Biggest One Day Drop Since 2008


Uppity Water Nymph from the Land of Funk
Feb 12, 2007

The Sovereign Debt Crisis in Greece is tanking the markets today. Currently down 693 points

Make that 803 points.
Now back up over 10K. Down 722.
YAY! Bad economic news!

Now we can really stick it to that Obama character who calls himself the President.
Boys and Girls - if itty bitty Greece which is only 2% of the Eurozone can have this impact, think about what will happen when the U.S. debt explodes.
YAY! Bad economic news!

Now we can really stick it to that Obama character who calls himself the President.

Only a sick person would be happy about this. A lot of carnage is underway - the only rationale response is to understand what caused the problem (SOVEREIGN DEBT CRISIS) so we don't repeat it here. Sadly, we are on our way to Greece^100.
We should learn from the mistakes of others. and not make new ones of our own.

The Greek crisis should be an object lesson.

And the greeks have the chance of a rescue. If we keep going down the path they went, who can save our bacon. Not that anyone will want to.
We're saving the Greeks via the IMF. Much of the developed world is facing a Sovereign Debt Crisis, with the line up looking like the U.S. will be last to implode. There won't be anyone to bail out the U.S. The only thing that will save us is to significantly restructure government spending, and retire substantial portions of the debt.
It's a warning. The market looks ahead. It doesn't like the prospect of the U.S. suffering a Sovereign Debt Crisis. We got a warning rumble.
See, now you started off so well with this excellent post:

The Sovereign Debt Crisis in Greece is tanking the markets today. Currently down 693 points
Make that 803 points.

And then you just had to make it about the current administration in some way, with this post:

Only a sick person would be happy about this. A lot of carnage is underway - the only rationale response is to understand what caused the problem (SOVEREIGN DEBT CRISIS) so we don't repeat it here. Sadly, we are on our way to Greece^100.

Oh well, at least you didn't directly say it was "Obama's fault", like some of your cohorts would.
The drop today was no necessarily panic selling all around.

A lot of that was stop losses being triggered.

Look at the chart. It just drops off hundreds of points in a second with almost zero buying.

That's stop losses being triggered. This looks a lot worse than it actually was, not that I'm saying it isn't bad.

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