Berlin market attack suspect killed in shootout in northern Italy


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
Not so-called 'police' of Merkelstan, but Italians killed the dangerous terrorist.

How terror can probably be stopped.

All terrorist shall be buried together with swines not fare from garbage dumps.And without any religious ceremonial. Only story about Tree Little Pigs shall be read while funeral.It is difficult to believe that somebody buried with swines on garbage dump while reading The Tree Little Pigs will enter Muslim Paradise with 72 virgins and vine.

The suspect in the Berlin Christmas market truck attack was killed in a pre-dawn shoot-out with police in a suburb of the northern Italian city of Milan on Friday, Italy's interior minister said.

"The man killed was without a shadow of doubt Anis Amri," Marco Minniti said, referring to the 24-year-old Tunisian who is suspected of driving the truck that smashed through a Berlin market on Monday killing 12 people.

Minniti told reporters that Amri was stopped by two policemen at around 3 a.m. (2200 EDT) in front of the Sesto San Giovanni train station, north of Milan.

When he was asked for his identification papers, Amri pulled a gun and shot one of the two policemen, lightly wounding him in the shoulder. He in turn was then shot dead by the police.

"These two extraordinary, extremely young men, simply by doing their duty, have done an extraordinary service to our community," Minniti said. One of the two policemen had only just started service and was on his trial period.

Berlin market attack suspect killed in shootout in northern Italy

Just looked up Italian gun laws....they are apparently very how did a muslim terrorist manage to bring in a gun to Milan?
Yeah, too bad the murdering terrorist thug didnt suffer for very long.

I think I would have enjoyed about 8 hours with his worthless mind.


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