Biden Once More Goes After 'MAGA Republicans' in Yet Another Ranting Speech

He’s sounding more and more like a angry, delusional dictator knowing his days of power and oppression are numbered…
I think this is the real Quid Pro Joe. The facade is being pulled off and his inner self is showing. He is an angry, bitter man, certainly not the kind of unifying presence the country needs in the White House right now.

Biden Once More Goes After 'MAGA Republicans' in Yet Another Ranting Speech

Well of course. Anyone familiar with how democrats work knows that when Joe spoke of "unity," he was only referring to the unity of his party to be united under one cause: GET TRUMP. Biden will be ranting about those terrible MAGA candidates now every week because MAGA is kicking the DNC's ass and they know that the best way to rally their base is to get them all worked up over a "pending threat."

And what could scare the bejesus out of a lefty any better than the thought of making America great again? Because a strong America is a healthy America and a strong, healthy America isn't looking for change, BIG change, big DEMOCRAT change when things are already good!
How many speeches did TrumpFail rail against the imagined "Deep State"? How would the wingnuts react if after just the second speech us real American patriots had started threads crying and whining about how mean he was? :auiqs.jpg:

Biden Once More Goes After 'MAGA Republicans' in Yet Another Ranting Speech

9 Sep 2022 ~~ By Rebecca Downs

It appears it's become a weekly pattern for President Joe Biden to give ranting and raving remarks about how much MAGA Republicans "threaten democracy." On Thursday, Biden gave remarks at yet another DNC event, this time at the Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center in Forest Hills, Maryland. Such remarks came one week after his notorious speech outside Independence Hall in Philadelphia, and two weeks after he referred to Republicans and their philosophy as "semi-fasciscm," also at a DNC event.
In addition to talking about his supposed legislative accomplishments, Biden also touted his supposed accomplishments about reducing the deficit that has been debunked, even by CNN. The president also warned Republicans were after social security, another claim that has been fact-checked.
It wasn't just against MAGA Republicans where Biden engaged in hysteria.
Besides warning about a "national ban" on abortion, which Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) had merely said was "possible," the president claimed contraception and the right to same-sex marriage were under attack.
What was particularly telling about this speech from Thursday that just passed, is that Biden actually tried to once more pull the unity card, uttering the word no less than three times during his speech. He also made an appeal for unity when at the very end of his speech he declared "folks, that’s why those who love this country — Democrats, independents, and mainstream Republicans — have to be stronger, more determined, and more committed to saving American democracy than the MAGA Republicans are to literally destroying American politics."
The country appears to be anything but unified though, with the midterms now less than two months away, with Democrats positioned to likely lose at least the House.

Rather than the unity of Amrica, Joey has chosen chosen ‘derision, division, violence and hatred’.
Really! Has there ever been a time in American history where a president rants and raves an entire term about his predecessor? This is bizarre and unreal.
Despite what the Quisling Media and their polls are telling us, Biden despises half of America, while about 70% of the Americans think he sucks more.
No doubt before the mid-term elections his coconspirators will launch at least one or more false flag operations trying to prove how violent MAGA Republicans are, in attempts to incite a Civil War.
This only goes to prove further that Maoist DSA Democrats how much their governing and ideology dislikes and fears the PREOPLE..

It is the new far left Boogie man theory.

They need their flock to focus on the Orange man so they do not see how much more money they are paying for basic goods.
It is the new far left Boogie man theory.

They need their flock to focus on the Orange man so they do not see how much more money they are paying for basic goods.
This is the democrat party agenda for this election....Republicans are extreme and Trump is a threat to democracy. Nothing about helping the average family. Kinda hard to turn a shit sandwich into a Fat Burger.

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