Biggest 'Fake News' story ever "HANDS UP DON'T SHOOT!"


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
The rallying cry from the Michael Brown killing that sparked the fraud organization "Black Lives Matter" to life. Every major news source, cable or printed pushed "HANDS UP DON'T SHOOT" every day. Artists incorporated "HANDS UP DON'T SHOOT" into their choreography. Riots and marches erupted across the country because of this blatant lie. Our country became more Racially divided because of it. It turned out to be a complete lie. So Fake News is nothing new, Liberals have been pushing it for years.
Hands up, don't shoot a black criminal thug who just robbed a convenience store, knocked the owner around, attacked a policeman in his car and attempted to take his gun because, well, he's a black criminal about-to-be-dead thug and his worthless life is supposed to matter.
If Michael Brown had a gun, this may have been a Police assassination like the kind we have been seeing since Ferguson. Instead he sucker punched the officer as he sat in his car speaking to Brown.
Meanwhile the officer Darren Wilson's life has been ruined because of this case, all because of the insane actions of an out of control criminal.
Where Is Darren Wilson Now? Update On Ferguson Police Officer Who Shot Michael Brown
The rallying cry from the Michael Brown killing that sparked the fraud organization "Black Lives Matter" to life. Every major news source, cable or printed pushed "HANDS UP DON'T SHOOT" every day. Artists incorporated "HANDS UP DON'T SHOOT" into their choreography. Riots and marches erupted across the country because of this blatant lie. Our country became more Racially divided because of it. It turned out to be a complete lie. So Fake News is nothing new, Liberals have been pushing it for years.

Although, I will agree with you on the Michael Brown and #HandupDontShoot being total #FakeNews. But it wasn't the biggest story ever. How about that 9-11 call by George Zimmerman, when he reported the incident. Then NBC News omitted part of the call where Zimmerman was asked by the dispatcher if the guy (referring to Trayvon Martin) was either white, black or Hispanic? And he (Zimmerman) replied by stating that Trayvon looked 'black'.

See video:

I think that and Brian Williams would top the Biggest #FakeNews stories ever!
The rallying cry from the Michael Brown killing that sparked the fraud organization "Black Lives Matter" to life. Every major news source, cable or printed pushed "HANDS UP DON'T SHOOT" every day. Artists incorporated "HANDS UP DON'T SHOOT" into their choreography. Riots and marches erupted across the country because of this blatant lie. Our country became more Racially divided because of it. It turned out to be a complete lie. So Fake News is nothing new, Liberals have been pushing it for years.
Kudos. Love that, liberals love to bait, then they totally bite on a race baiting crap like that. Then they launch fake news sites and bash folks for taking the bait...that's what passes as liberalism now.
The rallying cry from the Michael Brown killing that sparked the fraud organization "Black Lives Matter" to life. Every major news source, cable or printed pushed "HANDS UP DON'T SHOOT" every day. Artists incorporated "HANDS UP DON'T SHOOT" into their choreography. Riots and marches erupted across the country because of this blatant lie. Our country became more Racially divided because of it. It turned out to be a complete lie. So Fake News is nothing new, Liberals have been pushing it for years.
Kudos. Love that, liberals love to bait, then they totally bite on a race baiting crap like that. Then they launch fake news sites and bash folks for taking the bait...that's what passes as liberalism now.

MaryL Liberals are the biggest "race baiters" but yet they'll deny it anyways. Just ask Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton.
The rallying cry from the Michael Brown killing that sparked the fraud organization "Black Lives Matter" to life. Every major news source, cable or printed pushed "HANDS UP DON'T SHOOT" every day. Artists incorporated "HANDS UP DON'T SHOOT" into their choreography. Riots and marches erupted across the country because of this blatant lie. Our country became more Racially divided because of it. It turned out to be a complete lie. So Fake News is nothing new, Liberals have been pushing it for years.
Kudos. Love that, liberals love to bait, then they totally bite on a race baiting crap like that. Then they launch fake news sites and bash folks for taking the bait...that's what passes as liberalism now.

MaryL Liberals are the biggest "race baiters" but yet they'll deny it anyways. Just ask Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton.
Agreed. I would like nothing more to just view a issue on it's merits alone.

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