Better dead

Quantum Windbag

Gold Member
May 9, 2010
What does a school nurse do if a student is having an asthma attack but the parent didn't fill out the right form for the inhaler?

Volusia County School officials stand by a Deltona High School nurse's decision to refuse a student his inhaler during an asthma attack, citing a lack of a parent's signature on a medical release form.
"It's like something out of a horror film. The person just sits there and watches you die," said Michael Rudi, 17. "She sat there, looked at me and she did nothing."
He said the school dean found his inhaler during a search of his locker last Friday. The inhaler was still in its original packaging -- complete with his name and directions for its use; however, the school took it away because his mother hadn't signed the proper form for him to have it.

Nurse refuses student inhaler during asthma attack | News - Home
Next, they'll be blaming the mother for not signing the proper form. But then another question, did the mother want the student to have the inhaler?
What does a school nurse do if a student is having an asthma attack but the parent didn't fill out the right form for the inhaler?

Volusia County School officials stand by a Deltona High School nurse's decision to refuse a student his inhaler during an asthma attack, citing a lack of a parent's signature on a medical release form.
"It's like something out of a horror film. The person just sits there and watches you die," said Michael Rudi, 17. "She sat there, looked at me and she did nothing."
He said the school dean found his inhaler during a search of his locker last Friday. The inhaler was still in its original packaging -- complete with his name and directions for its use; however, the school took it away because his mother hadn't signed the proper form for him to have it.

Nurse refuses student inhaler during asthma attack | News - Home

This is what law suits have brought us to..... covering your own ass!
This is what happens when you have zero tolerance laws. Stupidity.

Thank you, big government Republicans!
Question: Would the school's officials be "standing behind" this nurse if the kid died? My guess is no. But he lived, so it's somewhat safe to "stand behind" the nurse.
but don't worry; if a 15 year old girl needs an abortion or has a suspicion she is pregnant, she can go to the school nurse, get directions to the nearest planned parenthood and away she goes...all without a word to or from the parents....
This is what happens in a liberal culture where no one thinks, nor do they have to. Thinking is discouraged in exchange for following rules. The rule prevails no matter what the circumstances. This is really what a fully totalitarian and regimented culture looks like. They are devoid of thinking on their own and are relieved of judgement and responsibility. This nurse is positive proof of how much initiative has been bred out of our culture by liberalism.

When the towers were hit on 911, many of the people who died did so because the building rules were to stay in place in the event of a fire. They were to wait for the fire department. The rebellious ones ran out and saved themselves even while some office mates urged them to follow the rules and stay where they were.
At some point common sense has to take over.
Sounds like the correct paper work was not taken care of for the kid to have
it on his/her person...

Once the attack occurs the nurse could have called 911 an ask then to make the call
to administer the inhaler.The kid had a prescription and was under Doctor's care...
Aren't nurses suppose to help the sick? Isn't that a nurses job?

If this kid were on the street, fell over from an asthma attack with his inhaler lying on the ground out of his reach . . . would she just stand there doing nothing because no form had been filled out?

If she was too entrenched in the rules to even contemplate giving the kid his inhaler, why didn't she call his parents/emergency contacts ASAP and get verbal approval?

What the hell has happened to common sense? Katzndogs is correct, liberal culture has eliminated the need for common sense, for one to think for one's self.

If I were that kids mom I'd slap the nurse upside her head.
"The Hippocratic Oath is an oath historically taken by physicians, physician assistants' and other healthcare professionals swearing to practice medicine ethically."

Cause no harm.

Someone should be fired.
Aren't nurses suppose to help the sick? Isn't that a nurses job?

If this kid were on the street, fell over from an asthma attack with his inhaler lying on the ground out of his reach . . . would she just stand there doing nothing because no form had been filled out?

If she was too entrenched in the rules to even contemplate giving the kid his inhaler, why didn't she call his parents/emergency contacts ASAP and get verbal approval?

What the hell has happened to common sense? Katzndogs is correct, liberal culture has eliminated the need for common sense, for one to think for one's self.

If I were that kids mom I'd slap the nurse upside her head.

The Nurse could be sued for malpractice if she treated the kid without the parent's permission. Even if you react to an emergency situation as a first aid responder, you may be at risk.

Depends on state law. Some states protect "good Sumaritans,' others: Not So Much

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