Beneath the anti-Trump Rage is an Irrational Fear of Freedom


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
Sad, but true. Leftists believe a single group of people should dictate our lives. Young people are being conditioned by our schools to believe that we should all be taken care of and let government make all the decisions for us. Then there are those mentally ill people who actually believe that they are superior to the rest of us and want to be part of that elite group that gets to call the shots.

"Why do so many people on the left side of political matters express “fear” whenever you disagree with them?

A reader told me “[A girl] I was friends with in high school (who ended up getting a PhD from Berkeley and going from free-thinking atheist to Catholic lawyer for the EPA) used to say that: ‘The idea of people deciding things on their own terrifies me.’ Direct quote. Swear to god.”

I have heard the same thing for years. “You scare me,” whenever I say I support something like a free market for health care, lower taxes for everyone, or a private market for education. I understand why concentration camps or racial supremacy are scary, but nobody I have ever met on the right has ever advocated such a thing. I would have nothing to do with them, if they did. It seems like what really scares progressives are a strong military and a strong assertion that your life belongs to you.

An irrational fear of individual liberty is widespread among progressives, and it’s consistent with their view that government must have a hand in just about every single thing we do: health care, education, highways, the amount of water we use, the amount of fuel we use, how our offices look, how our homes are constructed … just about everything. They might claim to celebrate “diversity,” but left unchecked, the progressive point-of-view would leave us thinking alike, sounding alike, looking alike and generally living in a one-size-fits-all society where, yes, abortion and gay marriage are legal, but just about everything else we do is based on some kind of government regulation or edict.

The woman in the example who’s scared of people deciding things for themselves has a problem. On the one side, she has an irrational fear of leaving people alone. To people like her, it’s not enough to have laws against theft, rape, assault or fraud, which are crimes that should certainly be prosecuted and punished. To people on the progressive side, it’s frightening to let freedom go that far. They don’t trust people, so (in their minds) people must be controlled right at the starting gate, so they never get a chance to do anything wrong or bad. Mind you, “wrong or bad,” in the progressive universe, does not merely consist of things like theft, rape, assault or fraud. Wrong or bad, to the progressive, is anything they dislike. That’s why they’re in favor of things like hate speech codes and imposing environmentally-friendly “green” standards (on Americans, not on anyone else), or prosecuting people for “Islamo-phobia” (a perfectly rational fear, by the way). It sends progressives into bouts of fear and rage to contemplate that maybe somehow, somewhere, somebody doesn’t see life or the world the way they do. That’s a real unhealthy problem."

Beneath the anti-Trump Rage is an Irrational Fear of Freedom
Sad, but true. Leftists believe a single group of people should dictate our lives. Young people are being conditioned by our schools to believe that we should all be taken care of and let government make all the decisions for us. Then there are those mentally ill people who actually believe that they are superior to the rest of us and want to be part of that elite group that gets to call the shots.

"Why do so many people on the left side of political matters express “fear” whenever you disagree with them?

A reader told me “[A girl] I was friends with in high school (who ended up getting a PhD from Berkeley and going from free-thinking atheist to Catholic lawyer for the EPA) used to say that: ‘The idea of people deciding things on their own terrifies me.’ Direct quote. Swear to god.”

I have heard the same thing for years. “You scare me,” whenever I say I support something like a free market for health care, lower taxes for everyone, or a private market for education. I understand why concentration camps or racial supremacy are scary, but nobody I have ever met on the right has ever advocated such a thing. I would have nothing to do with them, if they did. It seems like what really scares progressives are a strong military and a strong assertion that your life belongs to you.

An irrational fear of individual liberty is widespread among progressives, and it’s consistent with their view that government must have a hand in just about every single thing we do: health care, education, highways, the amount of water we use, the amount of fuel we use, how our offices look, how our homes are constructed … just about everything. They might claim to celebrate “diversity,” but left unchecked, the progressive point-of-view would leave us thinking alike, sounding alike, looking alike and generally living in a one-size-fits-all society where, yes, abortion and gay marriage are legal, but just about everything else we do is based on some kind of government regulation or edict.

The woman in the example who’s scared of people deciding things for themselves has a problem. On the one side, she has an irrational fear of leaving people alone. To people like her, it’s not enough to have laws against theft, rape, assault or fraud, which are crimes that should certainly be prosecuted and punished. To people on the progressive side, it’s frightening to let freedom go that far. They don’t trust people, so (in their minds) people must be controlled right at the starting gate, so they never get a chance to do anything wrong or bad. Mind you, “wrong or bad,” in the progressive universe, does not merely consist of things like theft, rape, assault or fraud. Wrong or bad, to the progressive, is anything they dislike. That’s why they’re in favor of things like hate speech codes and imposing environmentally-friendly “green” standards (on Americans, not on anyone else), or prosecuting people for “Islamo-phobia” (a perfectly rational fear, by the way). It sends progressives into bouts of fear and rage to contemplate that maybe somehow, somewhere, somebody doesn’t see life or the world the way they do. That’s a real unhealthy problem."

Beneath the anti-Trump Rage is an Irrational Fear of Freedom


do you mean like the freedom for gays to marry?

for muslims and atheists and pagans to have the same rights and equality as you christians?

or do you mean the freedom for right wing evangelical conservative christians to impose their agenda?
It's true! I absolutely HATE being free to buy the best quality/value goods I can find regardless of who makes them or where. That absolutely sucked rocks.

Hail Trump.

I also absolutely HATE the Fed continuing to hold US debt. This notion of the govts ability to run up debt being governed by how many foreign and private buyers think our debt is a good investment was ABSOLUTE SOCIALISM.

Hail Trump.
It's not irrational, these people can't live without their infinite stashes of free shit. Not to mention all the fake status that is bombarded towards them. The NPC zombie army is what we are dealing with.
Sad, but true. Leftists believe a single group of people should dictate our lives. Young people are being conditioned by our schools to believe that we should all be taken care of and let government make all the decisions for us. Then there are those mentally ill people who actually believe that they are superior to the rest of us and want to be part of that elite group that gets to call the shots.

"Why do so many people on the left side of political matters express “fear” whenever you disagree with them?

A reader told me “[A girl] I was friends with in high school (who ended up getting a PhD from Berkeley and going from free-thinking atheist to Catholic lawyer for the EPA) used to say that: ‘The idea of people deciding things on their own terrifies me.’ Direct quote. Swear to god.”

I have heard the same thing for years. “You scare me,” whenever I say I support something like a free market for health care, lower taxes for everyone, or a private market for education. I understand why concentration camps or racial supremacy are scary, but nobody I have ever met on the right has ever advocated such a thing. I would have nothing to do with them, if they did. It seems like what really scares progressives are a strong military and a strong assertion that your life belongs to you.

An irrational fear of individual liberty is widespread among progressives, and it’s consistent with their view that government must have a hand in just about every single thing we do: health care, education, highways, the amount of water we use, the amount of fuel we use, how our offices look, how our homes are constructed … just about everything. They might claim to celebrate “diversity,” but left unchecked, the progressive point-of-view would leave us thinking alike, sounding alike, looking alike and generally living in a one-size-fits-all society where, yes, abortion and gay marriage are legal, but just about everything else we do is based on some kind of government regulation or edict.

The woman in the example who’s scared of people deciding things for themselves has a problem. On the one side, she has an irrational fear of leaving people alone. To people like her, it’s not enough to have laws against theft, rape, assault or fraud, which are crimes that should certainly be prosecuted and punished. To people on the progressive side, it’s frightening to let freedom go that far. They don’t trust people, so (in their minds) people must be controlled right at the starting gate, so they never get a chance to do anything wrong or bad. Mind you, “wrong or bad,” in the progressive universe, does not merely consist of things like theft, rape, assault or fraud. Wrong or bad, to the progressive, is anything they dislike. That’s why they’re in favor of things like hate speech codes and imposing environmentally-friendly “green” standards (on Americans, not on anyone else), or prosecuting people for “Islamo-phobia” (a perfectly rational fear, by the way). It sends progressives into bouts of fear and rage to contemplate that maybe somehow, somewhere, somebody doesn’t see life or the world the way they do. That’s a real unhealthy problem."

Beneath the anti-Trump Rage is an Irrational Fear of Freedom


do you mean like the freedom for gays to marry?

for muslims and atheists and pagans to have the same rights and equality as you christians?

or do you mean the freedom for right wing evangelical conservative christians to impose their agenda?

Freedom to smoke pot.?

Freedom of a woman to control her body ?

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