Big Sale of Suitcases....


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
This should probably go just as well in humor....except that the folks portrayed below actually exist...and actually believe what they say below.

This is the ubiquitous what-would-you-do-if kind of piece that is a knee-slapper for Leftists...'cause, they realize, the question asked is purely could never, ever, happen in a million, billion years!

1. "CHARLOTTE, N.C. -- The November election is still two months away,...The Huffington Post interviewed 74 convention-goers in Charlotte last week. We aimed for asking 100 attendees the same four questions, but as happened with our informal survey at the Republican National Convention in Tampa, Fla., we ran out of time.

2. Convention-goers also were relatively unified in what they would do if Romney beat Obama in November: cry, pray and consider moving out of the country.

3. Sixteen said -- albeit jokingly -- that they would think about leaving the United States, naming Canada, Italy, Costa Rica, Spain and Brazil as countries they would flee to. Ten people said they would simply cry, and another 10 said they would get down on their knees and start praying for the country.

4. Others couldn't even think about this possibility."That would be not worth waking up [for]," said Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Texas). "I don't pretend to even dream about seeing that. I'm going to wake up and see the reelection of Barack Obama."

5. Mellisa Williams, 44, of Charlotte, N.C., worried what would happen on the issue of women's rights: "As a woman, probably take my vagina out 'cause he's already got it."

6. Jewell Williams worried about what would happen to federal programs that many members of his family depend upon.

"I would probably pull my family together ... and actually start to organize a real plan for the next four years on how we're going to survive," said Williams.

7. attendees were asked to give one word to sum up Romney. "Twit" received the most replies from rhyming-minded attendees; other popular replies included "rich," "deceitful," "dishonest" and "fake."
Democratic Convention Survey: Party Faithful Contemplate Canada If Mitt Romney Wins

And...a trip down memory lane:

"10 celebrity candidates for exile if Bush wins
...a spate of Hollywood luminaries have threatened to go into self-imposed exile should George W. Bush be elected to the nation’s top post in November. Director Robert Altman kicked off the trend earlier this month,... Alec Baldwin, the “biggest moralist” Kim Basinger knows, threatened to follow suit.... Elton John, speaking at a fundraiser for the vice president, expressed his concern about America, a place where “hundreds of friends live.” Stating that he “did not want this country to have to live under George W. Bush,”...

...and.. Michael Douglas?.
...No. 10 Barbra Streisand: Furious at Loretta Lynn for hogging Lincoln Bedroom.

No. 9 Bill Clinton: Terrified of furious Barbra Streisand.

No. 8 Julie Chen: Marked for banishment regardless.

No. 7 The entire Baldwin family: Why stop at just two?

No. 6 Jerry Lewis: They asked for it.

No. 5 Britney Spears.

No. 4 Britney Spears: Oops, we did it again.

No. 3 Madonna: Seizing opportunity to reinvent herself as “French Madonna”

No. 2 Oprah Winfrey: Bush’s aversion to “psychobabble” untenable."
10 celebrity candidates for exile if Bush wins -

Did you see the one who would be "praying"???

Democrat praying? Not to the entity whose name they voted note to allow in the platform!!!
I bought a set of suitcases yesterday, going on vacation at the end of October :)

Are you obama?:eusa_whistle: if so I suggest a moving van.:badgrin:

What an interesting image you present, reb.....

1. First, there was the the vandalizing and ravaging of the White House by this set of low class felons.....
"After they were criticized for taking $190,000 worth of china, flatware, rugs, televisions, sofas and other gifts with them when they left, the Clintons announced last week that they would pay for $86,000 worth of gifts, or nearly half the amount."
Clintons Return White House Furniture - ABC News

2. Now, there is another pair that have no qualms about pampering themselves, and never scrimping in their use of the taxpayer's dollar....

"Media reports suggest that it is Michelle rather than Barack who is the driver of the Obama’s lavish lifestyle. She has been called a North American Eva Peron, and America’s answer to Marie Antoinette, spending $10 million in taxpayer money for her vacations and putting on a public display of magnanimity by bagging groceries at a food bank- while wearing a pair of $540 Lanvin sneakers.” Michelle Obama Wears $540 Sneakers To Food Bank (UPDATE, PHOTOS)

So, reb....think there may be a whole caravan of 18-wheelers??
I bought a set of suitcases yesterday, going on vacation at the end of October :)

Are you obama?:eusa_whistle: if so I suggest a moving van.:badgrin:

What an interesting image you present, reb.....

1. First, there was the the vandalizing and ravaging of the White House by this set of low class felons.....
"After they were criticized for taking $190,000 worth of china, flatware, rugs, televisions, sofas and other gifts with them when they left, the Clintons announced last week that they would pay for $86,000 worth of gifts, or nearly half the amount."
Clintons Return White House Furniture - ABC News

2. Now, there is another pair that have no qualms about pampering themselves, and never scrimping in their use of the taxpayer's dollar....

"Media reports suggest that it is Michelle rather than Barack who is the driver of the Obama’s lavish lifestyle. She has been called a North American Eva Peron, and America’s answer to Marie Antoinette, spending $10 million in taxpayer money for her vacations and putting on a public display of magnanimity by bagging groceries at a food bank- while wearing a pair of $540 Lanvin sneakers.” Michelle Obama Wears $540 Sneakers To Food Bank (UPDATE, PHOTOS)

So, reb....think there may be a whole caravan of 18-wheelers??

i would really like to pick your brain, polly.

for science!
Are you obama?:eusa_whistle: if so I suggest a moving van.:badgrin:

What an interesting image you present, reb.....

1. First, there was the the vandalizing and ravaging of the White House by this set of low class felons.....
"After they were criticized for taking $190,000 worth of china, flatware, rugs, televisions, sofas and other gifts with them when they left, the Clintons announced last week that they would pay for $86,000 worth of gifts, or nearly half the amount."
Clintons Return White House Furniture - ABC News

2. Now, there is another pair that have no qualms about pampering themselves, and never scrimping in their use of the taxpayer's dollar....

"Media reports suggest that it is Michelle rather than Barack who is the driver of the Obama’s lavish lifestyle. She has been called a North American Eva Peron, and America’s answer to Marie Antoinette, spending $10 million in taxpayer money for her vacations and putting on a public display of magnanimity by bagging groceries at a food bank- while wearing a pair of $540 Lanvin sneakers.” Michelle Obama Wears $540 Sneakers To Food Bank (UPDATE, PHOTOS)

So, reb....think there may be a whole caravan of 18-wheelers??

i would really like to pick your brain, polly.

for science!

Klaatu barada nikto
I bought a set of suitcases yesterday, going on vacation at the end of October :)

Are you obama?:eusa_whistle: if so I suggest a moving van.:badgrin:

What an interesting image you present, reb.....

1. First, there was the the vandalizing and ravaging of the White House by this set of low class felons.....
"After they were criticized for taking $190,000 worth of china, flatware, rugs, televisions, sofas and other gifts with them when they left, the Clintons announced last week that they would pay for $86,000 worth of gifts, or nearly half the amount."
Clintons Return White House Furniture - ABC News

2. Now, there is another pair that have no qualms about pampering themselves, and never scrimping in their use of the taxpayer's dollar....

"Media reports suggest that it is Michelle rather than Barack who is the driver of the Obama’s lavish lifestyle. She has been called a North American Eva Peron, and America’s answer to Marie Antoinette, spending $10 million in taxpayer money for her vacations and putting on a public display of magnanimity by bagging groceries at a food bank- while wearing a pair of $540 Lanvin sneakers.” Michelle Obama Wears $540 Sneakers To Food Bank (UPDATE, PHOTOS)

So, reb....think there may be a whole caravan of 18-wheelers??

obama is not a good leader.
What an interesting image you present, reb.....

1. First, there was the the vandalizing and ravaging of the White House by this set of low class felons.....
"After they were criticized for taking $190,000 worth of china, flatware, rugs, televisions, sofas and other gifts with them when they left, the Clintons announced last week that they would pay for $86,000 worth of gifts, or nearly half the amount."
Clintons Return White House Furniture - ABC News

2. Now, there is another pair that have no qualms about pampering themselves, and never scrimping in their use of the taxpayer's dollar....

"Media reports suggest that it is Michelle rather than Barack who is the driver of the Obama’s lavish lifestyle. She has been called a North American Eva Peron, and America’s answer to Marie Antoinette, spending $10 million in taxpayer money for her vacations and putting on a public display of magnanimity by bagging groceries at a food bank- while wearing a pair of $540 Lanvin sneakers.” Michelle Obama Wears $540 Sneakers To Food Bank (UPDATE, PHOTOS)

So, reb....think there may be a whole caravan of 18-wheelers??

i would really like to pick your brain, polly.

for science!

Klaatu barada nikto

Naughty naughty naughty :badgrin:
What an interesting image you present, reb.....

1. First, there was the the vandalizing and ravaging of the White House by this set of low class felons.....
"After they were criticized for taking $190,000 worth of china, flatware, rugs, televisions, sofas and other gifts with them when they left, the Clintons announced last week that they would pay for $86,000 worth of gifts, or nearly half the amount."
Clintons Return White House Furniture - ABC News

2. Now, there is another pair that have no qualms about pampering themselves, and never scrimping in their use of the taxpayer's dollar....

"Media reports suggest that it is Michelle rather than Barack who is the driver of the Obama’s lavish lifestyle. She has been called a North American Eva Peron, and America’s answer to Marie Antoinette, spending $10 million in taxpayer money for her vacations and putting on a public display of magnanimity by bagging groceries at a food bank- while wearing a pair of $540 Lanvin sneakers.” Michelle Obama Wears $540 Sneakers To Food Bank (UPDATE, PHOTOS)

So, reb....think there may be a whole caravan of 18-wheelers??

i would really like to pick your brain, polly.

for science!

Klaatu barada nikto

1. message received

2. destruction of earth
a. on hold.
This should probably go just as well in humor....except that the folks portrayed below actually exist...and actually believe what they say below.

This is the ubiquitous what-would-you-do-if kind of piece that is a knee-slapper for Leftists...'cause, they realize, the question asked is purely could never, ever, happen in a million, billion years!

1. "CHARLOTTE, N.C. -- The November election is still two months away,...The Huffington Post interviewed 74 convention-goers in Charlotte last week. We aimed for asking 100 attendees the same four questions, but as happened with our informal survey at the Republican National Convention in Tampa, Fla., we ran out of time.

2. Convention-goers also were relatively unified in what they would do if Romney beat Obama in November: cry, pray and consider moving out of the country.

3. Sixteen said -- albeit jokingly -- that they would think about leaving the United States, naming Canada, Italy, Costa Rica, Spain and Brazil as countries they would flee to. Ten people said they would simply cry, and another 10 said they would get down on their knees and start praying for the country.

4. Others couldn't even think about this possibility."That would be not worth waking up [for]," said Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Texas). "I don't pretend to even dream about seeing that. I'm going to wake up and see the reelection of Barack Obama."

5. Mellisa Williams, 44, of Charlotte, N.C., worried what would happen on the issue of women's rights: "As a woman, probably take my vagina out 'cause he's already got it."

6. Jewell Williams worried about what would happen to federal programs that many members of his family depend upon.

"I would probably pull my family together ... and actually start to organize a real plan for the next four years on how we're going to survive," said Williams.

7. attendees were asked to give one word to sum up Romney. "Twit" received the most replies from rhyming-minded attendees; other popular replies included "rich," "deceitful," "dishonest" and "fake."
Democratic Convention Survey: Party Faithful Contemplate Canada If Mitt Romney Wins

And...a trip down memory lane:

"10 celebrity candidates for exile if Bush wins
...a spate of Hollywood luminaries have threatened to go into self-imposed exile should George W. Bush be elected to the nation’s top post in November. Director Robert Altman kicked off the trend earlier this month,... Alec Baldwin, the “biggest moralist” Kim Basinger knows, threatened to follow suit.... Elton John, speaking at a fundraiser for the vice president, expressed his concern about America, a place where “hundreds of friends live.” Stating that he “did not want this country to have to live under George W. Bush,”...

...and.. Michael Douglas?.
...No. 10 Barbra Streisand: Furious at Loretta Lynn for hogging Lincoln Bedroom.

No. 9 Bill Clinton: Terrified of furious Barbra Streisand.

No. 8 Julie Chen: Marked for banishment regardless.

No. 7 The entire Baldwin family: Why stop at just two?

No. 6 Jerry Lewis: They asked for it.

No. 5 Britney Spears.

No. 4 Britney Spears: Oops, we did it again.

No. 3 Madonna: Seizing opportunity to reinvent herself as “French Madonna”

No. 2 Oprah Winfrey: Bush’s aversion to “psychobabble” untenable."
10 celebrity candidates for exile if Bush wins -

Did you see the one who would be "praying"???

Democrat praying? Not to the entity whose name they voted note to allow in the platform!!!

Still with the numbered lists I see.
This should probably go just as well in humor....except that the folks portrayed below actually exist...and actually believe what they say below.

This is the ubiquitous what-would-you-do-if kind of piece that is a knee-slapper for Leftists...'cause, they realize, the question asked is purely could never, ever, happen in a million, billion years!

1. "CHARLOTTE, N.C. -- The November election is still two months away,...The Huffington Post interviewed 74 convention-goers in Charlotte last week. We aimed for asking 100 attendees the same four questions, but as happened with our informal survey at the Republican National Convention in Tampa, Fla., we ran out of time.

2. Convention-goers also were relatively unified in what they would do if Romney beat Obama in November: cry, pray and consider moving out of the country.

3. Sixteen said -- albeit jokingly -- that they would think about leaving the United States, naming Canada, Italy, Costa Rica, Spain and Brazil as countries they would flee to. Ten people said they would simply cry, and another 10 said they would get down on their knees and start praying for the country.

4. Others couldn't even think about this possibility."That would be not worth waking up [for]," said Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Texas). "I don't pretend to even dream about seeing that. I'm going to wake up and see the reelection of Barack Obama."

5. Mellisa Williams, 44, of Charlotte, N.C., worried what would happen on the issue of women's rights: "As a woman, probably take my vagina out 'cause he's already got it."

6. Jewell Williams worried about what would happen to federal programs that many members of his family depend upon.

"I would probably pull my family together ... and actually start to organize a real plan for the next four years on how we're going to survive," said Williams.

7. attendees were asked to give one word to sum up Romney. "Twit" received the most replies from rhyming-minded attendees; other popular replies included "rich," "deceitful," "dishonest" and "fake."
Democratic Convention Survey: Party Faithful Contemplate Canada If Mitt Romney Wins

And...a trip down memory lane:

"10 celebrity candidates for exile if Bush wins
...a spate of Hollywood luminaries have threatened to go into self-imposed exile should George W. Bush be elected to the nation’s top post in November. Director Robert Altman kicked off the trend earlier this month,... Alec Baldwin, the “biggest moralist” Kim Basinger knows, threatened to follow suit.... Elton John, speaking at a fundraiser for the vice president, expressed his concern about America, a place where “hundreds of friends live.” Stating that he “did not want this country to have to live under George W. Bush,”...

...and.. Michael Douglas?.
...No. 10 Barbra Streisand: Furious at Loretta Lynn for hogging Lincoln Bedroom.

No. 9 Bill Clinton: Terrified of furious Barbra Streisand.

No. 8 Julie Chen: Marked for banishment regardless.

No. 7 The entire Baldwin family: Why stop at just two?

No. 6 Jerry Lewis: They asked for it.

No. 5 Britney Spears.

No. 4 Britney Spears: Oops, we did it again.

No. 3 Madonna: Seizing opportunity to reinvent herself as “French Madonna”

No. 2 Oprah Winfrey: Bush’s aversion to “psychobabble” untenable."
10 celebrity candidates for exile if Bush wins -

Did you see the one who would be "praying"???

Democrat praying? Not to the entity whose name they voted note to allow in the platform!!!

Still with the numbered lists I see.


Another brilliant...nay, pithy,,,wait, insightful post by poosy!!!

How do you come up with these....???? may go lie down, you must be exhausted.
Are you obama?:eusa_whistle: if so I suggest a moving van.:badgrin:

What an interesting image you present, reb.....

1. First, there was the the vandalizing and ravaging of the White House by this set of low class felons.....
"After they were criticized for taking $190,000 worth of china, flatware, rugs, televisions, sofas and other gifts with them when they left, the Clintons announced last week that they would pay for $86,000 worth of gifts, or nearly half the amount."
Clintons Return White House Furniture - ABC News

2. Now, there is another pair that have no qualms about pampering themselves, and never scrimping in their use of the taxpayer's dollar....

"Media reports suggest that it is Michelle rather than Barack who is the driver of the Obama’s lavish lifestyle. She has been called a North American Eva Peron, and America’s answer to Marie Antoinette, spending $10 million in taxpayer money for her vacations and putting on a public display of magnanimity by bagging groceries at a food bank- while wearing a pair of $540 Lanvin sneakers.” Michelle Obama Wears $540 Sneakers To Food Bank (UPDATE, PHOTOS)

So, reb....think there may be a whole caravan of 18-wheelers??

obama is not a good leader.'s a good one:

[ame=]michelle marching band leader - YouTube[/ame]

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