Being played like a cheap fiddle


Platinum Member
Oct 25, 2019
What Lunatic Is Running This Floyd Hoax Madhouse? My Bet: the DNC

The link is to an article from, it seems to me, an apologist for all things godvernment. Not that I doubt the DNC is connected, but, to leave out the RNC is disingenuous, at best, intellectually dishonest at worst, maybe both. I do believe the possibility of yet another false flag by experts at flag waving to stir up trouble to use in future, which may or may not be distant.

The below is a comment from the article. I'm more inclined to agree with the commenter than the published apologist.

The fake virus was the cover for another huge theft by the elites like the bailout for the super rich in 08-09. People were starting see the Corona fraud so they had the media change scenes back to the race card and do the fake Floyd.

The left and the right are both elements of control from the top. The goal of the Zionists is to demoralize and destabilize western societies using the techniques from the Jewish Frankfurt School. Most of the riots are instigated by paid activists. It appears that some police departments are in on it too. The Elite’s aim to instigate enough problems so that people will demand action from the federal gov. The plan is to remove local control of the police and to nationalize them. All totalitarian states have a centrally controlled police to do the bidding of the bosses at the top. The Zionists have many key positions under their control. The Presidency has been since Woodrow Wilson, and none in the Senate will defy aIPAC and the other Jew groups and very few in the House will. It is easy for the CIA or other intelligence Agencies to stage false flag events like fake murders and Los Vegas type shootings since The Jews control all of the MSM. Everything the gov. does is a lie and a fraud. From the contrived world wars and the War on Terror to 911 and WMD’s it’s the same Zionist criminal syndicate at work.


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