Bill Barr


Diamond Member
Dec 21, 2016
Wants to be Attorney General...based primarily on a memo he wrote to the Trump team supporting them...and the fact that he was once AG 30 years ago...when he approved pardons for the Iran Contra criminals

On the good side he claims he won't fire Mueller

On the bad side he says

He won't release the Mueller report when he receives it...he'll give his own "summation" of it

If the Ethics people at the DOJ say he should recuse himself from the Mueller investigation...he will ignore them
He didn't say he would ignore them, he said he would hear what they say and make his own decision.

And if he disagrees...he'll ignore them.

Thanks for agreeing with me
A Trump appointed director: Does not sound independent to me!

Already, according to staff members at the Office of Government Ethics, Mr. Apol has advocated consulting with the White House before he issues certain policies — like one establishing rules related to legal defense funds that some Trump administration officials are setting up. He also wants to check with the White House before the office sends letters to members of Congress who have raised questions about White House ethics matters.

“Moves like this jeopardize O.G.E.’s independence,” Mr. Shaub said.

Lindsay Walters, a White House spokeswoman, said that Mr. Apol, who is serving in an acting capacity, is a positive change compared with Mr. Shaub, who often sparred with Mr. Trump.

“The White House welcomes a return to a traditional working relationship with the Office of Government Ethics in which both entities share a common goal of ensuring public confidence that the executive branch is adhering to the highest possible ethical standards as opposed to an approach whereby individuals manufacture false conflicts for purposes of self-promotion,” she said in a statement.

Other former agency employees said they wondered if at times Mr. Apol had gone too far in questioning agency standards.

New Ethics Chief Has Fought to Roll Back Restrictions
So Barr is now saying

A. That a President can not be indicted

B. The DOJ does not release information on subjects who are not indicted.

Get it?

If he has his way the Mueller Report will never see the light of day.

Congress will at MOST...see his "summary" of it
Please 99% of you would not support anyone Trump nominated so please at least be honest about it and spare us this you don't support Barr becaue he's politically biased, not indpendent or qualified it's all about the person who nominated him. I point to the fact he has gone through the confirmation process three previous times once to be the AG and got overwhelming bipartasin support he is still the same person he was then all that has changed is who nominated him.
I was hopeful that he would nominate a garden variety partisan who actually cared about the rule of law.

Someone even like Sessions.

THIS guy is SO much worse
We want someone who will be independent unless they disagree with us!
Wants to be Attorney General...based primarily on a memo he wrote to the Trump team supporting them...and the fact that he was once AG 30 years ago...when he approved pardons for the Iran Contra criminals

On the good side he claims he won't fire Mueller

On the bad side he says

He won't release the Mueller report when he receives it...he'll give his own "summation" of it

If the Ethics people at the DOJ say he should recuse himself from the Mueller investigation...he will ignore them
I'm hoping

AG Barr is a Deep State plant, an operative who will assist in taking down the Trump Family Crime Syndicate
We want someone who will be independent unless they disagree with us!
I have an intersting couple of questions for the left if you disapprove of Barr as AG who could Trump nominate you would support? Second of all the people Trump has nominated for various positions how many of them if any have you supported?
We want someone who will be independent unless they disagree with us!
I have an intersting couple of questions for the left if you disapprove of Barr as AG who could Trump nominate you would support? Second of all the people Trump has nominated for various positions how many of them if any have you supported?
Strike that. Misread the reply.
Wants to be Attorney General...based primarily on a memo he wrote to the Trump team supporting them...and the fact that he was once AG 30 years ago...when he approved pardons for the Iran Contra criminals

On the good side he claims he won't fire Mueller

On the bad side he says

He won't release the Mueller report when he receives it...he'll give his own "summation" of it

If the Ethics people at the DOJ say he should recuse himself from the Mueller investigation...he will ignore them

So he said he'll follow the law, what's the problem?

What he SAID...was that the Mueller report will never see the light of day if he gets his way
Wants to be Attorney General...based primarily on a memo he wrote to the Trump team supporting them...and the fact that he was once AG 30 years ago...when he approved pardons for the Iran Contra criminals

On the good side he claims he won't fire Mueller

On the bad side he says

He won't release the Mueller report when he receives it...he'll give his own "summation" of it

If the Ethics people at the DOJ say he should recuse himself from the Mueller investigation...he will ignore them

That’s all sessions would have done had he not been told to kick rocks. Who the hell cares?
Yea...Barr committed to not firing Mueller.

But NOT to releasing his report.

In fact he said he probably won't
Wants to be Attorney General...based primarily on a memo he wrote to the Trump team supporting them...and the fact that he was once AG 30 years ago...when he approved pardons for the Iran Contra criminals

On the good side he claims he won't fire Mueller

On the bad side he says

He won't release the Mueller report when he receives it...he'll give his own "summation" of it

If the Ethics people at the DOJ say he should recuse himself from the Mueller investigation...he will ignore them

So he said he'll follow the law, what's the problem?

Wrong. That's NOT a "law" it's a policy.

And it means that he has predetermined that the Mueller report doesn't get matter what it says

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