Ben Shapiro just crushes it on The Last Jedi review. LOL,spoilers in this just so that you are aware


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013

This is hilarious stuff. It truly is amazing how badly the SJWs in this world are systematically destroying everything in our culture and making movies pure fucking bullshit.

You would have thought the director or creators would have taken the time to give us an idea of who Snoke was. Nothing. Not even an attempt to explain to any of us where he came from and how he was the most powerful sith ever and how he all of a sudden just became that. LOL!! Nothing, and that was a major question from the abortion better known as The Force Awaken.

Also, we have this bullshit about Rey. Where did she come from? It was pretty much established certain people are privy to having the force. This was ESTABLISHED part of the Lucas world and a narrative blown away in this bullshit movie. Turns out that Rey is just a girl who within a very short period of time is able to wield a light saber better than Luke or really anyone. Yeah, in our SJW, let us make sure a girl has that skill.....EYE ROLL. LOL

Let us also consider that since this bullshit movie has established that it is not bloodlines that makes only certain people ABLE to acquire the force, you would think that a whole hell of a lot more people would have that power. Like someone would have trained Han Solo in the art. Nope. We understood that he really couldn't cause he did not have the midichlorians. Which, is now officially blown the fuck out of the Lucas universe.

Talk about the weakest bullshit weapy little villain they could come up with in Kylo Ren. He had those midichlorians, was trained the arts of jedi fighting, was being formed to be a powerful sith lord and he was beaten down by a girl who had ZERO midichlorians, and had never ever ever wielded a light saber...ever.

That was the villain.


Also, what exactly did the resistance accomplish anyway? They destroyed the big moonbase (yet another "death star") and the first order is apparently not in any way phased. The only ones on the moonbase were useless members of the First Order.

There we are again with the Empire (first order) with a bunch of star destroyers chasing the poor feeble poor resistance in transport vessels.

Also, it is apparent too that the laws of space do not exist in that galaxy far far away. Like apparently there is gravity in space there. Like when they DROPPED THE PAY LOAD OF BOMBS ON THE DREADNAUGHT.


Anyway, if you are a Ben Shapiro fan, enjoy that. I did.
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Anyway, if you are a Ben Shapiro fan, enjoy that. I did.

Yeah, if you want to listen to Ben Shapiro whine about why the world doesn't embrace his selfishiness, that's awesome. I hear he was going to do a review of "It's a Wonderful Life" and whine about why they vilified the capitalist hero, Mr. Potter.

Also, we have this bullshit about Rey. Where did she come from? It was pretty much established certain people are privy to having the force. This was ESTABLISHED part of the Lucas world and a narrative blown away in this bullshit movie. Turns out that Rey is just a girl who within a very short period of time is able to wield a light saber better than Luke or really anyone. Yeah, in our SJW, let us make sure a girl has that skill.....EYE ROLL. LOL

Let us also consider that since this bullshit movie has established that it is not bloodlines that makes only certain people ABLE to acquire the force, you would think that a whole hell of a lot more people would have that power. Like someone would have trained Han Solo in the art. Nope. We understood that he really couldn't cause he did not have the midichlorians. Which, is now officially blown the fuck out of the Lucas universe.

Why did she have to come from somewhere. The biggest problem I had with how they established Jedi in the Prequels is that they claimed that Force Powers came through the blood (Midichlorians) but then they discouraged the Jedi from having relationships or sex. Anakin Skywalker was only able to pass on his bloodline because he broke the rules and banged Padme!


But could you blame the guy?
Talk about the weakest bullshit weapy little villain they could come up with in Kylo Ren. He had those midichlorians, was trained the arts of jedi fighting, was being formed to be a powerful sith lord and he was beaten down by a girl who had ZERO midichlorians, and had never ever ever wielded a light saber...ever.

Okay, couple of things here.

First, Rey bested him in a light-saber fight because Chewbacca had already shot him with a laser crossbow! It was also established in the Force Awakens that Ren really didn't have control over his powers. He was rash and impetuous.

Honestly, I'm kind of glad that we find out that Rey isn't related to anyone. Saves us from this kind of creepiness later.


Ah, the good old days when Star Wars appealed to the Red State Demographic!

Also, what exactly did the resistance accomplish anyway? They destroyed the big moonbase (yet another "death star") and the first order is apparently not in any way phased. The only ones on the moonbase were useless members of the First Order.

And how was that any different than Empire, where after the first Death Star was destroyed, we still saw Vader had that kickass cruiser and plenty of ability to stomp on the rebels? Personally, I always thought the ending of Jedi was a little unsatisfying in that just because the Emperor and Vader were dead, that the Empire would have fallen? Of course, it wouldn't have.

Also, it is apparent too that the laws of space do not exist in that galaxy far far away. Like apparently there is gravity in space there. Like when they DROPPED THE PAY LOAD OF BOMBS ON THE DREADNAUGHT.

Actually, there's a lot of explanations for that, such as the bombs themselves might have been magnetically attracted to their targets. This is the future, after all.

If you want to get really nitty gritty, the whole "Our ships are running out of fuel" thing is silly. In space, once you achieve a velocity, you don't need to expend any more fuel, unless you hit a gravity well like a planet or star.

This is hilarious stuff. It truly is amazing how badly the SJWs in this world are systematically destroying everything in our culture and making movies pure fucking bullshit.

Meh, only if you see SJW hiding in your closet and under your bed.

Here's the real problem I have with these new Star Wars movies. I'm not 15 anymore. I was 15 when the first Star Wars came out and it was impressive as hell, given how dull SF shows were up to that point.

Here's the thing. Watch the original Star Wars, preferable without a special edition version with new FX shots. The acting wasn't that good. Darth Vader is on screen for less than 19 minutes in the whole movie and his character isn't that important. Hamill, Fisher and Ford aren't very good at the whole acting thing, their line delivery is often flat. Peter Cushing and Alec Guinness were phoning it in. this was a paycheck for them.

If Empire wasn't a great movie, Star Wars probably would have been forgotten.

Who cares about hollywood reviews when the "Last Jedi" is still breaking box office records. Fans are still pouring in to to see the movie and can't seem to get enough of it. Disney is crying all the way to the bank.

Who cares about hollywood reviews when the "Last Jedi" is still breaking box office records. Fans are still pouring in to to see the movie and can't seem to get enough of it. Disney is crying all the way to the bank.

Okay, and that's fine. Disney spent a lot of money on Star Wars and they deserve to see a Return on Investment.

Hey, maybe that's what they need to call the Next one. Star Wars Episode IX:Return on Investment.

But here's the thing. It's not the critics who had a problem with Last Jedi. It's the long suffering Star Wars Fans who've suffered through awful Prequels and Sequels and Spinoffs trying to recapture the magic.


93% of Professional Critics - you know, the guys who went to cinema school and can tell you all about plot structure and camera angles- those guys liked it by 93%.

The fans, though, only about 55% liked it. I'd say I liked it, but I also found a lot wrong with it. The pacing sucked, the whole plot with Finn and Fat Asian Girl was pointless. (I'm just going to call her Fat Asian Girl). The Space Mutiny Plot was stupid.

Now, going back to your original point, let's actually say what Lucas did right. He took three years between movies on the original trilogy. He then waited 16 years to make the prequels, either to wait for the FX Technology to get where he wanted it to get to, or so he could cheat his ex-wife Marcia out of royalties. (Ironically, she's the one who saved the original Star Wars in Editing).

In short, he took his time to get the best product he possibly could.

Disney is cranking out one of these a year, alternating between Stand Alone movies and Chapters... And it shows.

This is hilarious stuff. It truly is amazing how badly the SJWs in this world are systematically destroying everything in our culture and making movies pure fucking bullshit.

You would have thought the director or creators would have taken the time to give us an idea of who Snoke was. Nothing. Not even an attempt to explain to any of us where he came from and how he was the most powerful sith ever and how he all of a sudden just became that. LOL!! Nothing, and that was a major question from the abortion better known as The Force Awaken.

Also, we have this bullshit about Rey. Where did she come from? It was pretty much established certain people are privy to having the force. This was ESTABLISHED part of the Lucas world and a narrative blown away in this bullshit movie. Turns out that Rey is just a girl who within a very short period of time is able to wield a light saber better than Luke or really anyone. Yeah, in our SJW, let us make sure a girl has that skill.....EYE ROLL. LOL

Let us also consider that since this bullshit movie has established that it is not bloodlines that makes only certain people ABLE to acquire the force, you would think that a whole hell of a lot more people would have that power. Like someone would have trained Han Solo in the art. Nope. We understood that he really couldn't cause he did not have the midichlorians. Which, is now officially blown the fuck out of the Lucas universe.

Talk about the weakest bullshit weapy little villain they could come up with in Kylo Ren. He had those midichlorians, was trained the arts of jedi fighting, was being formed to be a powerful sith lord and he was beaten down by a girl who had ZERO midichlorians, and had never ever ever wielded a light saber...ever.

That was the villain.


Also, what exactly did the resistance accomplish anyway? They destroyed the big moonbase (yet another "death star") and the first order is apparently not in any way phased. The only ones on the moonbase were useless members of the First Order.

There we are again with the Empire (first order) with a bunch of star destroyers chasing the poor feeble poor resistance in transport vessels.

Also, it is apparent too that the laws of space do not exist in that galaxy far far away. Like apparently there is gravity in space there. Like when they DROPPED THE PAY LOAD OF BOMBS ON THE DREADNAUGHT.


Anyway, if you are a Ben Shapiro fan, enjoy that. I did.

Perhaps you give movies too much power in your life. It's only a movie.
I loved too how Rose and her useless character stopped Fin from saving the day in order to get a kiss. I think.Somehow neither died in that collision. LOL!

By doing that, I am pretty sure she puts everyone in danger, but then the Skywalker projected hologram (a brand new power we never knew existed) comes in to save the day. Then again the useless Asian Rose didn't know that was going to happen.

We did learn that Phasma has blaster proof armor, I mean not the stormtrooper guys, but SHE did.

Luke Did say he was going to teach her three things about the force, but he only got to two things that I counted. Whatever he did not teach her (which was nothing) enabled her to move as many boulders as Yoda could though.

R2D2 and C3PO did show up and said....HI!!!! we are here too!!!! Anyone else find it rather hysterical how darth vader built the gayest robot in their galaxy? I do.

I loved the big ending climactic moment in the The Force Awaken when Rey drammtically hands Luke his light saber that had the ability to talk to her, and Luke tosses it over his shoulder. That was funny.

I have to admit I put off a little bit by the big alien sea cow assuming the position with the 4 tits waiting for Luke to come on over and squeeze them for green milk.

I think they did take some liberties though when they decided to turn Lea into Mary Poppins. Could have been a perfect way to gracefully end her character cause they are going to need to. But NO!!!!! They had her wake in the vacuum of space and fly back to some ship still there and not destroyed for some reason like Mary Poppins. Good thing too, cause her character played such a pivotal role from that point. Oooops, she was in a coma and then woke up later.


The movie was a big slow giant car chase where it happening in space where the first order waited for them to run out of fuel. Just waited there, waiting for them to run out of fuel.

I like too how the Rose and Fin character accomplished nothing. Nothing. Not one thing, and yet they were a big part of the movie.

Unless......their purpose was to free those cow horse dogs. Cause the Asian did say that was the one BIG thing they did and that made their trip ALL worth it. Even though those cow horse dogs would simply be recaught within 15 minutes of being set free.


These abortions are the fault of the SJWs. Make no mistake.
Darth Vader, one of the most evil figures in galactic history.

Luke: I know there is still good in you; I will not fight you father.

Ben Solo showed signs of going bad.

Luke: Hmm, maybe I should kill this kid.

Sounds legit to me.

The movie was a big slow giant car chase where it happening in space where the first order waited for them to run out of fuel. Just waited there, waiting for them to run out of fuel.

For that matter, why not just have half the fleet jump a little ahead of them using hyperdrive and box them in?

R2D2 and C3PO did show up and said....HI!!!! we are here too!!!! Anyone else find it rather hysterical how darth vader built the gayest robot in their galaxy? I do.

That's really not a complaint about this movie, that bit of stupidity is from Episode 1.

I like too how the Rose and Fin character accomplished nothing. Nothing. Not one thing, and yet they were a big part of the movie.

I loved too how Rose and her useless character stopped Fin from saving the day in order to get a kiss. I think.Somehow neither died in that collision. LOL!

By doing that, I am pretty sure she puts everyone in danger, but then the Skywalker projected hologram (a brand new power we never knew existed) comes in to save the day. Then again the useless Asian Rose didn't know that was going to happen.

So are you saying she's useless because she's Asian? I think the purpose of this character is to give an alternate love interest for Fin. So it can create a kind of awkward love triangle like you had in the original series. We can be pretty sure no one is related in this one.
As a Star Wars fan- and as someone who can still remember that thrilling night when I saw the first Star Wars movie- I can say I loved this film.

I can easily nitpick stuff- but this is space fantasy- the first Star Wars film could have been nitpicked to death but it was just too much fun.

I had fun with this movie. Far better than any of prequels, and it was I think the closest in spirit to the original 3 movies of any that I have seen since.

But hey- haters go to hate.

Me- I might go back and see it again.
They should stop making this storyline and start doing some real Star Wars stories. The plots and world of the "Old Republic" offers hundreds of fresh and solid storytelling material.

I grow weary of the 'Death Star" monologue.
Honestly Star Wars jumped the shark with the introduction of the Ewoks

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