Biden document discovery is proof Dems ‘overplayed their hand’ on Trump

Fauci isn't running for anything.
But it is amazing that you guys are so addicted to the Orange Cult that you think this doctor is the enemy.
Fauci was our highest paid Federal official, Joe! We paid him a ton of money and he gave us Covid...then he trashed the economy and our kid's educations. He's a narcissistic little troll who got addicted to fame and power and didn't want it to end!
Fauci was our highest paid Federal official, Joe! We paid him a ton of money and he gave us Covid...then he trashed the economy and our kid's educations. He's a narcissistic little troll who got addicted to fame and power and didn't want it to end!

I didn't realize he was president and had all that power.
Fauci was our highest paid Federal official, Joe! We paid him a ton of money and he gave us Covid...then he trashed the economy and our kid's educations. He's a narcissistic little troll who got addicted to fame and power and didn't want it to end!
The only guy who gave us Covid was Trump ignoring months of warnings, and lying to the American people about how serious it was, and then undermining the attempts by others to contain it.
The only guy who gave us Covid was Trump ignoring months of warnings, and lying to the American people about how serious it was, and then undermining the attempts by others to contain it.
Was Trump the guy supporting "Gain of Function" testing on Covid? Nope...that was Anthony Fauci! Trump was the guy calling on flights from China to be halted and you on the left skewered him for it calling him racist!
Dr. Fauci has been where he is at for decades, without much fanfare, because past presidents had the good sense to follow his advice and contain pandemics.

It only really became an issue with Trump not wanting to scare the stock market and telling people to drink bleach.
Boy, I'm glad that didn't happen. That would be bad.
I didn't realize he was president and had all that power.
Admit it, Faun...during Covid...Anthony Fauci was given almost total power by the Main Stream Media! Whatever Fauci said was given "expert" status and it was happening even as Fauci flip flopped on something as simple as wearing a mask. They even named him one of the years "Sexiest Men"! Anyone that dared to question "Saint Anthony" was immediately attacked.
The only guy who gave us Covid was Trump ignoring months of warnings, and lying to the American people about how serious it was, and then undermining the attempts by others to contain it.
Hmmm, and here we thought the president was supposed to listen to the experts.
Admit it, Faun...during Covid...Anthony Fauci was given almost total power by the Main Stream Media! Whatever Fauci said was given "expert" status and it was happening even as Fauci flip flopped on something as simple as wearing a mask. They even named him one of the years "Sexiest Men"! Anyone that dared to question "Saint Anthony" was immediately attacked.

Trump was president. The buck stops at his desk, not his advisors'.

If an advisor recommended slashing interest rates and Trump recommended that to the Federal Reserve and they cut the Federal fund rate and the economy soared, you'd be cheering for Trump, not his advisors.
Trump was president. The buck stops at his desk, not his advisors'.

If an advisor recommended slashing interest rates and Trump recommended that to the Federal Reserve and they cut the Federal fund rate and the economy soared, you'd be cheering for Trump, not his advisors.
Admit it, Faun...the only reason you love Fauci is he turned against Trump! You cheer for someone that supported the research that gave the world Covid 19 killing millions and you do so only because he was a thorn in Trump's side.
Admit it, Faun...the only reason you love Fauci is he turned against Trump! You cheer for someone that supported the research that gave the world Covid 19 killing millions and you do so only because he was a thorn in Trump's side.

I don't love Fauci. Your position crumbles because it's based on your own delusions.
I don't love Fauci. Your position crumbles because it's based on your own delusions.
Bullshit! Every time "Saint Anthony" went against Trump you loved him more and more! That's not a "delusion" that's simple fact. He was given super star status by the left and it sure wasn't because of the job he was doing. Tony Fauci did more flip flops on Covid than a Simon Biles floor routine but that didn't matter...did it? As long as he opposed on the left could overlook just about anything!
Bullshit! Every time "Saint Anthony" went against Trump you loved him more and more! That's not a "delusion" that's simple fact. He was given super star status by the left and it sure wasn't because of the job he was doing. Tony Fauci did more flip flops on Covid than a Simon Biles floor routine but that didn't matter...did it? As long as he opposed on the left could overlook just about anything!

You're beyond nuts and Trump was responsible for decisions he made.
Was Trump the guy supporting "Gain of Function" testing on Covid?
Again, if you are going to go into bizarre conspiracy theories, there's no point in talking to you.

Covid occurred naturally, it wasn't grown in a lab.

The acrimonious debate over the origins of the COVID-19 pandemic flared up again this week with a report from an expert panel concluding that SARS-CoV-2 likely spread naturally in a zoonotic jump from an animal to humans—without help from a lab.

“Our paper recognizes that there are different possible origins, but the evidence towards zoonosis is overwhelming,” says co-author Danielle Anderson, a virologist at the University of Melbourne. The report, which includes an analysis that found the peer-reviewed literature overwhelmingly supports the zoonotic hypotheses, appeared in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) on 10 October.

Boy, I'm glad
Again, if you are going to go into bizarre conspiracy theories, there's no point in talking to you.

Covid occurred naturally, it wasn't grown in a lab.

The acrimonious debate over the origins of the COVID-19 pandemic flared up again this week with a report from an expert panel concluding that SARS-CoV-2 likely spread naturally in a zoonotic jump from an animal to humans—without help from a lab.

“Our paper recognizes that there are different possible origins, but the evidence towards zoonosis is overwhelming,” says co-author Danielle Anderson, a virologist at the University of Melbourne. The report, which includes an analysis that found the peer-reviewed literature overwhelmingly supports the zoonotic hypotheses, appeared in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) on 10 October.

And you're still farting in public. Man, why don't kids learn how to behave in public anymore. While you're learning that, go ahead and provide that evidence you're Schiffing.
Biden can't be indicted as a sitting president, that is not the case with Trump.
There can be a first for everything you know. Being found a traitor even a president can be cares and arrested.
That's unless Hunter will take the fall for the Big guy.
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Six years of not knowing. And when his staff found them, they were returned immediately. Try thinking with your brain. You'll lose less.
/----/ "Six years of not knowing. "
Where is your proof Dementioa Joe didn't know? 3 1/2 years in the Senate, 8 years as VP handling classified documents, and you believe he never once wondered what was in those boxes in his home -- in the garage --next to his Vette? Or Hunter never took a peek and said, "Hey Dad, you know you got a bunch of files marked Classified in the garage?
You seriously believe that?

Joe Biden Blames Sloppy Staffers for Classified Document Debacle

9 Feb 2023 ~~ By Simon Kent

President Joe Biden rounded on his former staffers Wednesday when he blamed them for not being thorough enough in packing up his old offices, saying it was their carelessness that resulted in multiple classified documents being discovered in the garage at his Delaware home.
“One of the things that happened is that what was not done well is, as they packed up my offices to move them, they didn’t do the kind of job that should have been done to go thoroughly through every single piece of literature that’s there,” Biden told PBS NewsHour in a post-State of the Union address interview.
The Hill reports he also said he thinks investigators may have “picked up” items from 50 years ago. Biden did not elaborate on whether those items were classified documents.

Let me see if I understand uncle Joe's story. He is blaming staff, who are not cleared and have no authority to have access to classified documents, for "accidently" moving classified documents, which he had no authority to have in his possession, to his office at the Chinese funded Penn Biden Center, his home office, and his garage, among others. So this is the story he is sticking to?
Yeah, Joe. It must have been those sloppy staffers that walked out of a Senate SCIFF with classified documents hidden in their clothes.:auiqs.jpg:
Biden has never taken responsibility for any of his massive mistakes, it is always someone else's fault. He is so worthless and a disgrace to the office he was fraudulently installed in.
The LAW specifically states that being in POSSESSION OF CLASSIFIED DOCUMENTS without the proper clearance carries a penalty.. It doesn't matter what excuse Joe uses.
In case Joe hasn't noticed, the American people are done believing his lies.
Biden makes Carter look successful, Clinton look righteous, and Bush look like a lover of peace.

Joe Biden Blames Sloppy Staffers for Classified Document Debacle

9 Feb 2023 ~~ By Simon Kent

President Joe Biden rounded on his former staffers Wednesday when he blamed them for not being thorough enough in packing up his old offices, saying it was their carelessness that resulted in multiple classified documents being discovered in the garage at his Delaware home.
“One of the things that happened is that what was not done well is, as they packed up my offices to move them, they didn’t do the kind of job that should have been done to go thoroughly through every single piece of literature that’s there,” Biden told PBS NewsHour in a post-State of the Union address interview.
The Hill reports he also said he thinks investigators may have “picked up” items from 50 years ago. Biden did not elaborate on whether those items were classified documents.

Let me see if I understand uncle Joe's story. He is blaming staff, who are not cleared and have no authority to have access to classified documents, for "accidently" moving classified documents, which he had no authority to have in his possession, to his office at the Chinese funded Penn Biden Center, his home office, and his garage, among others. So this is the story he is sticking to?
Yeah, Joe. It must have been those sloppy staffers that walked out of a Senate SCIFF with classified documents hidden in their clothes.:auiqs.jpg:
Biden has never taken responsibility for any of his massive mistakes, it is always someone else's fault. He is so worthless and a disgrace to the office he was fraudulently installed in.
The LAW specifically states that being in POSSESSION OF CLASSIFIED DOCUMENTS without the proper clearance carries a penalty.. It doesn't matter what excuse Joe uses.
In case Joe hasn't noticed, the American people are done believing his lies.
Biden makes Carter look successful, Clinton look righteous, and Bush look like a lover of peace.

Apparently, the buck never gets to his desk.

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