Bernie rises by 3% Hillary falls by 5% in Last 5 Days


White Hat
Oct 10, 2012
Third planet, Sol system
Woo HOO! Go Bernie!

Bernie Sanders' campaign is ON FIRE!!

Check this out -- RealClearPolitics shows that on average, Bernie Sanders has risen to 25% (from 22% just five days ago), and Hillary is down by 5% to 49%.

Sure, she's still 24% ahead of him, but the gap is narrowing fast. If he were to continue closing the gap by 8% every 5 days, they'd be even in just two weeks.


You go, BERNIE!

-- Paravani


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Great news!!! We need someone that really does have a record for given a damn about us little people. Fuck all the corporate shills.

really? we hardly heard about ole Bernie in the 100 years he's been sucking a living off us Taxpayers in our Congress. name something he's famous for? something he's passed that has HELPED us and our country? we'll wait...........................................................................................FOREVER
he's just another CAREER politician who is known for NOTHING while sucking up taxpayers money's

but for some reason those are the ones you voters for the Democrats seem to love. or ones nobody ever heard of and was not even a one TERM Senator in our Congress. you people go from one extreme to the other
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And Obama and Jarrett aren't finished fucking he rover yet

NO KIDDING. they have another year and a half almost, to put the screws to us and bring us down to our knees. I worry more about that than this Presidential election that is STILL over a year away
And Obama and Jarrett aren't finished fucking he rover yet

NO KIDDING. they have another year and a half almost, to put the screws to us and bring us down to our knees. I worry more about that than this Presidential election that is STILL over a year away
We couldn't wait to get rid of Clinton.
We couldn't wait to get rid of Bush.
Now we can't wait to get rid of Obama.

Perhaps we keep voting for the wrong people.
And Obama and Jarrett aren't finished fucking he rover yet

NO KIDDING. they have another year and a half almost, to put the screws to us and bring us down to our knees. I worry more about that than this Presidential election that is STILL over a year away
We couldn't wait to get rid of Clinton.
We couldn't wait to get rid of Bush.
Now we can't wait to get rid of Obama.

Perhaps we keep voting for the wrong people.

I won't disagree with that. Actually I liked Billy, even though he was a serial adultery, liar and snake. I liked Bush enough. Obama I CAN'T STAND.
and Hillary is way more a SNAKE then her husband ever was and is Corrupted to the core.
And Obama and Jarrett aren't finished fucking he rover yet

NO KIDDING. they have another year and a half almost, to put the screws to us and bring us down to our knees. I worry more about that than this Presidential election that is STILL over a year away
We couldn't wait to get rid of Clinton.
We couldn't wait to get rid of Bush.
Now we can't wait to get rid of Obama.

Perhaps we keep voting for the wrong people.

I won't disagree with that. Actually I liked Billy, even though he was a serial adultery, liar and snake. I liked Bush enough. Obama I CAN'T STAND.
and Hillary is way more a SNAKE then her husband ever was and is Corrupted to the core.

I think Bill Clinton was a far better President than anyone since Reagan
And Obama and Jarrett aren't finished fucking he rover yet

NO KIDDING. they have another year and a half almost, to put the screws to us and bring us down to our knees. I worry more about that than this Presidential election that is STILL over a year away
We couldn't wait to get rid of Clinton.
We couldn't wait to get rid of Bush.
Now we can't wait to get rid of Obama.

Perhaps we keep voting for the wrong people.

I won't disagree with that. Actually I liked Billy, even though he was a serial adultery, liar and snake. I liked Bush enough. Obama I CAN'T STAND.
and Hillary is way more a SNAKE then her husband ever was and is Corrupted to the core.

I think Bill Clinton was a far better President than anyone since Reagan
I like Ike!

It has been down hill since then.

I used to be a Repub but Bush cured me of that.
I'm late to the Bernie Sanders game, so I only just now found this -- his 8 hours and 34 minutes filibuster speech from December 10, 2010. Apparently millions of people worldwide tuned in to the Senate floor to listen to this speech as the day progressed.

I've only just heard the beginning of it. It IS a filibuster, so I won't be surprised if he repeats himself a few times. But I'll listen to the whole thing through at least once, because THIS is the speech that defines the man's entire political career leading up to the present.



It's so EASY to spew that kind of garbage when they aren't going to be the ONES paying for all their BS. Because he doesn't care if he RAISES taxes as long as he can BUY VOTES.
these Democrat/commies hasn't had a new idea in over 30 years that doesn't take from TAXPAYERS in order to give to everyone ELSE. It won't be any skin off his ass...and WE are suppose to just say the hell with taking care of our OWN family's
Yes the cruise ship Hillary is sinking fast. I do have one question though: Who the hell is Bernie Sanders?
He's someone from the other end of the barrel they fished Obama out of

both are NOBODIES and has never worked a REAL job in their pathetic lives. Yet they want this type to run out country.

well, I hope the people have seen enough of how a nobody has run our country. Raised taxes on everything that he could find, 1000 of new regulations that is costing us BILLIONS, has not had one good thing to say about us or our country. LIES right in their face so they could pass some new fascist Insurance scam on us.........../ so now they want to put in a 100 year old NOBODY

I hope the PEOPLE have had enough of these nasty progressives in the so called: Democrat party
America, land of the free, home of the brave, in pictures:

We are the richest nation in the world, but our infrastructure is crumbling, and our transportation systems are 50 years behind Europe and Asia, where high-speed mag-lev trains criss-cross the continents.


More than 4 out of 10 of us live in poverty... in the richest nation in the world! That poverty rate compares to Communist China, post-Communist Russia, and war-torn African nations like Liberia.


We work our fingers to the bones -- with no guaranteed benefits, healthcare, family leave, or vacation. Our young people can neither find work nor afford to pay for higher education.


So where did all the money go? If we're so rich, why has the middle class shrunk, and why is the number of us in poverty continuing to grow? Our GDP continues to rise, so why is our economy still in such bad shape? Where is all the money going?


"Land of the free"? Not according to worldwide incarceration statistics. Since we allowed our prisons to be run by private corporations that have quota agreements with law enforcement agencies (and in many cases are actually owned by local sheriffs) , our prison populations have skyrocketed.

This is what the "Land of the Free" looks like internationally:


Notice that even Communist China and Putin's Russia imprison fewer of their population than corporate-owned America does.

Seen enough yet?

-- Paravani


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America, land of the free, home of the brave, in pictures:

We are the richest nation in the world, but our infrastructure is crumbling, and our transportation systems are 50 behind Europe and Asia, where high-speed mag-lev trains criss-cross the continents.


We have a larger percentage of children living in poverty than any other developed nation except post-Communist Romania:


We work our fingers to the bones -- more hours than any other developed nation -- with no guaranteed benefits, healthcare, family leave, or vacation. Our young people can neither find work nor afford to pay for higher education.


So where did all the money go? If we're so rich, why has the middle class shrunk, and why is the number of us in poverty continuing to grow? Our GDP continues to rise, so why is our economy still in such bad shape? Where is all the money going?


"Land of the free"? Not according to worldwide incarceration statistics. Since we allowed our prisons to be run by private corporations that have quota agreements with law enforcement agencies (and in many cases are actually owned by local sheriffs) , our prison populations have skyrocketed.

This is what the "Land of the Free" looks like internationally:


Notice that even Communist China and Putin's Russia imprison fewer of their population than corporate-owned America does.

Seen enough yet?

-- Paravani

You all should move. problem solved. take all the liberals/leftwingers with you. None of you are ever happy about anything in this country. we hear the whine from you all, day in and day out
Yes the cruise ship Hillary is sinking fast. I do have one question though: Who the hell is Bernie Sanders?

You won't see much about Bernie Sanders on corporate-owned media because it's not in their best interest to publicize his wildly-popular campaign. They don't own him, and they're hoping like crazy that Hillary gets the nomination.

Corporate-owned media just want Bernie Sanders to go away. So they'll do their best to spin negative stories about him, and they'll refuse to cover the record-breaking crowds that are overflowing the stadiums at his rallies.

If you want to read about Bernie, you can find a wide variety of information on him at If you'd rather listen to him to get a feel for the man, I've linked a video below. It's a recent video, but he's been remarkably consistent in his positions throughout his 35 years in politics, as you can see by viewing YouTube videos of his earliest days.

This is Bernie Sanders on August 9th in Portland Oregon, where he spoke in front of a crowd of 20,000 people, while another 8,000 viewed his speech on the monitors outside the Moda Center. It was the largest crowd that has ever gathered for a candidate this early in the election cycle, in spite of the fact that the rally had only been announced ten days prior and had not been advertised on television.

When learning about Bernie Sanders, I advise you to ignore opinion articles and pay attention to what he himself says and does.

-- Paravani
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You all should move. problem solved. take all the liberals/leftwingers with you. None of you are ever happy about anything in this country. we hear the whine from you all, day in and day out

THIS LAND IS OUR LAND. We are not going to let it fall to shambles. We love our country and we're not lazy.

We are going to stay right here and TAKE OUR COUNTRY BACK FROM THE BILLIONAIRES!

-- Paravani

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