Biden Needs To Be Locked In His Own Illegal Immigrant Cage With 400 Illegals


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
As Joe Biden downplayed his exploding border invasion during a bike ride today, a Republican visiting the border told of how a cage meant to hold 100 illegals had 400 inside and a building meant to hold 400 had 700 illegals inside.

Biden beeds to be drsgged out of his basement and shoved into one of his own cages with some 400 illegals.

The "brain" doing all of this is the former community HATE HOAX organizer, a cowardly communist closeted compromised cocksucker from Kenya....


The nominations, policy, even the speech for Howard University, all from a sick former gay coke whore still too cowardly to

Because there is one set of rules for President Trump and another set of rules for these demonRats scum.

and W

Until you see the whole picture, you ain't getting anywhere....
As Joe Biden downplayed his exploding border invasion during a bike ride today, a Republican visiting the border told of how a cage meant to hold 100 illegals had 400 inside and a building meant to hold 400 had 700 illegals inside.

Biden beeds to be drsgged out of his basement and shoved into one of his own cages with some 400 illegals.

400 illegals would be good, but I'm holding out for 400 rabid weasels.
now does it make sense?:mad:


why so many millions of illegal savages?

Because Unkotare and millions of other pieces of filthy dogshit American's see no problem with it….”they are just looking for a better life” they tell you….They NEVER tell you that their “better life” will be at the compromise of your quality of life.
As Joe Biden downplayed his exploding border invasion during a bike ride today, a Republican visiting the border told of how a cage meant to hold 100 illegals had 400 inside and a building meant to hold 400 had 700 illegals inside.

Biden beeds to be drsgged out of his basement and shoved into one of his own cages with some 400 illegals.

How in the world are there cages with hundreds of illegals in them if Joe has an open border policy?
How in the world are there cages with hundreds of illegals in them if Joe has an open border policy?
Made for TV bullshit…hoping to fool you fools.
Are you saying he hasn’t allowed in millions of filthy beaners? Have you seen the reports from those on the frontline?
Made for TV bullshit…hoping to fool you fools.
Are you saying he hasn’t allowed in millions of filthy beaners? Have you seen the reports from those on the frontline?
Haha. Ok. Fake cages for photo ops. Gotchya! 👍😂
Fuck the cages…has he let in millions of brown cockroaches or are his agents and those on the frontline lying?

Slade3200 won't figure out what's happening until someone he loves dies from a fentanyl overdose or gets robbed, raped, murdered, or ran over by one of Biden's FreeShitArmy illegals. Only then will he get a clue.
Divorce the Democrats, give them their own lands then deport every last illegal to their country. :muahaha: They already squeal like stuck pigs when we bus just a few thousand into their cities.

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