Bill Ackman gains $2.5 BILLION after his "Hell Is Coming" speech.


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
I called this asshole out when he made his speech on CNBC a couple weeks ago. Now we learn that while he was scaring investors to take huge losses, he was sitting on enormous short positions and made well over 2 Billion dollars at their expense. How much destruction did he cause to people's 401Ks while he made a quick killing?
If you're making trades based on what a hedge fund guy says on CNBC...……...….

How'd he do on his Herbalife trade?
JUST AS BAD IS (COMCAST OWNED) CNBC purposeful doom and gloom reporting TO TANK THE ECONOMY, acting like nobody has 1-2 months of rent or mortgage payments saved up as if the Reiits and mortgage capitalization co's were all invested in poor credit broke paycheck to paycheck tenants and mortgage holders. Then they dare report those companies are getting hit when they are the false narrative cause of the panic selling.
THESE COMPANIES DEAL WITH HIGHER END RESPONSIBLE CLIENTS, the value given on the papers and bundles is lower (thanks to the Comcast cartel) and that is what is hurting the industry more and this missinformation campaign is thrashing them further.
I hope comcast customers realize they are not only being ripped off on their cable and phone, but also their investments like 401 k's that are heavy invested in these co's being attacked.

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