Bernie is George McGovern


Diamond Member
Mar 4, 2013
Dog House in back yard
I sort of saw parallels, but this makes it more explicit.

Bernie Sanders Is George McGovern

And that's not the only article out there, but I thought the comparisons in this one were good. It does say that Trump is not Nixon, in a way disparaging to Trump's abilities. But imo the Trump Nixon comparison is close in some ways. The corruption of American govt of course. But more so in ways favorable to Trump.

The cred to Nixon was only he could open up to Red China. Who else but Trump could have (at least rhetorically) have ended free trade. (McConnell will protect his FIL to the death, so it ain't really happening). But Trump's made it center piece (along with closed immigration) to his campaign.

And Nixon's use of the dog whistle was legendary. He used the split in the dem party to win in 1968

The article implies that Trump is incapable of being ahead of Bernie by the 20 pts Nixon was up on McGovern even in the summer of 72. It's true that Trump trails EVERY dem in the polls. And Nixon really did govern from the middle, unlike Trump. But Nixon was a lousy campaigner. And Trump is the master of reality tv.
I sort of saw parallels, but this makes it more explicit.

Bernie Sanders Is George McGovern

And that's not the only article out there, but I thought the comparisons in this one were good. It does say that Trump is not Nixon, in a way disparaging to Trump's abilities. But imo the Trump Nixon comparison is close in some ways. The corruption of American govt of course. But more so in ways favorable to Trump.

The cred to Nixon was only he could open up to Red China. Who else but Trump could have (at least rhetorically) have ended free trade. (McConnell will protect his FIL to the death, so it ain't really happening). But Trump's made it center piece (along with closed immigration) to his campaign.

And Nixon's use of the dog whistle was legendary. He used the split in the dem party to win in 1968

The article implies that Trump is incapable of being ahead of Bernie by the 20 pts Nixon was up on McGovern even in the summer of 72. It's true that Trump trails EVERY dem in the polls. And Nixon really did govern from the middle, unlike Trump. But Nixon was a lousy campaigner. And Trump is the master of reality tv.
But with much more associated violence:

REMINDER: A Bernie Bro Shot Steve Scalise. And was trying to massacre the entire Republican congressional leadership.
I sort of saw parallels, but this makes it more explicit.

Bernie Sanders Is George McGovern

And that's not the only article out there, but I thought the comparisons in this one were good. It does say that Trump is not Nixon, in a way disparaging to Trump's abilities. But imo the Trump Nixon comparison is close in some ways. The corruption of American govt of course. But more so in ways favorable to Trump.

The cred to Nixon was only he could open up to Red China. Who else but Trump could have (at least rhetorically) have ended free trade. (McConnell will protect his FIL to the death, so it ain't really happening). But Trump's made it center piece (along with closed immigration) to his campaign.

And Nixon's use of the dog whistle was legendary. He used the split in the dem party to win in 1968

The article implies that Trump is incapable of being ahead of Bernie by the 20 pts Nixon was up on McGovern even in the summer of 72. It's true that Trump trails EVERY dem in the polls. And Nixon really did govern from the middle, unlike Trump. But Nixon was a lousy campaigner. And Trump is the master of reality tv.
But with much more associated violence:

REMINDER: A Bernie Bro Shot Steve Scalise. And was trying to massacre the entire Republican congressional leadership.
Whose side shot all those kids at Kent State?
I sort of saw parallels, but this makes it more explicit.

Bernie Sanders Is George McGovern

And that's not the only article out there, but I thought the comparisons in this one were good. It does say that Trump is not Nixon, in a way disparaging to Trump's abilities. But imo the Trump Nixon comparison is close in some ways. The corruption of American govt of course. But more so in ways favorable to Trump.

The cred to Nixon was only he could open up to Red China. Who else but Trump could have (at least rhetorically) have ended free trade. (McConnell will protect his FIL to the death, so it ain't really happening). But Trump's made it center piece (along with closed immigration) to his campaign.

And Nixon's use of the dog whistle was legendary. He used the split in the dem party to win in 1968

The article implies that Trump is incapable of being ahead of Bernie by the 20 pts Nixon was up on McGovern even in the summer of 72. It's true that Trump trails EVERY dem in the polls. And Nixon really did govern from the middle, unlike Trump. But Nixon was a lousy campaigner. And Trump is the master of reality tv.

The reality is Bernie's positions aren't as popular as the left would like to think they are once people get the bill for them. A super majority of Americans support Medicare-For-All as an option, but not as a requirement. Bernie's plan requires it and that has less than 1/3 support of the American people. People also show large support for the program when simply asked about it. When asked if they still support it if requires an increase in their taxes the support once again craters. That's ultimately what is going to kill his campaign. People don't want to lose their insurance policies and be forced on government health care, especially unions. People like the idea of universal health care and "free" college, but don't actually want to foot the bill for it in higher taxes. Establishment Democrats fear his war on Wall Street since they are all heavily invested in the market and many of them are CEOs and top executives at a lot of those firms. Throw in the vitriol of his supporters and it's a perfect storm to walk Trump right back into the White House. You're right, it won't be exactly like Nixon v McGovern, but it will be close. I suspect Trump would win every state he won last time and pick up a few more. Only the deep blue will remain in the Bernie column.
Just More LeftTard Propaganda.

Same as Hillary in a Landslide.

Hard to believe you have to go to college to get a degree in Lying and then call yourself a Journalist.

I sort of saw parallels, but this makes it more explicit.

Bernie Sanders Is George McGovern

And that's not the only article out there, but I thought the comparisons in this one were good. It does say that Trump is not Nixon, in a way disparaging to Trump's abilities. But imo the Trump Nixon comparison is close in some ways. The corruption of American govt of course. But more so in ways favorable to Trump.

The cred to Nixon was only he could open up to Red China. Who else but Trump could have (at least rhetorically) have ended free trade. (McConnell will protect his FIL to the death, so it ain't really happening). But Trump's made it center piece (along with closed immigration) to his campaign.

And Nixon's use of the dog whistle was legendary. He used the split in the dem party to win in 1968

The article implies that Trump is incapable of being ahead of Bernie by the 20 pts Nixon was up on McGovern even in the summer of 72. It's true that Trump trails EVERY dem in the polls. And Nixon really did govern from the middle, unlike Trump. But Nixon was a lousy campaigner. And Trump is the master of reality tv.
I sort of saw parallels, but this makes it more explicit.

Bernie Sanders Is George McGovern

And that's not the only article out there, but I thought the comparisons in this one were good. It does say that Trump is not Nixon, in a way disparaging to Trump's abilities. But imo the Trump Nixon comparison is close in some ways. The corruption of American govt of course. But more so in ways favorable to Trump.

The cred to Nixon was only he could open up to Red China. Who else but Trump could have (at least rhetorically) have ended free trade. (McConnell will protect his FIL to the death, so it ain't really happening). But Trump's made it center piece (along with closed immigration) to his campaign.

And Nixon's use of the dog whistle was legendary. He used the split in the dem party to win in 1968

The article implies that Trump is incapable of being ahead of Bernie by the 20 pts Nixon was up on McGovern even in the summer of 72. It's true that Trump trails EVERY dem in the polls. And Nixon really did govern from the middle, unlike Trump. But Nixon was a lousy campaigner. And Trump is the master of reality tv.

The reality is Bernie's positions aren't as popular as the left would like to think they are once people get the bill for them. A super majority of Americans support Medicare-For-All as an option, but not as a requirement. Bernie's plan requires it and that has less than 1/3 support of the American people. People also show large support for the program when simply asked about it. When asked if they still support it if requires an increase in their taxes the support once again craters. That's ultimately what is going to kill his campaign. People don't want to lose their insurance policies and be forced on government health care, especially unions. People like the idea of universal health care and "free" college, but don't actually want to foot the bill for it in higher taxes. Establishment Democrats fear his war on Wall Street since they are all heavily invested in the market and many of them are CEOs and top executives at a lot of those firms. Throw in the vitriol of his supporters and it's a perfect storm to walk Trump right back into the White House. You're right, it won't be exactly like Nixon v McGovern, but it will be close. I suspect Trump would win every state he won last time and pick up a few more. Only the deep blue will remain in the Bernie column.
A super majority of Americans support Medicare-For-All as an option, but not as a requirement.

In that case I worry about the lack of common sense by the majority

whoever heard of optional socialized medicine?
1. Some impartial observers say that Senator Sanders might, indeed, win in November.

2. If, as expected, he chooses an African American female as vice president, this would swell the number of people who vote for him:

a. Women, including some Republicans and Independents, would proudly turn out to vote for Bernie.

b. And African Americans would turn out in massive numbers (as they did in 2008).

i . Everyone knows that because of Mr. Sanders's age, the vice president might actually become acting president in case a President Sanders needs to take time off for health reasons.

3. I am betting that President Trump is more worried than he lets on.
Only the freak radicals liked mcgovern, same for sanders. There's your comparison.

No. I remember. Nobody liked George McGovern: in the end, even his own state didn't go for him. He was a nebbish, a typical sacrificial lamb they put up when they know they can't defeat an incumbent president.

Bernie has far more support than McGovern ever did. Watch out about wishing for things, in case they happen. Nobody thinks Bernie will win? Nobody thought Trump would win, either. Remember, Bernie is a populist like Trump, and this is the time for populists.
Sanders is a dream come true for Russia to keep Trump in power... Many call Trump the Russian mole or asset but let be clear the true Russian asset is Bernie herr by derailing the Democratic Party once again and will lose as bad as McGovern or Mondale.

If Sanders is nominated it will be a political suicide for Democrats down ticket...

Let just hope Bernie does not get the number of delegates to win the nomination and it goes to the super delegates!
1. Some impartial observers say that Senator Sanders might, indeed, win in November.

2. If, as expected, he chooses an African American female as vice president, this would swell the number of people who vote for him:

a. Women, including some Republicans and Independents, would proudly turn out to vote for Bernie.

b. And African Americans would turn out in massive numbers (as they did in 2008).

i . Everyone knows that because of Mr. Sanders's age, the vice president might actually become acting president in case a President Sanders needs to take time off for health reasons.

3. I am betting that President Trump is more worried than he lets on.

Good analysis. I think it's a great mistake to underestimate the adversary. I agree with all your points.
I sort of saw parallels, but this makes it more explicit.

Bernie Sanders Is George McGovern

And that's not the only article out there, but I thought the comparisons in this one were good. It does say that Trump is not Nixon, in a way disparaging to Trump's abilities. But imo the Trump Nixon comparison is close in some ways. The corruption of American govt of course. But more so in ways favorable to Trump.

The cred to Nixon was only he could open up to Red China. Who else but Trump could have (at least rhetorically) have ended free trade. (McConnell will protect his FIL to the death, so it ain't really happening). But Trump's made it center piece (along with closed immigration) to his campaign.

And Nixon's use of the dog whistle was legendary. He used the split in the dem party to win in 1968

The article implies that Trump is incapable of being ahead of Bernie by the 20 pts Nixon was up on McGovern even in the summer of 72. It's true that Trump trails EVERY dem in the polls. And Nixon really did govern from the middle, unlike Trump. But Nixon was a lousy campaigner. And Trump is the master of reality tv.

The DNC thinks so, and that's why they will do everything in their power to cheat him out of the nomination.

In the event that Bloomberg implodes on Super Tuesday, which I really expect, the DNC will try to bring in someone else to run against Sanders and seal up the Super Duper Delegates, force the process into the Smoke Free Rooms in Milwaukee.

How about Fritz Mondale? Would he be willing to make another try? Dukakis is still around as well, it could be a Dream Ticket
I still find it hard to believe, that when it's all said and done, that one of America's two major political parties would nominate a communist for president.
Whose side shot all those kids at Kent State?

The government's side
Congress ordered that?
Didn't it rather come directly from the attitudes attached to the fingers on the triggers?

Some very young men who were soldiers shot some very young men who were rioting. It wasn't about politics at the time --- it was rioting that got out of control and scared some young soldiers.
Quite a sanitized rendering of the story and less than honest.

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