Biden Officially Announces Re-Election Campaign


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
I just finished watching Biden's official re-election bid video -

What a collection of BS and debunked lies, misleading statements, and disinformation.

He inmediately repeats the standard Democrat fear-mongering lie about the GOP planning to kill Social Security.

He claims the Democrats / he is for 'FREEDOM' despite his DOJ's record of targeting and intimidating Conservatives, his FBI censoring and silencing Americans on Twitter, violating Constitutional rights and holding political prisoners, and more...

Biden deceitfully declares the GOP is for 'book banning' in schools while leaving out the truth about how Democrats are attempting to sexualize children by putting porn in school libraties - smutt Democrats would not allow a parent read from one of the book aloud at a school board meeting because 'children are present'.

Biden is for 'Freedom'? His WH, FBI, & DOJ attempted to brand parents as 'domestic terrorists' for opposing the sexualizing and transgender confusing of chindren....while EVERY Democrat voted against the Parents Rights bill, declaring children are the property of Democrats once they are enrolled in school.

Biden has devastated the US through failed domestic and foreign policy.

The fact that Joe Biden is announcing his re-election campaign while evidence has been exposed showing the Biden family, to include Joe Biden, have received BILLIONS of dollars from the Chinese, millions from other foreign nations / adversaries, have engaged in influence peddling, classified info peddling / espionage, money laundering, extortion...the fact that Biden is announcing his re-election while this is going on and he refuses to answer questions is a DISGRACE.

His son is about to be charged for crimes - minor ones in hopes that the investigations and list of serious crimes go away - the day after he announces his re-election bid.

80% of Americans say the economy is bad and will get worse.

70% of Americans don't want Biden to run again.

Holy Shit - the US has NEVER seen such bad poling numbers for a Presdent running for re-election.

Biden deceitfully declares the GOP is for 'book banning' in schools while leaving out the truth about how Democrats are attempting to sexualize children by putting porn in school libraties - smutt Democrats would not allow a parent read from one of the book aloud at a school board meeting because 'children are present'.
I am proudly for banning certain books/material from children's schools. I don't believe that 6-year-olds should have access to Hustler Magazine in the school library, even if they are only interested in reading the articles.

There is a big difference in "banning" material from schools for children and banning material from the general adult public. If an adult want to buy smut., he should be free to do so. But the smut should not be distributed to minor students in public schools.
Retarded, demented, evil filth. Barely alive, mentally dead. Insane hubris to even try to run again, but on the part of his handlers, who know how garbage the alternatives are.
Biden 306
Trump 232

That is without leaving his basement

Imagine if he actually campaigns
those numbers were a creation of the dominion machine cheating, fake mail in votes, and corrupt election official in several key states. Senile Joe did not win that election, from his basement as you said. He did not get 81 milion votes, he did not get more votes that obozo.

as to campaigning, he is not able and his handlers won't let him. Plus 70% of democrats want someone else.
Biden 306
Trump 232

That is without leaving his basement

Imagine if he actually campaigns
A lot of people are worth a lot less than a little over two years ago. Joe shows up with privileged union employment when he travels around. Not with the employees who do not make as much. And there are a lot of them. Those who vote for Joe are fools and against their own interests.
Retarded, demented, evil filth. Barely alive, mentally dead. Insane hubris to even try to run again, but on the part of his handlers, who know how garbage the alternatives are.
But he allowing Illegals to flood in, is kissing the ass of the stupid Environmental Wackos, is weaponizing the Federal government against Americans that oppose his Leftest regime, plans to raise taxes, wants to infringe upon the right to keep and bear arms and woke as horse shit so the Moon Bats love him.
Campaigning will hurt his election chances. He is better off staying in his basement.

Actually Biden doesnt need silly rallies full of his followers telling him how great he is.
He knows he needs to solidify his support in Arizona, Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin.
States that Trump has driven away from the Republican ticket.
But he allowing Illegals to flood in, is kissing the ass of the stupid Environmental Wackos, is weaponizing the Federal government against Americans that oppose his Leftest regime, plans to raise taxes, wants to infringe upon the right to keep and bear arms and woke as horse shit so the Moon Bats love him.

Half true…

The half you left out is Biden is concerned with protecting the environment and is aware of the damage that can be done.
He weaponizes the Government against tax cheats and those who try to steal elections
He wants the wealthy to contribute more to our society…like they used to
Biden is tired of endless massacres and gun deaths and wants to make it harder for those doing the shooting to get guns.
WTF is woke? Woke is anything that is not white, male, Christian and straight
I just finished watching Biden's official re-election bid video -

What a collection of BS and debunked lies, misleading statements, and disinformation.

He inmediately repeats the standard Democrat fear-mongering lie about the GOP planning to kill Social Security.

He claims the Democrats / he is for 'FREEDOM' despite his DOJ's record of targeting and intimidating Conservatives, his FBI censoring and silencing Americans on Twitter, violating Constitutional rights and holding political prisoners, and more...

Biden deceitfully declares the GOP is for 'book banning' in schools while leaving out the truth about how Democrats are attempting to sexualize children by putting porn in school libraties - smutt Democrats would not allow a parent read from one of the book aloud at a school board meeting because 'children are present'.

Biden is for 'Freedom'? His WH, FBI, & DOJ attempted to brand parents as 'domestic terrorists' for opposing the sexualizing and transgender confusing of chindren....while EVERY Democrat voted against the Parents Rights bill, declaring children are the property of Democrats once they are enrolled in school.

Biden has devastated the US through failed domestic and foreign policy.

The fact that Joe Biden is announcing his re-election campaign while evidence has been exposed showing the Biden family, to include Joe Biden, have received BILLIONS of dollars from the Chinese, millions from other foreign nations / adversaries, have engaged in influence peddling, classified info peddling / espionage, money laundering, extortion...the fact that Biden is announcing his re-election while this is going on and he refuses to answer questions is a DISGRACE.

His son is about to be charged for crimes - minor ones in hopes that the investigations and list of serious crimes go away - the day after he announces his re-election bid.

80% of Americans say the economy is bad and will get worse.

70% of Americans don't want Biden to run again.

Holy Shit - the US has NEVER seen such bad poling numbers for a Presdent running for re-election.

Thanks for watching it for us and giving us the rundown!

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