Biden Says He'll Get Help From The Taliban.


America First!!!
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 31, 2023
Well … at least Biden ain't good buds with the Russians. Why should he be when he's got the Taliban on his side. In his usual, creepy whisper, he announced that he'd “get help from the Taliban.” You know, that horrible enemy that we were “at war” with for 20 years or more. Well, we sure as hell BETTER get help from the Taliban after we armed them to the teeth with American weapons. Oh yeah, let's ban AR-15s here in America. You know … to “save the children” and all.

Well … at least Biden ain't good buds with the Russians. Why should he be when he's got the Taliban on his side. In his usual, creepy whisper, he announced that he'd “get help from the Taliban.” You know, that horrible enemy that we were “at war” with for 20 years or more. Well, we sure as hell BETTER get help from the Taliban after we armed them to the teeth with American weapons. Oh yeah, let's ban AR-15s here in America. You know … to “save the children” and all.

JOey Buyme is just worried his adult diaper is stinking like hell again
Well, aside from the fact that Biden is an addled old coot, I could see using the Taliban in areas. The Taliban have been complaining that they "hate" running a government as it's boring and would rather be fighting. Offering them some combat would appeal to them.
Well, aside from the fact that Biden is an addled old coot, I could see using the Taliban in areas. The Taliban have been complaining that they "hate" running a government as it's boring and would rather be fighting. Offering them some combat would appeal to them.
They certainly owe us something. It still seems pretty hypocritical that the Dems wanted war with them for 20 years then become best buds in the blink of an eye.
Trump negotiated with them, so why shouldn't Biden?
A J wants it both ways. He wants to both condemn Biden for using the Taliban to quell violence and then praises it.

That would be old Danite thinking for sure.
President Piss Pants never abandoned ordnance to the Taliban . He simply arranged more corruption by getting the Taliban to ship part of it to Khazaria with everybody lining their pockets .
Well … at least Biden ain't good buds with the Russians. Why should he be when he's got the Taliban on his side. In his usual, creepy whisper, he announced that he'd “get help from the Taliban.” You know, that horrible enemy that we were “at war” with for 20 years or more. Well, we sure as hell BETTER get help from the Taliban after we armed them to the teeth with American weapons. Oh yeah, let's ban AR-15s here in America. You know … to “save the children” and all.

Reagan/Bush hired the Taliban and they have been laughing all the way to their banks ever since.
Reagan/Bush hired the Taliban and they have been laughing all the way to their banks ever since.
^^ Beside point!^^

The Federal Government has been installing then removing foreign leaders as a matter of routine. One of the US Government's number one functions is regime change and setting up puppet governments. Just ask Hussein, Gaddafi, and Zelensky (to name a very few). That's just another reason to oppose the Dem/RINO coalition. Again, beside the point.

Nevertheless, Biden voted to remain in Afghanistan during his long and overdone tenure in the Senate. Now he's playing footsy with them. Friggin' hypocrite!

He even lied to your beloved press concerning his position on Afghanistan, stating (lying) that he opposed going to war with them in the first place. That was a baldfaced lie because it's part of recorded history that he supported that war back in 2001.

"Biden did not oppose the US invasion of Afghanistan. As a US senator from Delaware, he joined his Senate colleagues in a unanimous vote in support of the 2001 resolution that authorized the use of military force against “nations, organizations, or persons” President George W. Bush determined were behind the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001."
Well … at least Biden ain't good buds with the Russians. Why should he be when he's got the Taliban on his side. In his usual, creepy whisper, he announced that he'd “get help from the Taliban.” You know, that horrible enemy that we were “at war” with for 20 years or more. Well, we sure as hell BETTER get help from the Taliban after we armed them to the teeth with American weapons. Oh yeah, let's ban AR-15s here in America. You know … to “save the children” and all.

I'll give Biden the benefit of the doubt - that he doesn't even remember who the Taliban are.
A J wants it both ways. He wants to both condemn Biden for using the Taliban to quell violence and then praises it.

That would be old Danite thinking for sure.
I don't give two hoots about the Taliban. In my personal opinion, they were NEVER the threat to the USA the Dem/RINO coalition made them out to be. But what I think about the Taliban is irrelevant. I'm purely talking about your Commissar's hypocrisy. That's what the OP is all about.
^^ Beside point!^^

The Federal Government has been installing then removing foreign leaders as a matter of routine. One of the US Government's number one functions is regime change and setting up puppet governments. Just ask Hussein, Gaddafi, and Zelensky (to name a very few). That's just another reason to oppose the Dem/RINO coalition. Again, beside the point.

Nevertheless, Biden voted to remain in Afghanistan during his long and overdone tenure in the Senate. Now he's playing footsy with them. Friggin' hypocrite!

He even lied to your beloved press concerning his position on Afghanistan, stating (lying) that he opposed going to war with them in the first place. That was a baldfaced lie because it's part of recorded history that he supported that war back in 2001.

"Biden did not oppose the US invasion of Afghanistan. As a US senator from Delaware, he joined his Senate colleagues in a unanimous vote in support of the 2001 resolution that authorized the use of military force against “nations, organizations, or persons” President George W. Bush determined were behind the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001."
Enron was a huge donor to the Bush campaign.
Reagan/Bush hired the Taliban and they have been laughing all the way to their banks ever since.

That is a big fucking lie.

The Mujahideen were mostly fighting for THE NORTHERN ALLIANCE, not Taliban. The Mujahideen were fighting the then Soviet Occupation of Afghan. W stabbed them in the back and sided with Taliban because ISRAEL TOLD HIM TO.

The leadership of Taliban is clearly Zionist Fascist People Frauds, which is why W and Traitor Joe love them.... and Col Tim Osman trusted them....


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