Big Government Worshippers: Please Clarify If We Should Worry About Cancer


Uppity Water Nymph from the Land of Funk
Feb 12, 2007
This is so confusionizing.

First, the GOD panel says women don't need mammograms and men don't need PSA tests because the risk of the tests is worse than a few people getting cancer.

And now it has come to light that the TSA has glossed over the cancer concerns for x-ray screening.

Health Concerns Surrounding Airport X-Ray Scanners Minimized | Alaska Dispatch

What's up with this? The government has been scaring everybody for years about CANCER (enough to cause one to start smoking to deal with the stress). And now, we're supposed to have this cavalier Que Sera Sera attitude.

Something strange is afoot at the Circle K Street.

Methinks Mickey Kaus has the correct motorcycle: It's our duty to die early so we relieve the system of the burden of paying for our Social Security and Medicare.

Obama wants you not to get tested? | The Daily Caller

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