Bette vs Kirstie

Auld Phart

Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 3, 2013
Kirstie Alley accuses Bette Midler of 'pure and REAL racism' for joking about black Trump supporters

Bette stuck her foot in her mouth...

Kirstie shoved hers up Bettes ass.

Kirstie Alley


This is one of the most racist, degrading "jokes" I've seen on Twitter & that's saying a lot. We get it Bette, you hate Trump & that's your right but to imply Black men have to be PAID to celebrate their OWN political views is pure and REAL racism. And "BLACKGROUND"?? WTF??!! …

Bette Midler


Look, there are African American men in this shot! How much did he pay them to be “blackground”?

Bette Midler


Look, there are African American men in this shot! How much did he pay them to be “blackground”?

Since when did Bette Midler ever care about black folks? I don't even think she is good friends with Whoopi Goldberg.

I am no fan of Whoopi either. But I am no fan of Bette Midler either.
This is the kind of shit that slips out of liberal idiots mouths when they see someone of color supporting Conservatives.

They have been buying people of color off for decades and so when they see it isn't working they charge Conservatives with doing what they've been doing all along.

So it's OK for liberals to buy off minorities but feign outrage when Conservatives don't have to buy off minorities.
Bette Midler


Look, there are African American men in this shot! How much did he pay them to be “blackground”?

Since when did Bette Midler ever care about black folks? I don't even think she is good friends with Whoopi Goldberg.

I am no fan of Whoopi either. But I am no fan of Bette Midler either.

Since when did Bette Midler ever care about black folks?

who says she does?

From her tweet, it seems she's racist.
Kirstie Alley accuses Bette Midler of 'pure and REAL racism' for joking about black Trump supporters

Bette stuck her foot in her mouth...

Kirstie shoved hers up Bettes ass.

Kirstie Alley


This is one of the most racist, degrading "jokes" I've seen on Twitter & that's saying a lot. We get it Bette, you hate Trump & that's your right but to imply Black men have to be PAID to celebrate their OWN political views is pure and REAL racism. And "BLACKGROUND"?? WTF??!! …

Bette Midler


Look, there are African American men in this shot! How much did he pay them to be “blackground”?


Sounds like Bette is still 'Down and Out in Beverly Hills'. Why the hell would Black American Culture shift its hydra-like heads to a more conservative ideological trend when the communist-lite race warfare inspired by the Democrats preaches entitlement and encourages violent behavior if one does not get what one has coming to them just for being born a POC? Conservative ideology still by and large carries a message of personal responsibility and rising up through society on one's own personal merit. Radical leftism on the other hand tells them to do as they please and fear no consequence. It's a no-brainer for most angry young black kids, isn't it?
I loved the movie Beaches. Don't know much about Alley except she is in scientology and on real TV shows, which I despise.
who says she does?

Right! That was what I was saying...Bette never really cared about blacks.

I was at a rally when Trump was contending for the Presidency in August of 2016. There were plenty of all races at the rally! And there were no blacks in the background. Matter of fact, there some i the front rows near the stage where Trump was giving his speech.

I had the honor to meet Trump in person and talked to him briefly. That was after the speeches. I found him with a great sense of humor and he was very intelligent. I would vote for him again in 2020. And I plan on doing so.

Like I said, I was skeptic back in 2016. But I know now he would be a great President in 2020.

So, for Bette Midler to say something that absurd, she deserves as many backlashes from other celebrities.

I used to be a huge fan of Robert DeNiro and Alec Baldwin. Not anymore.
This isn't the first time I've seen another person have no praise for Bette. My newest beautiful precious, actor Bronson Pinchot that is, doesn't have anything good to say about her either. Go here for his two cents, I love him SO much!!! :) :) :)

God bless you and him always!!! :) :) :)

Good for Star Trek's Lt. Saavik! Bette Midler is such a race-obsessed pig, she's one of those condescending limousine liberals who think ALL minorities are helpless perpetual victims that need Big Daddy White Liberal to hold their hands and guide them through life! You know what, these PC-crazed, "altruistic" liberals don't even think of their precious "minority victims" as human beings; they see minorities as exotic dolls to show off to fellow self-hating white liberals. Their "compassion" is every bit as fake as the German pigs' Holocaust guilt; it's merely subterfuge to make themselves look more NOBLE than they really are.

Why is Midler still famous anyway? She gave ONE good performance in ONE good movie exactly 40 FUCKING YEARS AGO (playing Janis). She's been a one-hit wonder for decades, who's only famous for the lamest '80s comedies.

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