Benghazi Witness Says State Dept. Told Him Not To Meet With Congressional Investigato


Senior Member
May 22, 2012
May 8, 2013

Deputy chief of mission for the U.S. in Libya Gregory Hicks testified Wednesday that he was told not to meet with a congressman sent to investigate the attack on the American consulate in Benghazi. Hicks said a State Department lawyer accompanied the delegation and attempted to be in every single meeting he was involved in.


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Benghazi Witness Says State Dept. Told Him Not To Meet With Congressional Investigators

By their own actions, this proves that the State Dept. and the Obama administration are still trying to hide and stonewall their inept actions regarding the attack in Benghazi that cost the lives of 4 Americans and the maiming of others.
It was Hillary's Bulldog, Mills, that objected to his meeting with Chaffetz, the same Bulldog that helped defend 'Bubba' during his Impeachment Trial, the same Bulldog that's been with Hillary since.
The Obama Administration had its head up their collective @sses when this went down, it flew in the face of the Obambi's campaign narrative "Bin Laden is dead, GM is alive, al Qaeda is gone, its time to partyyyyy like 1974!" and they had to come up with a story to cover their collective @sses at least until the looming election was out of the way.
What is eerie is the way fate, or events seem to cover the Obambi's ass every step of the way. In 2008 it was a U.S.banking system implosion that nearly sent the country reeling into another Great Depression that paved his way into the presidency. In 2012 it was an extraordinarily out of season hurricane that took a bizaare left hand turn and slammed into the United States coastline making the Obambi look somewhat competent and now we have the Cleveland kidnapping rescues within 48 hours of these hearings that should have revealed to everybody what a pathological liar and conman the Obambi is as well as the Jody Arias verdict taking all the air out of the sytem. How lucky can somebody continuously be?
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I find it interesting that most of the media isn't bothering to cover the hearings. I guess they fear what will be said and don't want it aired. I am sick of people who are okay with being lied to inititally, then getting glib remarks after months of silence from the administration and still think there is no story.

News flash, libs. The administration would not have told the lies about protesters being upset about a video if there was nothing to hide. They were caught in a lie and have yet to cooperate or show any interest in helping the truth come out. What are they afraid of? I can guess.

People on the ground wanted more security before the attack because they knew something was coming. There were enough signs, such as attacks and threats, and all were ignored. The administration removed security and left those people hung out to dry. Obama had the nerve to head to Vegas to campaign knowing that our people were under attack and knowing that help had been denied to them. This is far worse than Watergate because people lied and people died.
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It was Hillary's Bulldog, Mills, that objected to his meeting with Chaffetz, the same Bulldog that helped defend 'Bubba' during his Impeachment Trial, the same Bulldog that's been with Hillary since.
The Obama Administration had its head up their collective @sses when this went down, it flew in the face of the Obambi's campaign narrative "Bin Laden is dead, GM is alive, al Qaeda is gone, its time to partyyyyy like 1974!" and they had to come up with a story to cover their collective @sses at least until the looming election was out of the way.
What is eerie is the way fate, or events seem to cover the Obambi's ass every step of the way. In 2008 it was a U.S.banking system implosion that nearly sent the country reeling into another Great Depression that paved his way into the presidency. In 2012 it was an extraordinarily out of season hurricane that took a bizaare left hand turn and slammed into the United States coastline making the Obambi look somewhat competent and now we have the Cleveland kidnapping rescues within 48 hours of these hearings that should have revealed to everybody what a pathological liar and conman the Obambi is as well as the Jody Arias verdict taking all the air out of the sytem. How lucky can somebody continuously be?

It's not luck. It's what the MSM chooses to cover.
May 8, 2013

Deputy chief of mission for the U.S. in Libya Gregory Hicks testified Wednesday that he was told not to meet with a congressman sent to investigate the attack on the American consulate in Benghazi. Hicks said a State Department lawyer accompanied the delegation and attempted to be in every single meeting he was involved in.


Read more:
Benghazi Witness Says State Dept. Told Him Not To Meet With Congressional Investigators

By their own actions, this proves that the State Dept. and the Obama administration are still trying to hide and stonewall their inept actions regarding the attack in Benghazi that cost the lives of 4 Americans and the maiming of others.

Why don't you baggers go back to the birth certificate thing, at least you we more entertaining then:dance::dance::laugh2::laugh2:
May 8, 2013

Deputy chief of mission for the U.S. in Libya Gregory Hicks testified Wednesday that he was told not to meet with a congressman sent to investigate the attack on the American consulate in Benghazi. Hicks said a State Department lawyer accompanied the delegation and attempted to be in every single meeting he was involved in.


Read more:
Benghazi Witness Says State Dept. Told Him Not To Meet With Congressional Investigators

By their own actions, this proves that the State Dept. and the Obama administration are still trying to hide and stonewall their inept actions regarding the attack in Benghazi that cost the lives of 4 Americans and the maiming of others.

Why don't you baggers go back to the birth certificate thing, at least you we more entertaining then:dance::dance::laugh2::laugh2:

Another one who didnt watch it.
May 8, 2013

Deputy chief of mission for the U.S. in Libya Gregory Hicks testified Wednesday that he was told not to meet with a congressman sent to investigate the attack on the American consulate in Benghazi. Hicks said a State Department lawyer accompanied the delegation and attempted to be in every single meeting he was involved in.


Read more:
Benghazi Witness Says State Dept. Told Him Not To Meet With Congressional Investigators

By their own actions, this proves that the State Dept. and the Obama administration are still trying to hide and stonewall their inept actions regarding the attack in Benghazi that cost the lives of 4 Americans and the maiming of others.

Why don't you baggers go back to the birth certificate thing, at least you we more entertaining then:dance::dance::laugh2::laugh2:

Why didn't Obama simply produce it instead of stalling for years?

He's an arrogant asshole, ain't he?

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