Berlin murder: Germany expels two Maskal diplomats


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
Berlin murder: Germany expels two Maskal diplomats. a wrong move as usual from Germans, German police´d expel two Maskal "diplomats" (killers ) deep into a CIA prison cell

Germany expels Russia diplomats over Berlin murder

Berlin murder: Germany expels two Maskal diplomats. a wrong move as usual from Germans, German police´d expel two Maskal "diplomats" (killers ) deep into a CIA prison cell

Germany expels Russia diplomats over Berlin murder

CIA prison cell, huh?

So you are down with the idea of secret police having their own prisons? Fucking little wanna be tyrant. You'd a been leading the pack when the vermin Bolsheviks who took over Russia in 1917 established their CheKa--the murderous secret police who tortured people to death for fun. You are a monster.
It was very clear that the troll would come up with this shit.
The terrorist was taken down either by his fellow terrorists or western secret services.
are you a paid troll ? how can your compere our democratic prison cell, with maskal - mongol torture death holes ?
are you a paid troll ? how can your compere our democratic prison cell, with maskal - mongol torture death holes ?
hAHAha....democratic...........hoo wah heee hee haw haw wheeeee...CIA .... lololohahahah...prison cell hahaha <pant><pant> Lord, that's a good one. "democratic"..."CIA"... teehee So I suppose when the CIA and/or Mossad lie us into attacking a small Middle Eastern country and killing four million innocent civilians, those civilians shouldn't mind because they were democratic lies.
The hypocrisy is on a new all time height.
Although there was no investigation or even ruling, Germany is expelling two Russian diplomats. Now, it is Putin who is accused of an bias against the rule of law.
Alright, as a Pole, I have no real love for Russians but this is becoming a little ridiculous. Did a Ruski fuck your crush or something?
It happened when the relationship started to improve. And there was an instant reaction. This was probably a false flag. Killing people in false flags in order to change the own policy has become a normality.

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