Bernie soars in Prediction markets. Biden tanks. Trump panics


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2019
Bernie Sanders is seen as the big winner of the Iowa caucus as he's tied with Buttigieg, who can't win big, non-white states. Trump's team was caught off guard, not having devised a strategy to confront the most electable candidate because they thought Joe Biden would be it.

America is feeling the Bern. I hope Trump enjoyed Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania because they're going to #FeelTheBern.
Bernie Sanders is seen as the big winner of the Iowa caucus as he's tied with Buttigieg, who can't win big, non-white states. Trump's team was caught off guard, not having devised a strategy to confront the most electable candidate because they thought Joe Biden would be it.

America is feeling the Bern. I hope Trump enjoyed Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania because they're going to #FeelTheBern.

I want some of what you're smoking.
Bernie Sanders is seen as the big winner of the Iowa caucus as he's tied with Buttigieg, who can't win big, non-white states. Trump's team was caught off guard, not having devised a strategy to confront the most electable candidate because they thought Joe Biden would be it.

America is feeling the Bern. I hope Trump enjoyed Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania because they're going to #FeelTheBern.

Any of these candidates will have a problem beating Trump. Unfortunately for Bernie, he has to deal with opposition research from Hillary as well as anything new the GOP dig up. He is viewed as an Independent. Just as Trump had the Never Trumpers there is an even bigger group of Never Bernies. Furthermore, it's a lose/lose situation with him, as if he wins, moderates will abandon him, if he loses, many of his supporters will abandon the DNC.

2020 Will be an election on Trump being the "I do as I say" anti-establishment and his 4 years of accomplishments vs others repeating the same 2016 "he will destroy America!"

People just don't accept it anymore. He is not an unknown quantity in terms of his results. What I would love to see is Trump be just as bold in his 2020 campaign promises and work to make them a reality in his second term.

Knowing his life ambition to win as often as he can, the world shouldn't expect anything less.
Here's my campaign slogan...

Let's take the best economy in 20 years and turn it into Soviet Russia!

Bernie Sanders is seen as the big winner of the Iowa caucus as he's tied with Buttigieg, who can't win big, non-white states. Trump's team was caught off guard, not having devised a strategy to confront the most electable candidate because they thought Joe Biden would be it.

America is feeling the Bern. I hope Trump enjoyed Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania because they're going to #FeelTheBern.

Any of these candidates will have a problem beating Trump. Unfortunately for Bernie, he has to deal with opposition research from Hillary as well as anything new the GOP dig up. He is viewed as an Independent. Just as Trump had the Never Trumpers there is an even bigger group of Never Bernies. Furthermore, it's a lose/lose situation with him, as if he wins, moderates will abandon him, if he loses, many of his supporters will abandon the DNC.

2020 Will be an election on Trump being the "I do as I say" anti-establishment and his 4 years of accomplishments vs others repeating the same 2016 "he will destroy America!"

People just don't accept it anymore. He is not an unknown quantity in terms of his results. What I would love to see is Trump be just as bold in his 2020 campaign promises and work to make them a reality in his second term.

Knowing his life ambition to win as often as he can, the world shouldn't expect anything less.
Moderate Democrats will coalesce around Bernie once he officially clinches the nomination.
Bernie Sanders is seen as the big winner of the Iowa caucus as he's tied with Buttigieg, who can't win big, non-white states. Trump's team was caught off guard, not having devised a strategy to confront the most electable candidate because they thought Joe Biden would be it.

America is feeling the Bern. I hope Trump enjoyed Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania because they're going to #FeelTheBern.

You think they are afraid of Bernie?

Bernie Sanders is seen as the big winner of the Iowa caucus as he's tied with Buttigieg, who can't win big, non-white states. Trump's team was caught off guard, not having devised a strategy to confront the most electable candidate because they thought Joe Biden would be it.

America is feeling the Bern. I hope Trump enjoyed Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania because they're going to #FeelTheBern.

Any of these candidates will have a problem beating Trump. Unfortunately for Bernie, he has to deal with opposition research from Hillary as well as anything new the GOP dig up. He is viewed as an Independent. Just as Trump had the Never Trumpers there is an even bigger group of Never Bernies. Furthermore, it's a lose/lose situation with him, as if he wins, moderates will abandon him, if he loses, many of his supporters will abandon the DNC.

Moderates vote party. That's what happened with Trump also.

2020 Will be an election on Trump being the "I do as I say" anti-establishment and his 4 years of accomplishments vs others repeating the same 2016 "he will destroy America!"

Do as I say? Trump like Obama before him has lied about getting us out of the wars. Trump has done absolutely nothing about health care which is going to be a huge part of the election. Trump isn't going to be able to promise "this great plan that everyone is going to love" this time.

People just don't accept it anymore. He is not an unknown quantity in terms of his results. What I would love to see is Trump be just as bold in his 2020 campaign promises and work to make them a reality in his second term.

Knowing his life ambition to win as often as he can, the world shouldn't expect anything less.

Is 23 trillion and growing in debt, winning?
Here's my campaign slogan...

Let's take the best economy in 20 years and turn it into Soviet Russia!


The greatest economy in the world does not need billions in bail outs every week.
The DNC will NEVER allow a Commie Sanders candidacy. They're mature enough to realize that the live at home Sanders base has no chance of winning a national election
Bernie Sanders is seen as the big winner of the Iowa caucus as he's tied with Buttigieg, who can't win big, non-white states. Trump's team was caught off guard, not having devised a strategy to confront the most electable candidate because they thought Joe Biden would be it.

America is feeling the Bern. I hope Trump enjoyed Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania because they're going to #FeelTheBern.

Any of these candidates will have a problem beating Trump. Unfortunately for Bernie, he has to deal with opposition research from Hillary as well as anything new the GOP dig up. He is viewed as an Independent. Just as Trump had the Never Trumpers there is an even bigger group of Never Bernies. Furthermore, it's a lose/lose situation with him, as if he wins, moderates will abandon him, if he loses, many of his supporters will abandon the DNC.

2020 Will be an election on Trump being the "I do as I say" anti-establishment and his 4 years of accomplishments vs others repeating the same 2016 "he will destroy America!"

People just don't accept it anymore. He is not an unknown quantity in terms of his results. What I would love to see is Trump be just as bold in his 2020 campaign promises and work to make them a reality in his second term.

Knowing his life ambition to win as often as he can, the world shouldn't expect anything less.
Moderate Democrats will coalesce around Bernie once he officially clinches the nomination.

I refuse to believe moderate Democrats are that ignorant. It is one thing not to like a guy's personality, it is another to destroy our country because of it. Most Democrats can't list Trump policies that are bad for American. Most can only parrot what they hear from Bernie and CNN about how the economy is not doing well, despite the facts laid out in front of them. Moderate Democrats will either go third party or not vote, but won't be part and parcel to turning our country to Socialism. You need a few more years of indoctrination for that to occur. I know many are hard at work towards that goal.
When democrats look at Bernie's Venezuelan role model, the adults think, "yeah, maybe not such a great idea to highlight economic collapse where parents sold their kids and ate their pets"

While the live at home Sanders supporters think "maybe the kids were sold to parents who had better video games"
Bernie Sanders is seen as the big winner of the Iowa caucus as he's tied with Buttigieg, who can't win big, non-white states. Trump's team was caught off guard, not having devised a strategy to confront the most electable candidate because they thought Joe Biden would be it.

America is feeling the Bern. I hope Trump enjoyed Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania because they're going to #FeelTheBern.
Trump was caught off guard. idiotic statement of the week.
Bernie Sanders is seen as the big winner of the Iowa caucus as he's tied with Buttigieg, who can't win big, non-white states. Trump's team was caught off guard, not having devised a strategy to confront the most electable candidate because they thought Joe Biden would be it.

America is feeling the Bern. I hope Trump enjoyed Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania because they're going to #FeelTheBern.

Bernie got on his knees when Hillary told him to and I agree,, he won't do it again. He will win the nom for sure, but soon after the first campaign ad against him will point out how unstable Bernie and his people are, the Bernie bro who shot up that baseball game will come back into the spotlight and you Bernie bro's will also help out by burning some shit. Bernie will win the nom, but he won't get through the election. He will lose very early into it.
Big non-white states?

Are we talking about an American election or Mexican one?

Time to put stop to replacing Americans. Trump 2020 folks.
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Bernie Sanders is seen as the big winner of the Iowa caucus as he's tied with Buttigieg, who can't win big, non-white states. Trump's team was caught off guard, not having devised a strategy to confront the most electable candidate because they thought Joe Biden would be it.

America is feeling the Bern. I hope Trump enjoyed Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania because they're going to #FeelTheBern.

Bernie got on his knees when Hillary told him to and I agree,, he won't do it again. He will win the nom for sure, but soon after the first campaign ad against him will point out how unstable Bernie and his people are, the Bernie bro who shot up that baseball game will come back into the spotlight and you Bernie bro's will also help out by burning some shit. Bernie will win the nom, but he won't get through the election. He will lose very early into it.

Bernie hires people who wants to throw you in a Gulag.

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