Biden invokes War Powers Act resolution for Sudan


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2011
Yet three more proxy wars this President has involved us in: Another one against Russia because Sudan is giving them land for a naval base, one against China as Djibouti has both an American and a Chinese military base, and one because we also need Djubouti for operations in Sudan.

When did it become ok for a President to act on his own without asking Congress, unless an attack on American soil is Imminent and there's no time for ratifying war declarations?

April 23, 2023

Letter to the Speaker of the House and President pro tempore of the Senate consistent with the War Powers Resolution (Public Law 93-148)​

Dear Mr. Speaker: Dear Madam President​

At my direction, United States Armed Forces personnel have conducted an operation to evacuate United States personnel and others from Khartoum, Sudan, in response to the deteriorating security situation in Sudan. To conduct and support this operation, United States Armed Forces personnel with appropriate combat equipment deployed to Djibouti, Ethiopia, and Sudan. United States Armed Forces personnel will remain deployed in Djibouti to protect United States personnel and others until the security situation no longer requires their presence, and additional forces are prepared to deploy to the region if required.​

I directed this action consistent with my responsibility to protect United States citizens both at home and abroad and in furtherance of United States national security and foreign policy interests, pursuant to my constitutional authority as Commander in Chief and Chief Executive and to conduct United States foreign relations.​

I am providing this report as part of my efforts to keep the Congress fully informed, consistent with the War Powers Resolution (Public Law 93-148). I appreciate the support of the Congress in these actions.​



Letter to the Speaker of the House and President pro tempore of the Senate consistent with the War Powers Resolution (Public Law 93-148) | The White House

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It's not OK but it happens because Congress won't stop it. They gave their responsibilities away long ago and simply don't want the responsibilities back on themselves.
I love you people.

In one thread Biden is attacked for not getting out every single American from Sudan and in another thread he is attacked for getting any of them out!

BDS is alive and thriving.
Yet three more proxy wars this President has involved us in: Another one against Russia because Sudan is giving them land for a naval base, one against China as Djibouti has both an American and a Chinese military base, and one because we also need Djubouti for operations in Sudan.

When did it become ok for a President to act on his own without asking Congress, unless an attack on American soil is Imminent and there's no time for ratifying war declarations?

April 23, 2023

Letter to the Speaker of the House and President pro tempore of the Senate consistent with the War Powers Resolution (Public Law 93-148)​

Dear Mr. Speaker: (Dear Madam President:)

At my direction, United States Armed Forces personnel have conducted an operation to evacuate United States personnel and others from Khartoum, Sudan, in response to the deteriorating security situation in Sudan. To conduct and support this operation, United States Armed Forces personnel with appropriate combat equipment deployed to Djibouti, Ethiopia, and Sudan. United States Armed Forces personnel will remain deployed in Djibouti to protect United States personnel and others until the security situation no longer requires their presence, and additional forces are prepared to deploy to the region if required.​

I directed this action consistent with my responsibility to protect United States citizens both at home and abroad and in furtherance of United States national security and foreign policy interests, pursuant to my constitutional authority as Commander in Chief and Chief Executive and to conduct United States foreign relations.​

I am providing this report as part of my efforts to keep the Congress fully informed, consistent with the War Powers Resolution (Public Law 93-148). I appreciate the support of the Congress in these actions.​



Letter to the Speaker of the House and President pro tempore of the Senate consistent with the War Powers Resolution (Public Law 93-148) | The White House

this fool is going to get someone nuked
Yet three more proxy wars this President has involved us in: Another one against Russia because Sudan is giving them land for a naval base, one against China as Djibouti has both an American and a Chinese military base, and one because we also need Djubouti for operations in Sudan.

When did it become ok for a President to act on his own without asking Congress, unless an attack on American soil is Imminent and there's no time for ratifying war declarations?

April 23, 2023

Letter to the Speaker of the House and President pro tempore of the Senate consistent with the War Powers Resolution (Public Law 93-148)​

Dear Mr. Speaker: (Dear Madam President:)

At my direction, United States Armed Forces personnel have conducted an operation to evacuate United States personnel and others from Khartoum, Sudan, in response to the deteriorating security situation in Sudan. To conduct and support this operation, United States Armed Forces personnel with appropriate combat equipment deployed to Djibouti, Ethiopia, and Sudan. United States Armed Forces personnel will remain deployed in Djibouti to protect United States personnel and others until the security situation no longer requires their presence, and additional forces are prepared to deploy to the region if required.​

I directed this action consistent with my responsibility to protect United States citizens both at home and abroad and in furtherance of United States national security and foreign policy interests, pursuant to my constitutional authority as Commander in Chief and Chief Executive and to conduct United States foreign relations.​

I am providing this report as part of my efforts to keep the Congress fully informed, consistent with the War Powers Resolution (Public Law 93-148). I appreciate the support of the Congress in these actions.​



Letter to the Speaker of the House and President pro tempore of the Senate consistent with the War Powers Resolution (Public Law 93-148) | The White House

i'm just worried about non biden supporting americans there, those that support biden should have to hide for life and never get out
It's not OK but it happens because Congress won't stop it. They gave their responsibilities away long ago and simply don't want the responsibilities back on themselves.

Congress has never needed to approve an evacuation plan.
One thing is for certain, Biden isn't going to ask his base at Harvard and Columbia to get on a troop ship and volunteer for the front lines for his war in Sudan.

They would tell him to go fuck himself if he did.
I don't take any issue with the action.

That and Congress can't even get their shit together enough to name a walking trail in a National Park.

Congress should have thought about all that before they ceded their power to the executive branch.

Of course when a future gop POTUS does it the dems will call to impeach.
he did such an outstanding job in afghani he has my full confidence

i only worry about non biden supporters overseas...the rest....ehhhh...not a concern

What a great American you are! :rolleyes:

"If they do not vote for my god, then fuck em"
Yet three more proxy wars this President has involved us in: Another one against Russia because Sudan is giving them land for a naval base, one against China as Djibouti has both an American and a Chinese military base, and one because we also need Djubouti for operations in Sudan.

When did it become ok for a President to act on his own without asking Congress, unless an attack on American soil is Imminent and there's no time for ratifying war declarations?

April 23, 2023

Letter to the Speaker of the House and President pro tempore of the Senate consistent with the War Powers Resolution (Public Law 93-148)​

Dear Mr. Speaker: (Dear Madam President:)

At my direction, United States Armed Forces personnel have conducted an operation to evacuate United States personnel and others from Khartoum, Sudan, in response to the deteriorating security situation in Sudan. To conduct and support this operation, United States Armed Forces personnel with appropriate combat equipment deployed to Djibouti, Ethiopia, and Sudan. United States Armed Forces personnel will remain deployed in Djibouti to protect United States personnel and others until the security situation no longer requires their presence, and additional forces are prepared to deploy to the region if required.
I directed this action consistent with my responsibility to protect United States citizens both at home and abroad and in furtherance of United States national security and foreign policy interests, pursuant to my constitutional authority as Commander in Chief and Chief Executive and to conduct United States foreign relations.
I am providing this report as part of my efforts to keep the Congress fully informed, consistent with the War Powers Resolution (Public Law 93-148). I appreciate the support of the Congress in these actions.


Letter to the Speaker of the House and President pro tempore of the Senate consistent with the War Powers Resolution (Public Law 93-148) | The White House

When? When the war powers act was passed.
We put military personnel in Ukraine. That should not be permittable without Congressional approval.

Congress gave their approval when they passed the AUMF of 2002, which is still in effect and has been used by every POTUS since then
I don't take any issue with the action.

That and Congress can't even get their shit together enough to name a walking trail in a National Park.

Congress should have thought about all that before they ceded their power to the executive branch.

Of course when a future gop POTUS does it the dems will call to impeach.
what about the michael obama walking trails highlighting her big flopping penis?
There's far more going on than a simple "evacuation plan." I don't know where you get your "news", but you probably need to find a better source.

All I know in addition is that there is a air cover protected convoy out of Khartoum headed out of the Sudan with Americans and other foreign nationals in it.

As far as I know the Fuzzy Wuzzies are not interfering.
Yet three more proxy wars this President has involved us in: Another one against Russia because Sudan is giving them land for a naval base, one against China as Djibouti has both an American and a Chinese military base, and one because we also need Djubouti for operations in Sudan.

When did it become ok for a President to act on his own without asking Congress, unless an attack on American soil is Imminent and there's no time for ratifying war declarations?

April 23, 2023

Letter to the Speaker of the House and President pro tempore of the Senate consistent with the War Powers Resolution (Public Law 93-148)​

Dear Mr. Speaker: Dear Madam President​

At my direction, United States Armed Forces personnel have conducted an operation to evacuate United States personnel and others from Khartoum, Sudan, in response to the deteriorating security situation in Sudan. To conduct and support this operation, United States Armed Forces personnel with appropriate combat equipment deployed to Djibouti, Ethiopia, and Sudan. United States Armed Forces personnel will remain deployed in Djibouti to protect United States personnel and others until the security situation no longer requires their presence, and additional forces are prepared to deploy to the region if required.​

I directed this action consistent with my responsibility to protect United States citizens both at home and abroad and in furtherance of United States national security and foreign policy interests, pursuant to my constitutional authority as Commander in Chief and Chief Executive and to conduct United States foreign relations.​

I am providing this report as part of my efforts to keep the Congress fully informed, consistent with the War Powers Resolution (Public Law 93-148). I appreciate the support of the Congress in these actions.​



Letter to the Speaker of the House and President pro tempore of the Senate consistent with the War Powers Resolution (Public Law 93-148) | The White House

Surrendering yet another American Embassy
Congress gave their approval when they passed the AUMF of 2002, which is still in effect and has been used by every POTUS since then

So let's just keep repeating the same mistakes we made in Iraq?

What kind of an "independent" would even try to justify Biden's actions like you're doing? You are fraud and a phony. I've always said you're nothing but a shill for the Democrats, and you continue to prove that every day.

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