Biden forcing migrant children to sit in parked buses overnight; no bathrooms, no food, no water

No bathrooms, no food?

eating and using the bathroom all within the confines of the bus,

Condemn if you wish but don't make stuff up.
Young boys and girls packed on a bus like sardines with no facilities and that's all right with you? MAMA MIA!

The article says there are facilities on the bus so bugger off.
much like hitler provided a bucket on the cattle car for the jews
No bathrooms, no food?

eating and using the bathroom all within the confines of the bus,

Condemn if you wish but don't make stuff up.
Young boys and girls packed on a bus like sardines with no facilities and that's all right with you? MAMA MIA!

The article says there are facilities on the bus so bugger off.
Have you ever used a bus "facility"? I have. It's not something I'd wish on anybody, especially children.
No bathrooms, no food?

eating and using the bathroom all within the confines of the bus,

Condemn if you wish but don't make stuff up.
Young boys and girls packed on a bus like sardines with no facilities and that's all right with you? MAMA MIA!

The article says there are facilities on the bus so bugger off.

You ever seen these "facilities?" You do know busses packed with adults and kids is asking for children to be molested, right?
The mess at the border is beyond ridiculous and the question that should be asked is what Joe and his administration are going to do to force Mexico to close it Southern border to Central America to stop the influx of illegals trying to come to this country?

If nothing then expect the GOP to win big in 2022 and Trump win again in 2024!
No bathrooms, no food?

eating and using the bathroom all within the confines of the bus,

Condemn if you wish but don't make stuff up.
Young boys and girls packed on a bus like sardines with no facilities and that's all right with you? MAMA MIA!

The article says there are facilities on the bus so bugger off.
much like hitler provided a bucket on the cattle car for the jews

No bathrooms, no food?

eating and using the bathroom all within the confines of the bus,

Condemn if you wish but don't make stuff up.
Young boys and girls packed on a bus like sardines with no facilities and that's all right with you? MAMA MIA!

The article says there are facilities on the bus so bugger off.
Have you ever used a bus "facility"? I have. It's not something I'd wish on anybody, especially children.

Yes I have, Hardly a big deal. I imagine these kids aren't as spoiled as you.
No bathrooms, no food?

eating and using the bathroom all within the confines of the bus,

Condemn if you wish but don't make stuff up.
Young boys and girls packed on a bus like sardines with no facilities and that's all right with you? MAMA MIA!

The article says there are facilities on the bus so bugger off.

You ever seen these "facilities?" You do know busses packed with adults and kids is asking for children to be molested, right?

Maybe in your world.
No bathrooms, no food?

eating and using the bathroom all within the confines of the bus,

Condemn if you wish but don't make stuff up.
Young boys and girls packed on a bus like sardines with no facilities and that's all right with you? MAMA MIA!

The article says there are facilities on the bus so bugger off.
much like hitler provided a bucket on the cattle car for the jews

isn’t a bus just a modern boxcar? you’ll do just about anything to defend your dear leader’s child abuse
No bathrooms, no food?

eating and using the bathroom all within the confines of the bus,

Condemn if you wish but don't make stuff up.
Young boys and girls packed on a bus like sardines with no facilities and that's all right with you? MAMA MIA!

The article says there are facilities on the bus so bugger off.

You ever seen these "facilities?" You do know busses packed with adults and kids is asking for children to be molested, right?

Maybe in your world.

Yea the real world, Cho Moe Joe's world of molesting little girls.
No bathrooms, no food?

eating and using the bathroom all within the confines of the bus,

Condemn if you wish but don't make stuff up.
Young boys and girls packed on a bus like sardines with no facilities and that's all right with you? MAMA MIA!

The article says there are facilities on the bus so bugger off.
Have you ever used a bus "facility"? I have. It's not something I'd wish on anybody, especially children.

Yes I have, Hardly a big deal. I imagine these kids aren't as spoiled as you.
Uh huh. I've used outhouses before. Not really what you'd call spoiled.

Meanwhile, you just keep kissing Biden's ass.
No bathrooms, no food?

eating and using the bathroom all within the confines of the bus,

Condemn if you wish but don't make stuff up.
Young boys and girls packed on a bus like sardines with no facilities and that's all right with you? MAMA MIA!

The article says there are facilities on the bus so bugger off.
Have you ever used a bus "facility"? I have. It's not something I'd wish on anybody, especially children.

Yes I have, Hardly a big deal. I imagine these kids aren't as spoiled as you.
Uh huh. I've used outhouses before. Not really what you'd call spoiled.

Meanwhile, you just keep kissing Biden's ass.

I called out a lying thread title. I understand lies don't bother you.
Joe Biden is a human rights disaster.

NBC News reports:

In at least one case described to NBC News, a family says their 15-year-old son waited on buses from Saturday to Wednesday before beginning the long journey from Dallas to Seattle.
The boy, Joel, came from Honduras to reunite with his mother, Doris, and uncle Elvin in Washington, all of whom asked that only their first names be used.

An NBC News crew on location in the parking lot Tuesday night counted nine buses total, with some coming and going. The crew said they observed kids on the buses Tuesday night and kids on the buses on Wednesday morning when the crew returned.
It is unclear how many children have remained on the buses as long as Joel. Doris and Elvin said Joel told them Tuesday “muchos niños,” many children, were staying on the buses for consecutive days and nights.
Doris and Elvin were then told by HHS to expect Joel on Friday. He has spent more than 42 days in HHS care.

When have Democrats not treated brown people like cattle? Only useful at "harvest" time and not worth worrying about otherwise.
Now if you shoot up a school full of white kids you'll get their undivided racist attention
No bathrooms, no food?

eating and using the bathroom all within the confines of the bus,

Condemn if you wish but don't make stuff up.
Young boys and girls packed on a bus like sardines with no facilities and that's all right with you? MAMA MIA!

The article says there are facilities on the bus so bugger off.
No I will not bugger off because my family has a history of caring for what is best for the family children, and what kind of a person would do less for an abandoned child who had recently been raped by his or her coyote and put that child through less-than loving care by a paid surrogate of 250 kids who have deep anxieties as separation from parents and been hurt by the last surrogate care giver, a monster coyote with no regard for human health or age-appropriate respect?
No bathrooms, no food?

eating and using the bathroom all within the confines of the bus,

Condemn if you wish but don't make stuff up.
Young boys and girls packed on a bus like sardines with no facilities and that's all right with you? MAMA MIA!

The article says there are facilities on the bus so bugger off.
No I will not bugger off because my family has a history of caring for what is best for the family children, and what kind of a person would do less for an abandoned child who had recently been raped by his or her coyote and put that child through less-than loving care by a paid surrogate of 250 kids who have deep anxieties as separation from parents and been hurt by the last surrogate care giver, a monster coyote with no regard for human health or age-appropriate respect?

Claims not in evidence. This is a story about some kids waiting on a bus before getting sent to family and friends. It's noted that they do have facilities and are being fed despite the wild false claims otherwise.

You response now is RAPE RAPE RAPE.
Joe Biden is a human rights disaster.

NBC News reports:

In at least one case described to NBC News, a family says their 15-year-old son waited on buses from Saturday to Wednesday before beginning the long journey from Dallas to Seattle.
The boy, Joel, came from Honduras to reunite with his mother, Doris, and uncle Elvin in Washington, all of whom asked that only their first names be used.

An NBC News crew on location in the parking lot Tuesday night counted nine buses total, with some coming and going. The crew said they observed kids on the buses Tuesday night and kids on the buses on Wednesday morning when the crew returned.
It is unclear how many children have remained on the buses as long as Joel. Doris and Elvin said Joel told them Tuesday “muchos niños,” many children, were staying on the buses for consecutive days and nights.
Doris and Elvin were then told by HHS to expect Joel on Friday. He has spent more than 42 days in HHS care.

Trump should never have left those families in Mexico all those years. That's the human rights disaster.
No bathrooms, no food?

eating and using the bathroom all within the confines of the bus,

Condemn if you wish but don't make stuff up.
Young boys and girls packed on a bus like sardines with no facilities and that's all right with you? MAMA MIA!

The article says there are facilities on the bus so bugger off.
No I will not bugger off because my family has a history of caring for what is best for the family children, and what kind of a person would do less for an abandoned child who had recently been raped by his or her coyote and put that child through less-than loving care by a paid surrogate of 250 kids who have deep anxieties as separation from parents and been hurt by the last surrogate care giver, a monster coyote with no regard for human health or age-appropriate respect?

Where were YOU when Trump was harming these families and separating them. You didn't speak out then. These children have been traumatized beyond measure by the cruelty of Donald Trump towards non-white immigrants.
No bathrooms, no food?

eating and using the bathroom all within the confines of the bus,

Condemn if you wish but don't make stuff up.
Young boys and girls packed on a bus like sardines with no facilities and that's all right with you? MAMA MIA!

The article says there are facilities on the bus so bugger off.
No I will not bugger off because my family has a history of caring for what is best for the family children, and what kind of a person would do less for an abandoned child who had recently been raped by his or her coyote and put that child through less-than loving care by a paid surrogate of 250 kids who have deep anxieties as separation from parents and been hurt by the last surrogate care giver, a monster coyote with no regard for human health or age-appropriate respect?

Where were YOU when Trump was harming these families and separating them. You didn't speak out then. These children have been traumatized beyond measure by the cruelty of Donald Trump towards non-white immigrants.
Trump is not the President anymore. These children were herded up through Mexico on Biden's careless watch from Guatemala and unstable states worldwide if they were lucky enough to be considered "persons of color." They began their travels when Nero, I mean Joe Biden, announced to a shocked America that all immigrants on the southern border were welcome to come pillage taxpayers again, and how construction was immediately cancelled on Orange Man Bad's wall. Not only did that destroy thousands of jobs for Americans the gimme nickel crowd swarmed the border as the border patrol was shrunk by Biden so more people could cross. Immediately so many people were on their way up they could be seen from satellites worldwide now and aeropuertos south of the border were flooded by another human hive buzzing up from overpopulated prisons all over the planet. Even a moron could smell trouble but not Joe Biden living on a cloud with endless servants waiting on his every need and he and his second in command don't care about these migrants he was unprepared to feed, clothe, hospitalize, treat for overdoses, baby children vaginal and anal reconstruction surgeries from brutal rapes, not to mention millions of very disgusted border populations in four states with murderers, thieves, drug dealers, and criminals looking to hurt anybody who failed to respond to their demands and they are hungry for every forbidden fruit known to mankind. This is all on Biden a d all the Demmies do is pluck off several more trillion dollar contracts that will make America a damn slave to Orient guys with nukes if they don't get paid back in buillion. Oh and did I forget to say you Demmie groupies are an idiotic flock of crapping predatory birds.
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