Bernie Sanders backs away from campaign's apology to #blacklivesmatter, tries NOT to look like WUSS!


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2014
Waiting on the Cowardly Dante!!
He's as pathetic as the Hildebeast is, only he admits it! Can you imagine this Gandalf look a like as president? What respect that would bring! ^
The Soros-funded #blacklivesmatter movement is a big problem for the Democrats, and Bernie Sanders just stumbled over it. Failure to grovel risks dampening the extraordinary black turnout necessary for Democratic victories in many states. But excessive groveling (say, apologizing for saying, “All lives matter,” as Martin O’Malley did) makes the candidate look like a PC wuss, nobody to entrust the nation’s security to. Appearing on Meet the Press, Bernie Sanders in effect pleaded incompetence as a leader for his campaign’s apology letter that made its way to Buzzfeed. Amber Ferguson reports in the Huffington Post: Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) says...

He's as pathetic as the Hildebeast is, only he admits it! Can you imagine this Gandalf look a like as president? What respect that would bring! ^
The Soros-funded #blacklivesmatter movement is a big problem for the Democrats, and Bernie Sanders just stumbled over it. Failure to grovel risks dampening the extraordinary black turnout necessary for Democratic victories in many states. But excessive groveling (say, apologizing for saying, “All lives matter,” as Martin O’Malley did) makes the candidate look like a PC wuss, nobody to entrust the nation’s security to. Appearing on Meet the Press, Bernie Sanders in effect pleaded incompetence as a leader for his campaign’s apology letter that made its way to Buzzfeed. Amber Ferguson reports in the Huffington Post: Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) says...


Yo, he is no different than O`Malley, I`m sorry, what a PUSS!!!

If Sanders cant deal with some loudmouths from BLM then how is he going to deal with actual enemies of this country?
Imagine if we get another Progressive as president and like the moron we have now Bernie goes to meet with our worst enemies, and the worst America-hater in the room is our own President?
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Yet, the DemocRATS continue to prop this little socialist up..... if they have to give us someone, how about Jim Webb...the BEST of the least I don't think he wants to DESTROY our culture, traditions, and way of life as all the other scumbags do!


Come on DemocRATS, get behind someone that is PRO AMERICA ...just for a change!
Bernie didn't say it and it wasn't necessary to apologize. A bunch of ass hats are trying to alter any conversation because their heads are too far up their asses to pay attention.
Bernie is nothing more than a temporary refuge for the anti-Hillary vote. Once her successor is anointed, the useful idiots will fall into line.
Bernie is a pussy, and the whole Democrat slate is one rich, old wrinkled white person trying to outpander the other rich old wrinkled White candidate
The focus is on Bernie now, righties feel threatened.
The begining of stupid Bernie Sanders threads have now begun.


we feel threatened by Bernie?

pretty sure it's Hillary feeling threatened leftard. Bernie better watch out, in the old days people who went up against a Clinton????????????

anyway loon; far-left loons SHOULD frighten normal people

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