Beware of the Health Care Compact Alliance con!


Gold Member
May 24, 2009

“The Health Care Compact is an interstate compact – which is simply an agreement between two or more states that is consented to by Congress – that restores authority and responsibility for health care regulation to the member states (except for military health care, which will remain federal), and provides the funds to the states to fulfill that responsibility.”

Restores authority and responsibility for health care regulations to the member states? The fact is, the States have never relinquished any authority concerning health care regulation. To agree to such a compact is to falsely assert the States have relinquished an authority never relinquished. In addition, the funding under the Health Care Compact is to be doled out by the federal government, which originally is taxed away from the people within the States.

If the people behind this compact are sincere in wanting to get the federal government out of the State’s health care business, then simply promote the truth and facts!

Let us cut through to chase and get to the bottom line with regard to Obamacare and the federal government exercising an authority never granted.

It is an irrefutable fact and as clear as the distinction between day and night, that the American People have never debated and then knowingly granted a power to Congress to provide for the health care needs of the people of the united States and regulate the decisions and choices which they may make with regard to their health care needs

It is also as clear as can be that our Constitution under Article 5 requires the consent of the “the Legislatures of three fourths of the several States, or by Conventions in three fourths thereof “ prior to the exercise of any new powers by Congress.

And it cannot be disputed that 26 States have officially expressed their rejection to Obamacare by their legal challenge now before the Court which, in itself confirms that Obamacare cannot, at this time, receive the consent of the necessary number of States to delegate to Congress the various powers which would be exercised under Obamacare!

With all these facts being irrefutable, the words of the noteworthy Chancellor Kent appear to be very applicable with respect to Obamacare:

"The Constitution is the act of the people, speaking in their original character, and defining the permanent conditions of the social alliance; and there can be no doubt on the point with us, that every act of the legislative power contrary to the true intent and meaning of the Constitution, is absolutely null and void. ___ Chancellor James Kent, in his Commentaries on American Law (1858)

Indeed, our very own Supreme Court has stated:

Certainly all those who have framed written constitutions contemplate them as forming the fundamental and paramount law of the nation, and consequently the theory of every such government must be, that an act of the legislature repugnant to the constitution is void. ____ MARBURY v. MADISON, 5 U.S. 137 (1803)

Bottom line is, until it can be demonstrated that the people of the united States have knowingly and willingly delegated the explicit powers and mandates which would be exercised under Obamacare, it is safe to say Obamacare is “null and void”and to attempt to enforce its provisions without the people’s consent as required under Article V of our Constitution, would be a blatant act of tyranny, especially when it involves the inalienable right of the people to make their own decisions and choices regarding their health care needs!


Health care by consent of the governed (Article 5) our amendment process --- tyranny by a PROGRESSIVE majority vote in Congress!
I guess not too many realize the significance of the Health Care Compact proposal. What it would do if adopted by a State is give the federal government authority to enter the state and impose its will over the subject matter. Example: New York and New Jersey had to get Congress’s approval to create the New York State Port of Authority. And guess what? Since they had to get Congress’s approval which in turn gave Congress jurisdiction over the enterprise, a later Court decision upheld Congress taxing the salaries of its employees! See: Helvering v. Gerhardt 304 US 405 (1938)

This is another clever gimmick to not only create a 501 ( c ) (4) tax exempt gang to collect contributions and live large, but also to get the people within the States to hang themselves by giving the federal government jurisdiction over their health care needs by getting permission from Congress to set up their “Compact”.

Funny thing is, I heard one of our “conservative” talk show hosts telling his listening audience how great the idea is and they should join the Health Care Compact Alliance.


Health care by consent of the governed (Article 5) our amendment process --- tyranny by a PROGRESSIVE majority vote in Congress!

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