Biden's March illegal immigration numbers beat his job numbers


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2011
On a long enough time line, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero.

"Private sector added 145K jobs in March, fewer than expected...

...And Biden added 245k illegal immigrants in March, more than expected"

Biden's number 306
Turnip's number 232
How about 2016? You motherfuckers never accepted that. Yet you meat headed shitsacks call US Election Deniers. Talk about DoubleThink. What has happened under Biden? Massive Inflation. Double Gas prices. A new WAR. Saudi joins Iran. Brazil joins China. Every fuckin' Dem City is full of Crime. And FAGS are ruining our children. FJB.
On a long enough time line, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero.

"Private sector added 145K jobs in March, fewer than expected...

...And Biden added 245k illegal immigrants in March, more than expected"
2.9 Million jobs LOST under trump compared to the number of Illegals crossing into the US under trump.

Sure, let's compare those Numbers.
How about 2016? You motherfuckers never accepted that.
Clinton conceded days after the election.
When did trump concede? That's right, he hasn't.

You motherfuckers never accepted 2020.
Yeah, I heard about that. That was during that Covid thing, right?
Dumb ass.
Under trumps watch. ^^^^^^^ Poor leadership.

trump also signed OPEC+ reduction in production during COVID, which affects gas prices today, yet somehow you blame biden. Just blame anyone but trump.

"No, I don't take any responsibility at all." djt.
Clinton conceded days after the election.
When did trump concede? That's right, he hasn't.

You motherfuckers never accepted 2020.
Really? Then why did the Pig go on speaking tours for 3 years damning the Election? Wy did YOU motherfuckers keep up with that fake "Russia" hoax? And two phony impeachments? I recall that female bush Monkey Mad Maxine Waters calling for impeachment before he took office. All of you drag in the ass fags bitched and moaned for FOUR years. So please don't embarrass yourself by lying. You PERSONALLY never accepted the results. ---BTW--It was really funny blaming Trump for COVID. Remember when it broke out? You cocksuckers were impeaching him over a phone call. Remember that ,Fruit Tramp?

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