Biden On Capital Gains Tax: “We Should Raise The Tax Back To 39.6 Percent”

If you have an IRA or a 401K, chances are that they invest in companies, unless you choose only government bonds as your investment options, and those companies pay capital gains taxes. So every extra dollar that they have to pay in cap gains taxes makes it harder for them to make money for your IRA and 401K.
Make them pay more in capital gains means we have to pay less in income tax

The wealthy rely on capital gains
Working class relies on income

Make them pay more in capital gains means we have to pay less in income tax

When has raising the capital gains rate brought in more revenue?
2010. They got wiped out.
Ah that's true. But the gop ran on misinformation. It did show that any entitlement change better have great popular support or be bipartisan. The conservative dem blue dogs got wiped out, and Pelosi knew they would, but she passed the law anyway because she believed in universal care. I get annoyed the AOC and the posse sometimes. -:

Obama ran and won on something the (D)'s did not do. Obama promised to debate the issue of health care in the open. It was done behind closed doors.

Open promised to post it online and give people time to read what was being presented.

The (D)'s lost it when Pelosi made her stupid statement of needing to pass Obamacare to find out what was in it.

And then Obama lied about what was in it.

ehhh, there was plenty of debate. I was not in favor of the bill that passed, but the gop primaried out anyone who proposed any universal change .. such as across the board tax credits.

Once the gop opted out, there was no open debate, just horse trading. Welcome to the world of politics.

I support UHC. Obama made it harder to get it done.

I think that for better or worse, we are well on our way to medicare for all. The dems next step should be just to include a public option with tax credits for those without private employer sponsored hc…. and maybe letting those with private insurance switch to medicare.

It's not what I'd have liked back in 1992 or even 2008, but ….. it is what it is.
It’s a healthcare killer. But you don’t care
2010. They got wiped out.
Ah that's true. But the gop ran on misinformation. It did show that any entitlement change better have great popular support or be bipartisan. The conservative dem blue dogs got wiped out, and Pelosi knew they would, but she passed the law anyway because she believed in universal care. I get annoyed the AOC and the posse sometimes. -:

Obama ran and won on something the (D)'s did not do. Obama promised to debate the issue of health care in the open. It was done behind closed doors.

Open promised to post it online and give people time to read what was being presented.

The (D)'s lost it when Pelosi made her stupid statement of needing to pass Obamacare to find out what was in it.

And then Obama lied about what was in it.

ehhh, there was plenty of debate. I was not in favor of the bill that passed, but the gop primaried out anyone who proposed any universal change .. such as across the board tax credits.

Once the gop opted out, there was no open debate, just horse trading. Welcome to the world of politics.

I support UHC. Obama made it harder to get it done.

I think that for better or worse, we are well on our way to medicare for all. The dems next step should be just to include a public option with tax credits for those without private employer sponsored hc…. and maybe letting those with private insurance switch to medicare.

It's not what I'd have liked back in 1992 or even 2008, but ….. it is what it is.
Why do you leftists want to be like the rest of the fked up world? They’re trying to get here to get away from that bullshit. You all are like we like the fkwad world
2010. They got wiped out.
Ah that's true. But the gop ran on misinformation. It did show that any entitlement change better have great popular support or be bipartisan. The conservative dem blue dogs got wiped out, and Pelosi knew they would, but she passed the law anyway because she believed in universal care. I get annoyed the AOC and the posse sometimes. -:

Obama ran and won on something the (D)'s did not do. Obama promised to debate the issue of health care in the open. It was done behind closed doors.

Open promised to post it online and give people time to read what was being presented.

The (D)'s lost it when Pelosi made her stupid statement of needing to pass Obamacare to find out what was in it.

And then Obama lied about what was in it.

bullshit ^^^ The patriot party was created by the R's to create a faux grass roots movement to sabotage health care reform. Attending and disrupting members of Democratic caucus members to try and hold meet and greet constituents all summer, using hate and fear of socialism.


The "Patriot Party" has nothing to do with what I said. They did not make Obama toss his promises aside.
Which promises?

I hate when you note something, and then people ask you again.

Obama promised to hold health care debates out in the open. It was done behind closed doors with the insurance and pharmaceutical companies writing the legislation.

Obama promised to post the law online to give people enough time to read it and have a debate on it.

And let's not forget the lie of the year.

Lie of the Year: 'If you like your health care plan, you can keep it'

The facts are Obama lied about everything. He promised to exclude lobbyist from the White House. The first thing he did was open the White House to lobbyists.

Obama's lobbyist rule: Promise Broken

He promised to prosecute the bankers.

Obama legacy includes banker impunity

He promised to end the Afghanistan war.

Updated - The Obameter: End the war in Afghanistan in 2014

He promised to end the Iraq war. (He was gave a compromise here BUT the facts are we are still there.

Updated - The Obameter: Begin removing combat brigades from Iraq

Not start new wars.

How will history judge Obama’s actions in Syria?

Wall Street thrived while the poor and middle class fell further behind under Obama.

he Obama presidency was a disaster for middle-class wealth in the United States. Between 2007 and 2016, the average wealth of the bottom 99 percent dropped by $4,500. Over the same period, the average wealth of the top 1 percent rose by $4.9 million.

How Obama Destroyed Black Wealth

Even articles from the left trying to provide some cover note that he failed and was a large part of the reason Trump is president.

Hope vs. Change: Why Some Democrats Are Turning on Obama’s Legacy

Should I continue?

I supported 90% of what Candidate Obama said. I supported 10% of what President Obama did. If President Obama had been the person Candidate Obama said he would be there is no President Trump today.
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Biden is a joke without any punchline to laugh at! I’m sorry but democrats wake up and realize that this dude is just going off because he was a vp.

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Damn good VP
Biden will be Obama 2.0

If you liked Obama, vote for Biden in 2020

The dude isn’t there mentally! At least Elizabeth warren is the weirdest uncle aka sanders is there

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