining in 1993 that the economy would crash, what we got was a balanced budget and prosperity.

Your allegation that the GOP wants increase spending is pretty stupid. Were you dropped on your head?

We know that Mitt is pledging to increase Medicare's spending over the next decade, to the point that the HI trust fund will be exhausted in 2016 (as opposed to being exhausted in the mid-2020s, as forecast under current spending rates).

How does he feel about defense spending?
When Bill Clinton was President he did the opposite of what Obama has done.
Clinton governed from the middle and Obama from the left.
Clinton raised taxes during an economy with virtually full employment. Obama wants to raise taxes during an economy of high unemployment.
How can Clinton praise Obama?

dude your a partisan fool.

Obama has not government from the left.

the whole healthcare idea that he used came from the right.

romoney and the right in congress during the clinton attempt to reform healthcare.

and Bush lowerd taxes while starting two wars.

do you have any idea just how fucking stupid that is?

Obviously, you have a problem with spelling and grammar.

Obama loves uneducated dolts like you who will vote for him.
When Bill Clinton was President he did the opposite of what Obama has done.
Clinton governed from the middle and Obama from the left.
Clinton raised taxes during an economy with virtually full employment. Obama wants to raise taxes during an economy of high unemployment.
How can Clinton praise Obama?

You have your head square up your ass. Clinton pushed for a tax increase, and Democrats were trounced because of it. The fact remains that Clinton oversaw record low unemployment, a budget surplus, and high of the US dollar. Why do right wing morons want to go back to the policies of Bush?

You make absolutely no sense. Uneducated immature people like you are who Obama counts on to vote for him.

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