bernies new ad

Bones, do you think he can beat Hillary?
I don't think any dem is going to win this go round. All we can do is hope like hell the gop winner is not trump and his bimbo.
I think we need to just do without a President. We The People can do a better job! ;)
"white" faces?

I saw this earlier


Hillary Clinton’s Iowa Closing Argument Ad Is Also Mighty White

With the Iowa caucuses looming on the near horizon, Hillary Clintonand Bernie Sanders are not just duking it out with cannonfire aboutgun control, health care, and slavery reparations, they’re also submitting their “closing arguments” in the form of a couple of new ads that will run in Iowa in the coming weeks. Sanders’ opening bid is a Simon and Garfunkel-fueled bit of goosebumpery that’s been criticized by David Brock for being too white:

illary’s ad is a hard-driving, thoroughly convincing narrative about her qualifications, and her ability to beat back the Republicans, but not much different from Sanders’ ad, diversity-wise. By my count, there are almost exactly the same number of people of color in Hillary’s ad, although she benefits from one of them being President Obama:

Hillary Clinton’s Iowa Closing Argument Ad Is Also Mighty White
I think we need to just do without a President. We The People can do a better job! ;)

We just need to recall these losers in DC when they screw the pooch. Hell, Tenn recalled Davey Crockett for not representing his constituents back home

o and look what gop governors have done....flint ......they are turning nc from a once proud of education to now being proud of stupidity....teachers are fleeing the state.....o and in dont need to wash your hands after you go to the restroom....even if you are in food services....omg........
Well, we could each find something wrong with everyone...
but it is so easy with republicans.....and yes i will vote for sanders.....i do not know if he can beat hillary...but i think hillary will beat hillary....i have never been a fan of hers.....fucking love bill....not her...she failed on health reform under bill....
Bill may be a perv, but when he was in office, we were in the black...not in the red. He did a good job regardless of his pervy escapades.
Sanders absolutely has a good shot at being elected. People thought Obama was a fad too and he was elected twice.

That said I am not making a prediction and it is not a shoe in a Dem gets elected either. Things change quickly and we shall see. Just saying a lot of people are underestimating Sanders.

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